This repository is best considered in two parts. The first is a CMSSW package (UserCode/ICHiggsTauTau), which follows the standard conventions:
- Physics object classes defined and implemented in the
directories - CMSSW modules defined and implemented in the plugins directory that covert CMSSW objects to these formats
- Configuration fragments for cmsRun jobs in the
directory - Complete configurations for cmsRun jobs in the
directory - Compiled using the
tool, which will produce ROOT dictionaries for the object classes following the specification in thesrc/classes.h
The second part is an offline analysis framework, organised into a series of packages within the Analysis
directory. This provides:
- A modular build system implemented with
- A simple framework for analysing events, in which the work is done by module classes, in a similar fashion to the CMSSW framework
- The same physics object classes from above are provided in the
package, with ROOT dictionaries built using the standardrootcint
method and steered by theObjects/interface/LinkDef.h
Documentation can be produced by running docs/
from within the ICHiggsTauTau directory. An up-to-date copy can always be found here:
The instructions for setting a CMSSW area with the ICHiggsTauTau package are reproduced below.
The following steps set up a new area, but note that only certain CMSSW releases are supported. All object classes and CMSSW modules compile should successfully with scram
in each of the supported CMSSW release series:
CMSSW_7_0_X, CMSSW_7_1_X, CMSSW_7_2_X, CMSSW_7_3_X
The official CMSSW repository is hosted here: If you do not already have a GitHub account, please read through the instructions at, in particular ensure you have configured git with your personal information:
git config --global [First Name] [Last Name]
git config --global [Email Address]
git config --global user.github [GitHub account name]
#If you are running at IC you also need to do: git config --global http.sslVerify false
#This extra line is not needed at CERN. Anywhere else if you see a fatal error message relating to SSL certificate problems it may be required
Before working with CMSSW in git, you will need to create a copy (or fork) of the official CMSSW repository in your own account at You will be able to store your own CMSSW branches and developments in this forked repository.
Create a new CMSSW area:
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc491
# Or older, e.g. slc5_amd64_gcc472, slc6_amd64_gcc481
scramv1 project CMSSW CMSSW_X_Y_Z
cd CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src/
Initialise this area for git by adding a single package:
git cms-addpkg FWCore/Version
# If you are not running on a machine based at CERN, this script will ask if you want to create a new reference repository.
# You should answer yes to this, and the script will copy the entire cmssw repository to your home folder,
# which will make setting up subsequent release areas a lot faster.
This command will have created two remote repositories, official-cmssw
and my-cmssw
. It will also have created and switched to a new branch, from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z
. An additional remote should be added which provides the pre-configured branches:
git remote add ic-cmssw
# fetch from the ic-cmssw remote repository and merge the from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z into your own local branch.
git pull ic-cmssw from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z
# Check which branch you actually need to merge in here. Descriptive names are useful, e.g. "higgstautau_from-CMSSW_5_3_7"
# At this point, if you run 'ls' you will not see any new packages in the release area.
# This is because the repository operates in sparse-checkout mode, hiding folders unless they are
# explicitly made visible. This is important, as we don't want to have to compile every single package.
# To make the packages visible that have been modified from the release tag, run these commands:
git cms-sparse-checkout CMSSW_X_Y_Z HEAD
git read-tree -mu HEAD
# You may optionally make other packages visible that depend on those which have been modified, so that
# they will be recompiled.
git-cms-checkdeps -a
# In principle this should have also been done when using CVS, but is still not essential.
Next, add the IC analysis code package:
git clone UserCode/ICHiggsTauTau
./UserCode/ICHiggsTauTau/ # (if exisits) This script performs a few final tasks in the new cmssw area
At this point everything is ready, and the working area can be compiled in the normal way with scram
. New developments that are relevant for everyone can be committed to a branch and pushed to central IC repository (ic-cmssw
). If you wish to test some new changes, or just share with specific people, it will be safer to work from a new branch, either based on the CMSSW release tag, or some commit on the from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z
branch, e.g.
git checkout -b my-analysis-from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z CMSSW_X_Y_Z # from the release tag
git checkout -b my-analysis-from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z from-CMSSW_X_Y_Z # from the pre-configured branch
... do some development ...
git push my-cmssw my-new-branch