ASCIIpOrtal is free software (as in freedom), feel free to look at the code and adapt it to suit your needs. As your release might be out-of-date, you might want to have a look at our Github repository first:
If you find a bug, please report it either on the issue tracker at Github or on the ASCIIpOrtal forum.
If you have some improvements or any change to the code in mind, please act according to this list:
- check the git repo. This may be already implemented but not released;
- check the issue tracker at Github;
- check the forum;
- if your idea hasn't been implemented yet, well, create a post on the forum first;
- code it for real.
If possible, fork the Github repo and fill a merge request when you're done. Another way to contribute code is to send out patches on the forum.
So far, ASCIIpOrtal has been known to work on the following systems:
- Windows (cross-compiled on a Linux box, but native compilation should work using Mingw);
- Linux 32 bits;
- Linux 64 bits;
- Mac OS X;
- GP2X;
If you want to add a new system to this list, you should start a new thread on the forum, as it often requires a lot work (getting SDL to run on the target system, handling user input, ...).
We officially release ASCIIpOrtal packages for the following systems:
- Windows: binary zip file;
- Linux: binary tarball for 32 and 64-bits, debian package (not yet available), Archlinux package (AUR);
- OS X Intel dmg (courtesy of cynddl, it might be sometimes outdated)
See the website for downloads: for the moment (it should become soon)
We would be very happy to add other systems to that list -- especially GP2X and DINGOO, since the code is already running on these.
To build the releases, we are relying on a custom Makefile set: see next section. The actual build is done on a 64 bits GNU/Linux system.
If you are willing to help, take a look at our Makefile set; it should be as easy as copying 'Makefile.example' and start editing it. Make sure to also read 'Makefile.common', and to add your port to the list in the main 'Makefile'.
If you get it to work well, please contribute with your Makefile as well as informations on how to compile ASCIIpOrtal for your target system. For your information, the build is expected to run on a 64 bits GNU/Linux machine.