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[Spec DB] Database

VyKing1406 edited this page Jul 7, 2023 · 15 revisions



The database is used to store all Freshemy data. More specifically, the database stores the following entity:

  • users
  • ratings
  • enrolled
  • categories
  • courses
  • courses_categories
  • sections
  • lessons

Database Management System (DBMS)

Freshemy use MySql to store and management data.

  • MySql is a SQL DBMS
  • MySql is a relational database
  • MySql stores data entity with tables and records

Data items

  • User
Associated Data Description Format
id (PK) Identifier code int
first_name User's first name varchar(25)
last_name User's last name varchar(25)
email User's email varchar(50)
dob User's day of birth date
created_at Day of creating account date
update_at Update's day inf (password) date
url_avatar Url of avatar text
description User's description. This field default is blank. Users can write this when creating an account. text


Associated Data Description Format
id (PK) Identifier code AI int
course_id (FK) Id of the assessed course Int
user_id (FK) Id of user create the rating Int
content Comment about this course text
created_at Day of create this rating date


Associated Data Description Format
id (PK) Identifier code int
user_id (FK) User id enrolled this course int
course_id (FK) Course id was enrolled int
created_at Day when user was enrolled date


Associated Data Description Format
id (PK) Identifier code int
title Title for the course: "Life", "Sport",... varchar(100)


Associated Data Description Format
id (PK) Identifier code int
user_id (FK) Id of the user who created this course int
slug Slug for video varchar(110)
tille title for course varchar(100)
summary Summary about this course varchar(255)
url_thumbnail Url for thumbnail of video varchar(100)
description More detail about this course text
is_delete Var to show soft delete Boolean (soft delete: 1), (default : 0)
status Status of course: Boolean (finish: 1), (updating : 0)
created_at Day of creating this course date
updated_at Day of update this course date


Associated Data Description Format
id (PK) Identifier code int
course_id (FK) Course id have category_id int
category_id (FK) Category id was assign for course_id int
created_at Day of create course date


Associated Data Description Format
id (PK) Identifier code int
course_id (FK) Course id include this section int
title Title of section varchar(100)
is_delete Var to show soft delete Boolean (soft delete : 1), (default : 0)
created_at Day of create this section date
updated_at Day of updating this section date


Associated Data Description Format
id (PK) Identifier code int
section_id (FK) section id include this lesson int
title title for lesson varchar(100)
is_deleted Var to show soft delete Boolean (soft delete: 1), (default : 0)
url_video Url of video in lesson varchar(100)
created_at Day of create this lesson date
updated_at Day of updating this lesson date