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CSYE 7125

Course Information

  • Course Title: Network Structure & Cloud Computing
  • Course Number: CSYE 7125
  • Term and Year: Fall 2023
  • Credit Hour: 4

Course CRNs

Section Campus CRN
01 Boston, MA 14560

Instructor Information



Assignment related questions must be posted in Canvas. Send all email correspondence to When you send me an email, please be sure to:

  • Send me emails from your NEU email address ONLY (note that emails sent from non-NEU email addresses may be detected as spam and will not be received or answered!)
  • Type "CSYE 7125" in the subject line.
  • Type your full name and NEU ID in the message in ENGLISH.

Emails will usually be answered within 48 hours. Responses may be delayed over the weekend or holidays.

Course Description

Microservices, containers, and container orchestration have fundamentally changed how distributed systems are developed...

Course Prerequisite(s)

  • Graduate level CSYE 6225 Minimum Grade of B

Topics Covered

  • Hybrid Cloud Computing
  • Hybrid Cloud Connectivity & VPC Peering
  • Linux containers
  • Container Orchestration w/Kubernetes
  • Version Control with Git
  • Computer Networking for multi-cloud connectivity
  • Microservices Architecture, Service Discovery, Load Balancers
  • Identity & Access Management
  • Infrastructure as Code w/Ansible
  • Continuous Integration, and Continuous Deployment w/Jenkins
  • Logging with Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana
  • Metrics with Prometheus, and Grafana
  • Auto-scaling Applications and Infrastructure
  • Sidecar pattern, Ambassador pattern, and Adapter pattern
  • Securing cloud applications and infrastructure
  • Extending Kubernetes w/Operators written in Go

Student Learning/Course Outcomes (SLOs)

  • Understand the difference between public, private, and hybrid cloud and be able to pick the right architecture for your computing environment needs.
  • Learn advanced cloud computing topics such as DNS, service discovery, load balancing, auto-scaling infrastructure, auto-scaling applications, metrics, monitoring, health checks, and logging.
  • Gain hands-on experience with Linux containers and container orchestration.
  • Learn to set up secure hybrid cloud environments with Infrastructure as Code concepts.
  • Hands-on experience with architecture patterns to aid migration of monolithic applications to the cloud.
  • Learn to architect and build microservices using concepts such as polyglot programming, polyglot persistence, scalability, reliability, and operational visibility.
  • Learn to implement GitOps, continuous integration, and continuous deployment for applications.
  • Understand the challenges of running distributed systems in the cloud and deploying them for high availability and high reliability.
  • Learn to extend Kubernetes with Operators.
  • Utilize the course content to select technologies you wish to use in your work or company.

Technical/Course Materials Requirements

There are no required textbooks for this course. However, you might find books and reading material listed in lectures helpful in mastering the topics covered in this course. Many of these books are available to you free of charge via Northeastern University's Safari Learning Platform (O'Reilly) subscription. Students are solely responsible for cost to acquire tools listed below. Northeastern University, College of Engineering, and the instructor will not be responsible for any charges incurred. Sign-ups with cloud service providers might require a valid credit or debit card even for free tiers.

Recommended Books


  • The Little Go Book
  • The Go Programming Language

Kubernetes / OpenShift

  • Kubernetes in Action (ISBN: 9781617293726)
  • OpenShift in Action (ISBN: 9781617294839)

Distributed Systems

  • Designing Distributed Systems (ISBN: 9781491983645). Download ebook from here.
  • Designing Data-Intensive Applications (ISBN: 9781449373320)

Containers / Docker

  • Docker: Up & Running (ISBN: 9781491917572)
  • Docker in Action (ISBN: 9781633430235)
  • Docker in Practice (ISBN: 9781617294808)


  • Pro Git (ISBN: 9781484200773)

Cloud Computing

  • Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture (ISBN: 9780133387520)
  • Google Cloud Platform in Action (ISBN: 9781617293528)
  • Amazon Web Services in Action (ISBN: 9781617292880)

DevOps / SRE

  • Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems (ISBN: 9781491929124). This book is also available online for free on Google’s site.
  • The Phoenix Project (ISBN: 9780988262508)
  • The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations (ISBN: 9781942788003)


  • UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook (ISBN: 9780131480056)
  • The Linux Command Line (ISBN: 9781593273897)
  • Linux Documentation

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to complete course readings, participate in class discussions or other learning activities during the unit, and complete written assignments for each unit during the time of that unit. It is understood that there might be one week when active participation in ongoing class conversations and learning activities might be delayed. Beyond one week time, if there is an absence or lateness in participation (1) faculty must be notified in advance; (2) grades will be adjusted accordingly.


Students will be assigned assignments at the end of the lecture. Assignment due dates will be posted with each assignment. Given that an assignment is due every week, if you fall behind on an assignment, it will be extremely difficult to catch up as the next assignment depends on it.

Assignment Grading


Grading & Evaluation Standards

Grading will be based on the absolute grading system. In this grading system, a range of point values is assigned to a letter grade. The grading is absolute, irrespective of the grade of other students in the class. I do not round scores to the closest percentage.

Grading Scheme

Letter Grade Range
A 100% to 95.0%
A- < 95.0% to 90.0%
B+ < 90.0% to 87.0%
B < 87.0% to 84.0%
B- < 84.0% to 80.0%
C+ < 80.0% to 77.0%
C < 77.0% to 74.0%
C- < 74.0% to 70.0%
F < 70.0% to 00.0%

Grade Breakdown

Grades Percentage
Assignments & Projects 60%
Exams 25%
Participation & Discussion 15%

Late Work Policy

Students must submit assignments by the deadline in the time zone noted in the syllabus. Students must communicate with the faculty prior to the deadline if they anticipate work will be submitted late. Work submitted late without prior communication with faculty will not be graded.

Assignments and Grading are expected to be completed by their respective due date. A 10% penalty applies for every day the assignment submission and/or demo is late after the due date. An assignment that is late 10 days or more will receive 0 points.


In-person, subject-type pen and paper exam for 100 marks.

End-of-Course Evaluation Surveys

Your feedback regarding your educational experience in this class is particularly important to the College of Professional Studies. Your comments will make a difference in the future planning and presentation of our curriculum.

At the end of this course, please take the time to complete the evaluation survey at Your survey responses are completely anonymous and confidential. For courses 6 weeks in length or shorter, surveys will be open one week prior to the end of the courses; for courses greater than 6 weeks in length, surveys will be open for two weeks. An email will be sent to your Husky Mail account notifying you when surveys are available.

Academic Integrity

A commitment to the principles of academic integrity is essential to the mission of Northeastern University. The promotion of independent and original scholarship ensures that students derive the most from their educational experience and their pursuit of knowledge. Academic dishonesty violates the most fundamental values of an intellectual community and undermines the achievements of the entire University.

As members of the academic community, students must become familiar with their rights and responsibilities. In each course, they are responsible for knowing the requirements and restrictions regarding research and writing, examinations of whatever kind, collaborative work, the use of study aids, the appropriateness of assistance, and other issues. Students are responsible for learning the conventions of documentation and acknowledgment of sources in their fields. Northeastern University expects students to complete all examinations, tests, papers, creative projects, and assignments of any kind according to the highest ethical standards, as set forth either explicitly or implicitly in this Code or by the direction of instructors.

Go to to access the full academic integrity policy.

Academic Integrity Violation

Academic integrity violation will result in an automatic F grade in the course. You may also be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution for further disciplinary action.

University Health and Counseling Services

As a student enrolled in this course, you are fully responsible for assignments, work, and course materials as outlined in this syllabus and in the classroom. Over the course of the semester if you experience any health issues, please contact UHCS.

For more information, visit Northeastern University Health and Counseling Services.

Student Accommodations

Northeastern University and the Disability Resource Center (DRC) are committed to providing disability services that enable students who qualify under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) to participate fully in the activities of the university. To receive accommodations through the DRC, students must provide appropriate documentation that demonstrates a current substantially limiting disability.

For more information, visit Disability Resource Center.

Library Services

The Northeastern University Library is at the hub of campus intellectual life. Resources include over 900,000 print volumes, 206,500 e-books, and 70,225 electronic journals.

For more information and for Education specific resources, visit

24/7 Canvas Technical Help

Diversity and Inclusion

Northeastern University is committed to equal opportunity, affirmative action, diversity and social justice while building a climate of inclusion on and beyond campus. In the classroom, member of the University community work to cultivate an inclusive environment that denounces discrimination through innovation, collaboration and an awareness of global perspectives on social justice.

Please visit for complete information on Diversity and Inclusion.

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects individuals from sex or gender-based discrimination, including discrimination based on gender-identity, in educational programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance.

Northeastern’s Title IX Policy prohibits Prohibited Offenses, which are defined as sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship or domestic violence, and stalking. The Title IX Policy applies to the entire community, including male, female, transgender students, faculty, and staff. In case of an emergency, please call 911.

Please visit for a complete list of reporting options and resources both on- and off-campus.