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459 lines (248 loc) · 10 KB


A form element that lets users choose a single item from a list of items.



Adds aria-describedby to the component. If you're using this component within a form field, don't set this property because the form field component automatically sets it. Use this property if the component isn't surrounded by a form field, or you want to override the value automatically set by the form field (for example, if you have two components within a single form field).

To use it correctly, define an ID for each element that you want to use as a description and set the property to a string of each ID separated by spaces (for example, "id1 id2 id3").

Type: String

Required: No


Adds aria-label to the select element.

Type: String

Required: No


Adds aria-labelledby to the component. If you're using this component within a form field, don't set this property because the form field component automatically sets it. Use this property if the component isn't surrounded by a form field, or you want to override the value automatically set by the form field (for example, if you have two components within a single form field).

To use it correctly, define an ID for the element you want to use as label and set the property to that ID.

Type: String

Required: No


Adds aria-required to the native input element.

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Valid values: true | false

Required: No


Adds the specified classes to the root element of the component.

Type: String

Required: No


Specifies the ID for the trigger component. It uses an automatically generated ID by default.

Type: String

Required: No


Determines whether the whole select component is disabled.

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Valid values: true | false

Required: No


Specifies the text to display when a data fetching error occurs. Make sure that you provide recoveryText.

Type: String

Required: No


By default, the dropdown height is constrained to fit inside the height of its parent element. Enabling this property will allow the dropdown to extend beyond its parent, using fixed positioning and React Portals. Enable this setting if you need the dropdown to ignore overflow: hidden or scroll parents, such as in a split view layout. We do not recommend enabling this property if you don't have this requirement, because fixed positioning results in slight visible lag when scrolling complex pages. Use with discretion.

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Valid values: true | false

Required: No


Adds an aria-label on the built-in filtering input if filtering is enabled.

Type: String

Required: No


Specifies the placeholder to display in the filtering input if filtering is enabled.

Type: String

Required: No


Determines how filtering is applied to the list of options:

  • auto - The component will automatically filter options based on user input.
  • manual - You will set up onChange or onLoadItems event listeners and filter options on your side or request them from server. By default the component will filter the provided options based on the value of the filtering input field. Only options that have a value or label that contains the input value as a substring are displayed in the list of options.

If you set this property to manual, this default filtering mechanism is disabled and all provided options are displayed in the dropdown list. In that case make sure that you use the onChange or onLoadItems events in order to set the options property to the options that are relevant for the user, given the filtering input value.

Note: Manual filtering doesn't disable match highlighting.

Type: String

Default: 'none'

Valid values: none | auto | manual

Required: No


Specifies the text to display at the bottom of the dropdown menu after pagination has reached the end.

Type: String

Required: No


Adds the specified ID to the root element of the component.

Type: String

Required: No


Overrides the invalidation state. Usually the invalid state comes from the parent FormField / awsui-form-field component, however sometimes you need to override its state when you have more than one input within a single form field.

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Valid values: true | false

Required: No


Specifies the text to display when in the loading state.

Type: String

Required: No


Deprecated, has no effect.

Type: String

Required: No


Specifies an array of options that are displayed to the user as a dropdown list. The options can be grouped using OptionGroup objects. Note: Only one level of option nesting is supported.

If you want to use the built-in filtering capabilities of this component, provide a list of all valid options here and they will be automatically filtered based on the user's filtering input.

Alternatively, you can listen to the onChange or onLoadItems event and set new options on your own.

Type: SelectProps.Options

Default: []

Required: No


Specifies the hint text that's displayed in the field when no option has been selected.

Type: String

Required: No


Specifies the text for the recovery button. The text is displayed next to the error text. Use the onLoadItems event to perform a recovery action (for example, retrying the request).

Type: String

Required: No


Overrides the element that is announced to screen readers when the highlighted option changes. By default, this announces the option's name and properties, and its selected state if the selectedLabel property is defined. The highlighted option is provided, and its group (if groups are used and it differs from the group of the previously highlighted option). For more information, see the accessibility guidelines.


  option: SelectProps.Option,
  group: SelectProps.OptionGroup
) => string

Required: No


Specifies the localized string that describes an option as being selected. This is required to provide a good screen reader experience. For more information, see the accessibility guidelines.

Type: String

Required: No


Specifies the currently selected option. If you want to clear the selection, use null.

Type: SelectProps.Option | null

Required: Yes


Specifies the current status of loading more options.

  • pending - Indicates that no request in progress, but more options may be loaded.
  • loading - Indicates that data fetching is in progress.
  • finished - Indicates that pagination has finished and no more requests are expected.
  • error - Indicates that an error occurred during fetch. You should use recoveryText to enable the user to recover.

Type: String

Default: 'finished'

Valid values: pending | loading | finished | error

Required: No


Defines the variant of the trigger. You can use a simple label or the entire option (label | option)

Type: String

Default: 'label'

Valid values: label | option

Required: No


If you have more than 500 options, enable this flag to apply a performance optimization that makes the filtering experience smoother. We don't recommend enabling the feature if you have less than 500 options, because the improvements to performance are offset by a visible scrolling lag. When you set this flag to true, it removes options that are not currently in view from the DOM. If your test accesses such options, you need to first scroll the options container to the correct offset, before performing any operations on them. Use the element returned by the findOptionsContainer test utility for this.

Type: Boolean

Default: false

Valid values: true | false

Required: No



Displayed when there are no options to display. This is only shown when statusType is set to finished or not set at all.


Displayed for filteringType="auto" when there are no matches for the filtering.



Called when input focus is removed from the UI control.

Cancelable: No


Called when the user selects an option. The event detail contains the current selectedOption.

Detail type:

SelectProps.ChangeDetail {
  selectedOption: SelectProps.Option

Cancelable: No


Called when input focus is set onto the UI control.

Cancelable: No


Use this event to implement the asynchronous behavior for the component. The event is called in the following situations:

  • The user scrolls to the end of the list of options, if statusType is set to pending.
  • The user clicks on the recovery button in the error state.
  • The user types inside the input field.
  • The user focuses the input field.

The detail object contains the following properties:

  • filteringText - The value that you need to use to fetch options.
  • firstPage - Indicates that you should fetch the first page of options that match the filteringText.
  • samePage - Indicates that you should fetch the same page that you have previously fetched (for example, when the user clicks on the recovery button).

Detail type:

OptionsLoadItemsDetail {
  filteringText: string
  firstPage: boolean
  samePage: boolean

Cancelable: No

Ref functions


Sets focus on the element without opening the dropdown or showing a visual focus indicator.

License Summary

The documentation is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. See the LICENSE file.