I TDD'd starting from LinkExtractor (which then became "wrapped" by PageProcessor). FollowPolicy quickly became "injectable" (although I don't actually use any DI framework; I just construct the wired-up production stuff in Main
), and lastly LinkNormalizer. LinkNormalizer was sadly the place where I spent most effort - because instead of noticing that java.net.URL has most of the stuff I wanted in order to general URLs from relative URL HREFs, I invented my own at first. Which is tedious. Then I ripped most of that invented code out and delegated to java.net.URL instead.
is the entry point. It starts a traversal of the link "graph" starting from the initial URL.
is a the strategy used to decide whether to follow the link and keep on extracting.
is in charge of actually downloading the pages. It's the big piece of code without tests. It's mostly StackOverflow-borrowed Apache HttpClient code.
grabs the <A HREF> links (using regular expressions, and yes, I know that's my first problem...)
attempts to scrub the extracted links and normalize them.
is just a wrapper around Commons-Lang Pair<T,R>
, adding toString
(and making the code cleaner to look at).
is the Crawler's private "state". It remembers where it's been (to avoid circular paths, and to allow output at the end).