Mathematica notebook to study four-vector notations. In particular, this is a companion repository to the paper 2310.03804, used to prove the four vector extension of the spin decomposition
The package xAct is necessary to run the codes.
One can simply clone the repository and then open the notebooks. (Alternatively, it is possible to click on "View Raw" file, select all text (Ctrl A), copy it (Ctrl C), paste it (Ctrl V) into an empty Mathematica page and select "Yes" to interpreting the text.)
Spin Decomposition - This notebook allows to prove the spin decomposition, Eq(18) to Eq(20) of the companion paper, as well as general comments about the choice of the gauge in the supplementary information 2310.03804. More generally, it can also easily be extended to manipulate any cumbersome computations such as
$F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu}$ ,$F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \alpha}$ etc.
- Claire Rigouzzo
- Sebastian Golat