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File metadata and controls

813 lines (649 loc) · 29.9 KB

Table of contents


It's possible to manage serverless applications from the cozy stack and serve them via cozy stack. The stack does the routing and serve the HTML and the assets for the applications. The assets of the applications are installed in the virtual file system.

Install an application

The manifest

To install an application, cozy needs a manifest. It's a JSON document that describes the application (its name and icon for example), how to install it and what it needs for its usage (the permissions in particular). While we have considered to use the same manifest format as the W3C for PWAs, it didn't match our expectations. The manifest format for FirefoxOS is a better fit. We took a lot of inspirations from it, starting with the filename for this file: manifest.webapp.

Field Description
name the name to display on the home
name_prefix the prefix to display with the name
slug the default slug (it can be changed at install time)
editor the editor's name to display on the cozy-bar of the app
icon an icon for the home
screenshots an array of path to the screenshots of the application
category the category of the application
short_description a short description of the application
long_description a long description of the application
source where the files of the app can be downloaded
developer name and url for the developer
locales translations of the name and description fields in other locales
langs list of languages tags supported by the application
version the current version number
license the SPDX license identifier
platforms a list of type, url values for derivate of the application for other devices
intents a list of intents provided by this app (see here for more details)
permissions a map of permissions needed by the app (see here for more details)
notifications a map of notifications needed by the app (see here for more details)
services a map of the services associated with the app (see below for more details)
routes a map of routes for the app (see below for more details)
mobile information about app's mobile version (see below for more details)
accept_from_flagship boolean stating if the app is compatible with the Flagship app's "OS Receive" feature
accept_documents_from_flagship when accept_from_flagship is true, defines what can be uploaded to the app (see here for more details)


A route make the mapping between the requested paths and the files. It can have an index, which is an HTML file, with a token injected on it that identify the application. This token must be used with the user cookies to use the services of the cozy-stack (except in the cases of a shared by link page).

By default, a route can be only visited by the authenticated owner of the instance where the app is installed. But a route can be marked as public. In that case, anybody can visit the route.

For example, an application can offer an administration interface on /admin, a public page on /public, and shared assets in /assets:

    "/admin": {
        "folder": "/",
        "index": "admin.html",
        "public": false
    "/public": {
        "folder": "/public",
        "index": "index.html",
        "public": true
    "/assets": {
        "folder": "/public-assets",
        "public": true

If an application has no routes in its manifest, the stack will create one route, this default one:

    "/": {
        "folder": "/",
        "index": "index.html",
        "public": false

Note: if you have a public route, it's probably better to put the app icon in it. So, the cozy-bar can display it for the users that go on the public part of the app.

When the stack receives a request, it chooses the more specific route that matches, then it looks inside the associated folder to find the file, and send it. If the route is an exact match, the file will be the index, and it will be interpreted as a template, cf the list of variables.

For example, with the previous routes, a request to /admin will use the file /admin.html as a template for the response. And a request to /assets/css/theme.css will use the file /public-assets/css/theme.css.


Application may require background and offline process to analyse the user's data and emit some notification or warning even without the user being on the application. These part of the application are called services and can be declared as part of the application in its manifest.

In contrast to konnectors, services have the same permissions as the web application and are not intended to collect outside informations but rather analyse the current set of collected information inside the cozy. However they share the same mechanisms as the konnectors to describe how and when they should be executed: via our trigger system.

To define a service, first the code needs to be stored with the application content, as single (packaged) javascript files. In the manifest, declare the service and its parameters following this example:

    "services": {
        "low-budget-notification": {
            "type": "node",
            "file": "/services/low-budget-notification.js",
            "trigger": "@cron 0 0 0 * * *"
        // ...

The trigger field should follow the available triggers described in the jobs documentation. The file field should specify the service code run and the type field describe the code type (only "node" for now).

If you need to know more about how to develop a service, please check the how-to documentation here.

Note: it is possible to declare a service with no trigger. For example, this can be used when the service is programmatically called from another service.

Available fields to the service

During the service execution, the stack will give some environment variables to the service if you need to use them, available with process.env[FIELD]. Once again, it's the stack that gives those variables. So if you're developing a service and using a script to execute/test your service, you won't get those variables.

- "COZY_URL" # Cozy URL
- "COZY_CREDENTIALS" # The cozy app related token
- "COZY_LANGUAGE" # Lang used for the service (ex: node)
- "COZY_LOCALE" # Locale of the Cozy
- "COZY_TIME_LIMIT" # Maximum execution time. After this, the job will be killed
- "COZY_JOB_ID" # Job ID
- "COZY_COUCH_DOC" # The CouchDB document which triggers the service


For more informations on how te declare notifications in the manifest, see the notifications documentation.

Here is an example:

    "notifications": {
        "account-balance": {
            "description": "Alert the user when its account balance is negative",
            "collapsible": true, // only interested in the last value of the notification
            "multiple": true, // require sub-categories for each account
            "stateful": false,
            "default_priority": "high", // high priority for this notification
            "templates": {
                "mail": "file:./notifications/account-balance-mail.tpl"


Application may exist on mobile platforms. When it is the case, manifest can contain informations about the mobile apps.

On a mobile device and on a native context, this attribute can be used to open the native mobile app from any another Cozy app.

Following attributes should be set:

  • schema: the app's scheme that can be used to open it
  • id_playstore: the app's ID on the Google PlayStore
  • id_appstore: the app's ID on the Apple AppStore

Example of mobile attribute for Cozy Pass:

"mobile": {
  "schema": "cozypass://",
  "id_playstore": "io.cozy.pass",
  "id_appstore": "cozy-pass/id1502262449"

Resource caching

To help caching of applications assets, we detect the presence of a unique identifier in the name of assets: a unique identifier is matched when the file base name contains a long hexadecimal subpart between '.', of at least 10 characters. For instance app.badf00dbadf00d.js or icon.badbeefbadbeef.1.png.

With such a unique identifier, the asset is considered immutable, and a long cache-control is added on corresponding HTTP responses.

We recommend the use of bundling tools like webpack which offer the possibility to add such identifier on the building step of the application packages for all assets.


Here is the available sources, defined by the scheme of the source URL:

  • registry://: to install an application from the instance registries
  • git://, git+ssh://, or git+https://: to install an application from a git repository
  • http:// or https://: to install an application from an http server (via a tarball)
  • file://: to install an application from a local directory (for instance: file:///home/user/code/cozy-app)

The registry scheme expect the following elements:

  • scheme: registry
  • host: the name of the application
  • path: /:channel the channel of the application (see the registry doc)

Examples: registry://drive/stable, registry://drive/beta, and registry://drive/dev.

For the git scheme, the fragment in the URL can be used to specify which branch to install.

For the http and https schemes, the fragment can be used to give the expected sha256sum.

POST /apps/:slug

Install an application, ie download the files and put them in /apps/:slug in the virtual file system of the user, create an io.cozy.apps document, register the permissions, etc.

This endpoint is asynchronous and returns a successful return as soon as the application installation has started, meaning we have successfully reached the manifest and started to fetch application data.

To make this endpoint synchronous, use the header Accept: text/event-stream. This will make a eventsource stream sending the manifest and returning when the application has been installed or failed.

Status codes

  • 202 Accepted, when the application installation has been accepted.
  • 400 Bad-Request, when the manifest of the application could not be processed (for instance, it is not valid JSON).
  • 404 Not Found, when the manifest or the source of the application is not reachable.
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity, when the sent data is invalid (for example, the slug is invalid or the Source parameter is not a proper or supported url)


Parameter Description
Source URL from where the app can be downloaded (only for install)

The Source parameter is optional: by default, the stable channel of the registry will be used.


POST /apps/emails?Source=git:// HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
  "data": [{
    "id": "4cfbd8be-8968-11e6-9708-ef55b7c20863",
    "type": "io.cozy.apps",
    "meta": {
      "rev": "1-7a1f918147df94580c92b47275e4604a"
    "attributes": {
      "name": "calendar",
      "state": "installing",
      "slug": "calendar",
    "links": {
      "self": "/apps/calendar"

Note: it's possible to choose a git branch by passing it in the fragment like this:

POST /apps/emails-dev?Source=git:// HTTP/1.1

PUT /apps/:slug

Update an application with the specified slug name.

This endpoint is asynchronous and returns a successful return as soon as the application installation has started, meaning we have successfully reached the manifest and started to fetch application data.

To make this endpoint synchronous, use the header Accept: text/event-stream. This will make a eventsource stream sending the manifest and returning when the application has been updated or failed.


PUT /apps/emails HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json


HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
  "data": [{
    "id": "4cfbd8be-8968-11e6-9708-ef55b7c20863",
    "type": "io.cozy.apps",
    "meta": {
      "rev": "1-7a1f918147df94580c92b47275e4604a"
    "attributes": {
      "name": "calendar",
      "state": "installing",
      "slug": "calendar",
    "links": {
      "self": "/apps/calendar"

Status codes

  • 202 Accepted, when the application installation has been accepted.
  • 400 Bad-Request, when the manifest of the application could not be processed (for instance, it is not valid JSON).
  • 404 Not Found, when the application with the specified slug was not found or when the manifest or the source of the application is not reachable.
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity, when the sent data is invalid (for example, the slug is invalid or the Source parameter is not a proper or supported url)

Advanced usage

Two optional query parameters are available for an app update:

  • PermissionsAcked: (defaults to false)

    • Tells that the user accepted the permissions/ToS. It is useful if there are newer permissions or Terms Of Service and you want to be sure they were read or accepted. If set to false, the update will be blocked and the user will be told that a new app version is available.

    Note: PermissionsAcked can be skipped. If an instance is in a context configured with the parameter permissions_skip_verification sets to true, permissions verification will be ignored.

  • Source (defaults to SourceURL installation parameter):

    • Use a different source to update this app (e.g. to install a beta or dev app version)
  • You have an email application on a stable channel, and you want to update it to a particular beta version:
PUT /apps/emails?Source=registry://drive/1.0.0-beta HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
  • You want to attempt the email app update, but prevent it if new permissions were added
PUT /apps/emails?PermissionsAcked=false HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json

You can combine these parameters to use a precise app version and stay on another channel (when permissions are different):

  • Install a version (e.g. 1.0.0)
  • Ask an update to stable channel with PermissionsAcked to false
  • Source will be stable, and your version remains 1.0.0

List installed applications

GET /apps/

An application can be in one of these states:

  • installed, the application is installed but still require some user interaction to accept its permissions
  • ready, the user can use it
  • installing, the installation is running and the app will soon be usable
  • upgrading, a new version is being installed
  • errored, the app is in an error state and can not be used.


GET /apps/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
  "data": [{
    "id": "4cfbd8be-8968-11e6-9708-ef55b7c20863",
    "type": "io.cozy.apps",
    "meta": {
      "rev": "2-bbfb0fc32dfcdb5333b28934f195b96a"
    "attributes": {
      "name": "calendar",
      "state": "ready",
      "slug": "calendar",
    "links": {
      "self": "/apps/calendar",
      "icon": "/apps/calendar/icon",
      "related": ""
  "links": {},
  "meta": {
    "count": 1

This endpoint is paginated, default limit is currently 100. Two flags are available to retreieve the other apps if there are more than 100 apps installed:

  • limit
  • start_key: The first following doc ID of the next apps

The links object contains a ǹext generated-link for the next docs.


GET /apps/?limit=50 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
  "data": [{
    "id": "4cfbd8be-8968-11e6-9708-ef55b7c20863",
    "type": "io.cozy.apps",
    "meta": {
      "rev": "2-bbfb0fc32dfcdb5333b28934f195b96a"
    "attributes": {
      "name": "calendar",
      "state": "ready",
      "slug": "calendar",
    "links": {
      "self": "/apps/calendar",
      "icon": "/apps/calendar/icon",
      "related": ""
  }, {...}],
  "links": {
    "next": ""
  "meta": {
    "count": 50

Get informations about an application

GET /apps/:slug

This route is used to retrieve informations about an application installed on the cozy. By calling this route, the application will be updated synchronously.


GET /apps/calendar HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
  "data": {
    "id": "4cfbd8be-8968-11e6-9708-ef55b7c20863",
    "type": "io.cozy.apps",
    "meta": {
      "rev": "2-bbfb0fc32dfcdb5333b28934f195b96a"
    "attributes": {
      "name": "calendar",
      "state": "ready",
      "slug": "calendar",
    "links": {
      "self": "/apps/calendar",
      "icon": "/apps/calendar/icon",
      "related": ""

Get the icon of an application

GET /apps/:slug/icon


GET /apps/calendar/icon HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: image/svg+xml
<svg xmlns="" width="60" height="60" viewBox="0 0 60 60">
<path fill="#fff" fill-opacity=".011" d="M30 58.75c15.878 0 28.75-12.872 28.75-28.75s-12.872-28.75-28.75-28.75-28.75 12.872-28.75 28.75 12.872 28.75 28.75 28.75zm0 1.25c-16.569 0-30-13.432-30-30 0-16.569 13.431-30 30-30 16.568 0 30 13.431 30 30 0 16.568-13.432 30-30 30z"/>
<path d="M47.997 9h-35.993c-1.654 0-3.004 1.345-3.004 3.004v35.993c0 1.653 1.345 3.004 3.004 3.004h35.993c1.653 0 3.004-1.345 3.004-3.004v-35.993c0-1.654-1.345-3.004-3.004-3.004zm-35.997 3.035h4.148v2.257c0 .856.7 1.556 1.556 1.556s1.556-.7 1.556-1.556v-2.257h5.136v2.257c0 .856.7 1.556 1.556 1.556s1.556-.7 1.556-1.556v-2.257h5.137v2.257c0 .856.699 1.556 1.556 1.556s1.556-.7 1.556-1.556v-2.257h5.137v2.257c0 .856.699 1.556 1.556 1.556s1.556-.7 1.556-1.556v-2.257h3.992v6.965h-35.998v-6.965zm36 35.965h-36v-27h36v27zm-21.71-10.15c-.433.34-.997.51-1.69.51-.64 0-1.207-.137-1.7-.409-.493-.273-.933-.603-1.32-.99l-1.1 1.479c.453.508 1.027.934 1.72 1.28.693.347 1.56.521 2.6.521.613 0 1.19-.083 1.73-.25.54-.167 1.013-.407 1.42-.721.407-.312.727-.696.96-1.149.233-.453.35-.974.35-1.56 0-.841-.25-1.527-.75-2.061s-1.13-.9-1.89-1.1v-.08c.693-.268 1.237-.641 1.63-1.12.393-.48.59-1.08.59-1.8 0-.533-.1-1.01-.3-1.43-.2-.42-.48-.772-.84-1.06-.36-.287-.793-.503-1.3-.65-.507-.147-1.067-.22-1.68-.22-.76 0-1.45.147-2.07.44s-1.203.68-1.75 1.16l1.18 1.42c.387-.36.783-.65 1.19-.87.407-.22.863-.33 1.37-.33.587 0 1.047.15 1.25 0 .293-.057.566-.17.819-.113.253-.3.47-.56.65-.26.18-.6.319-1.02.42-.42.1-.943.149-1.57.149v1.681c.72 0 1.32.05 0 .602-.217 1.072-.65 1.412zm13.71.15h-3v-11h-2c-.4.24-.65.723-1.109.89-.461.167-1.25.49-1.891.61v1.5h3v8h-3v2h8v-2z"/>

Download the code of an app

This endpoint is used by the flagship app to download the code of an application, in order to use it even while offline.

GET /apps/:slug/download & GET /apps/:slug/download/:version

The first route will download a tarball of the source code of the latest installed version of the application. The second route will force a specific version of an app (and a 412 Precondition failed may be sent if the code of this specific version is not available).


GET /apps/drive/download/3.0.1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer flagship-token


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/gzip

When the application has been installed from the registry, the stack will respond with a redirect to the registry. In that case, the downloaded tarball can be gzipped or not (the registry allows both). When the application is installed from another source, the stack will create a gzipped tarball and send it to the client.

Open an application inside the flagship app

This endpoint can be used by the flagship app to get all the parameters needed to open a webview for a Cozy webapp. It includes a cookie for a session, and the values for filling the HTML template.

GET /apps/:slug/open


GET /apps/drive/open HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
Authorization: Bearer flagship-token

Note: it is possible to send a cookie in HTTP headers to use the corresponding session when opening the webapp.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
  "data": {
    "id": "da903430-af6e-013a-8b14-18c04daba326",
    "type": "",
    "attributes": {
      "Cookie": "sess-cozyfa713dc4b104110f181959012ef2e0c5=AAAAAGJ1GI8zZDZlNTJhZTgxNThhY2VlMjhhMjE1NTY3ZTA1OTYyOCZ9ShFEsLD-2cb9bUdvYSg91XRw919a5oK1VxfshaZB; Path=/;; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Lax",
      "AppEditor": "Cozy",
      "AppName": "Drive",
      "AppSlug": "drive",
      "Capabilities": "{ \"file_versioning\": true }",
      "CozyBar": "...",
      "CozyClientJS": "...",
      "CozyFonts": "...",
      "DefaultWallpaper": "...",
      "Domain": "",
      "Favicon": "...",
      "Flags": "{}",
      "IconPath": "icon.svg",
      "Locale": "en",
      "SubDomain": "flat",
      "ThemeCSS": "...",
      "Token": "eyJhb...Y4KdA",
      "Tracking": "false"
    "links": {
      "self": "/apps/drive/open"

Uninstall an application

DELETE /apps/:slug


DELETE /apps/tasky HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Send application logs to cozy-stack

POST /apps/:slug/logs

Send client-side logs to cozy-stack so they can be stored in the server's logging system.

The job identifier must be sent in the job_id parameter of the query string. The version of the application can be sent in the version parameter.

Status codes

  • 204 No Content, when all the log lines have been processed.
  • 400 Bad-Request, when the JSON body is invalid.
  • 404 Not Found, when no apps with the given slug could be found.
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity, when the sent data is invalid (for example, the slug is invalid or log level does not exist)


POST /apps/emails/logs?job_id=1c6ff5a07eb7013bf7e0-18c04daba326 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
  { "timestamp": "2022-10-27T17:13:37.293Z", "level": "info", "msg": "Fetching e-mail data..." },
  { "timestamp": "2022-10-27T17:13:38.382Z", "level": "error", "msg": "Could not find requested e-mail" }


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Access an application

Each application will run on its sub-domain. The sub-domain is the slug used when installing the application ( if it was installed via a POST on /apps/calendar). On the main domain (, there will be the registration process, the login form, and it will redirect to for logged-in users.


The applications have different roles and permissions. An application is identified when talking to the stack via a token. The token has to be injected in the application, one way or another, and it have to be unaccessible from other apps.

If the applications run on the same domain (for example, it's nearly impossible to protect an application to take the token of another application. The security model of the web is based too heavily on Same Origin Policy for that. If the token is put in the html of the index.html page of an app, another app can use the fetch API to get the html page, parse its content and extract the token. We can think of other ways to inject the token (indexeddb, URL, cookies) but none will provide a better isolation. Maybe in a couple years, when the origin spec will be more advanced.

So, if having the apps on the same origin is not possible, we have to put them on several origins. One interesting way to do that is using sandboxed iframes. An iframe with the sandbox attribute, and not allow-same-origin in it, will be assigned to a unique origin. The W3C warns:

Potentially hostile files should not be served from the same server as the file containing the iframe element. Sandboxing hostile content is of minimal help if an attacker can convince the user to just visit the hostile content directly, rather than in the iframe. To limit the damage that can be caused by hostile HTML content, it should be served from a separate dedicated domain. Using a different domain ensures that scripts in the files are unable to attack the site, even if the user is tricked into visiting those pages directly, without the protection of the sandbox attribute.

It may be possible to disable all html pages to have an html content-type, except the home, and having the home loading the apps in a sandboxed iframe, via the srcdoc attribute. But, it will mean that we will have to reinvent nearly everything. Even showing an image can no longer be done via an <img> tag, it will need to use post-message with the home. Such a solution is difficult to implement, is a very fragile (both for the apps developer than for security) and is an hell to debug when it breaks. Clearly, it's not an acceptable solution.

Thus, the only choice is to have several origins, and sub-domains is the best way for that. Of course, it has the downside to be more complicated to deploy (DNS and TLS certificates). But, in the tradeoff between security and ease of administration, we definetively take the security first.


Should we be concerned that all the routes are on the same sub-domain?

No, it's not an issue. There are two types of routes: the ones that are publics and those reserved to the authenticated user. Public routes have no token

Private routes are private, they can be accessed only with a valid session cookie, ie by the owner of the instance. Another application can't use the user cookies to read the token, because of the restrictions of the same origin policy (they are on different domains). And the application can't use an open proxy to read the private route, because it doesn't have the user cookies for that (the cookie is marked as httpOnly).