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69 lines (47 loc) · 2.19 KB

File metadata and controls

69 lines (47 loc) · 2.19 KB


Looking for v2? switch the branch.

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Your on-ramp to web3 multichain. Web3Modal is a versatile library that makes it super easy to connect users with your Dapp and start interacting with the blockchain.

Dev setup

  1. Create apps/laboratory/.env.local file using the template from apps/laboratory/.env.example

  2. In each of the examples create .env.local file with following contents

  1. Run npm run watch to build and watch for file changes in a separate tab
  2. Run gallery, laboratory or examples in a separate tab i.e. npm run laboratory

Releasing new versions

Choose the packages you want to update and add a summary.

npm run changeset

Version your latest change(s)

npm run changeset version

Enter prelease mode

npm run changeset pre enter [tag]


  1. Run npm outdated and update dependencies
  2. Run npm install and verify if everything still works correctly
  3. Merge your feature branch into V4
  4. Create a new branch from V4 and name it with the version tag
  5. Run npm changeset and set new custom version, enter prelease mode first if you want to add a tag to the version.
  6. Update version in ConstantsUtil in @web3modal/scaffold-utils to the correct version
  7. Create a new PR with Release Notes and merge into V4
  8. Checkout V4 and run npm run publish:latest
  9. Draft a new release in GitHub and create new tag
  10. Click on Generate Change and only leave the link with difference. Paste in your changelog from PR.
  11. Check Set as the last release and publish release.
  12. Update Web3Modal for ( and create a PR
  13. Update Web3Modal for ( and create a PR

Running tests

See <app/laboratory/tests/>