Add a close button to the gotoLine
When replacing a regexp match, don't expand multi-digit replacement markers to numbers beyond the captured group count in the query.
Fix a bug that put the selection in the wrong place after running replaceNext
with a regexp query that could match strings of different length.
Fix an issue where findNext
and findPrevious
would do nothing when the only match in the document was partially selected.
Fix an infinite loop in SearchCursor
when the normalizer function deletes characters.
Make highlightSelectionMatches
include whitespace in the selection in its matches.
Fix a bug that caused SearchCursor
to return invalid ranges when matching astral chars that the the normalizer normalized to single-code-unit chars.
Fix a bug that caused codes like \n
to be unescaped in strings inserted via replace placeholders like $&
Use the keybinding Mod-Alt-g for gotoLine
to the search keymap, to make it usable for people whose keyboard layout uses Alt/Option-g to type some character.
Fix a bug that caused whole-word search to incorrectly check for word boundaries in some circumstances.
The gotoLine
dialog is now populated with the current line number when you open it.
Don't use the very lowest precedence for match highlighting decorations.
Make gotoLine
prefer to scroll the target line to the middle of the view.
Fix an issue in SearchCursor
where character normalization could produce nonsensical matches.
The new regexp
option to search
can be used to control whether queries have the regexp flag on by default.
The findNext
and findPrevious
commands now select the search field text if that field is focused.
The scrollToMatch
callback option now receives the editor view as a second parameter.
The new scrollToMatch
search option allows you to adjust the way the editor scrolls search matches into view.
Fix a bug that hid the search dialog's close button when the editor was read-only.
When literal
is off, \n, \r, and \t escapes are now also supported in replacement text.
Make sure search dialog inputs don't get treated as form fields when the editor is created inside a form.
Fix a bug in RegExpCursor
that would cause it to stop matching in the middle of a line when its current match position was equal to the length of the line.
By-word search queries will now skip any result that had word characters both before and after a match boundary.
A new wholeWord
search query flag can be used to limit matches to whole words.
and RegExpCursor
now support a test
parameter that can be used to ignore certain matches.
Fix an infinite loop when the match position of a RegExpCursor
ended up in the middle of an UTF16 surrogate pair.
The literal
search option can now be set to make literal queries the default.
The new searchPanelOpen
function can be used to find out whether the search panel is open for a given state.
and findPrevious
will now return to the current result (and scroll it into view) if no other matches are found.
Don't crash when a custom search panel doesn't have a field named 'search'.
Make sure replacements are announced to screen readers.
It is now possible to disable backslash escapes in search queries with the literal
Make the wholeWords
option to highlightSelectionMatches
default to false, as intended.
Make sure search matches are highlighted when scrolling new content into view.
The selection-matching extension now accepts a wholeWords
option that makes it only highlight matches that span a whole word. Add SearchQuery.getCursor
The SearchQuery
class now has a getCursor
method that allows external code to create a cursor for the query.
Fix a bug that caused the search panel to start open when configuring a state with the search()
is deprecated in favor of search
(but will exist until next major release).
The new search
function is now used to enable and configure the search extension.
Make selectNextOccurrence
scroll the newly selected range into view.
The search option matchCase
was renamed to caseSensitive
(the old name will continue to work until the next breaking release).
will now update the search query to the current selection even if the panel was already open.
Client code can now pass a custom search panel creation function in the search configuration.
The getSearchQuery
function and setSearchQuery
effect can now be used to inspect or change the current search query.
The search panel will no longer show the replace interface when the editor is read-only.
Add userEvent
annotations to search and replace transactions.
Make sure the editor handles keys bound to findNext
even when there are no matches, to avoid the browser's search interrupting users.
Add a Symbol.iterator
property to the cursor types, so that they can be used with for
will now only select partial words if the current main selection hold a partial word.
Explicitly set the button's type to prevent the browser from submitting forms wrapped around the editor.
Make highlightSelectionMatches
not produce overlapping decorations, since those tend to just get unreadable.
Make sure any existing search text is selected when opening the search panel. Add search config option to not match case when search panel is opened (#4)
The searchConfig
function now takes a matchCase
option that controls whether the search panel starts in case-sensitive mode.
Make sure to prevent the native Mod-d behavior so that the editor doesn't lose focus after selecting past the last occurrence.
Initialize the search query to the current selection, when there is one, when opening the search dialog.
Add a searchConfig
function, supporting an option to put the search panel at the top of the editor.
Fix a bug where the first search command in a new editor wouldn't properly open the panel.
New command selectNextOccurrence
that selects the next occurrence of the selected word (bound to Mod-d in the search keymap).
The search interface and cursor will no longer include overlapping matches (aligning with what all other editors are doing).
The package now exports a RegExpCursor
which is a search cursor that matches regular expression patterns.
The search/replace interface now allows the user to use regular expressions.
The SearchCursor
class now has a nextOverlapping
method that includes matches that start inside the previous match.
Basic backslash escapes (\n, \r, \t, and \) are now accepted in string search patterns in the UI.
Fix an issue where entering an invalid input in the goto-line dialog would submit a form and reload the page.
Update dependencies to 0.18.
The package now also exports a CommonJS module.
First numbered release.