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Releases: codeborne/klite


07 Jan 19:50
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  • server: added support for SSE (Server-Side Events)
  • json: improve parsing of complex types with parameters
  • jdbc: introduce NullableId for entities with null ids until they are persisted.
  • jdbc: introduce UpdatableEntity for optimistic locking in


18 Dec 21:36
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  • server: fix check for requested assets being inside of assets directory
  • server: introduced FormDataRenderer
  • core/json: KClass.createFrom will report missing parameters in a nicer way
  • core: conversion of enum values from string is now case-insensitive
  • json: can convert number to a custom type using opts.values
  • json: TSGenerator: better detection of types of inline classes with several computed properties
  • jdbc: upsert() now has skipUpdateFields parameter


18 Dec 21:35
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  • jdbc: and() introduced in addition to or() for more convenient composition of where expressions
  • Kotlin and other dependency updates


25 Aug 14:07
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  • server: notFoundHandler is now decorated separately in each context, so that decorators can intercept and handle missing routes (e.g. CorsHandler)
  • server: ErrorHandler will now omit the default message thrown by first() function ("List/Collection is empty.") and generate a standard 404 NotFound response
  • server: ThrowableHandler now has HttpExchange as receiver for cleaner code, as it is not used in most handlers anyway
  • server: ThrowableHandler returning null will now proceed with next handler, eventually producing error 500 if not handled
  • server: Route is now a KAnnotatedElement, so that findAnnotation/hasAnnotation() functions from kotlin-reflect should be used on it (not backwards-compatible)
  • jdbc: startDevDB() will now throw an exception if docker-compose returns a non-zero exit code
  • jdbc: deprecated 1.4.x functions removed, please upgrade from 1.4.x to 1.5.0 first, fix deprecations, and then to 1.6.x
  • openapi: new module that can generate OpenAPI json spec file for all routes in a context


14 Aug 10:31
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  • jdbc: DB_READONLY=true env var can be used to make the whole app read-only (e.g. when migrating the DB, instead of Heroku maintenance mode)
  • jdbc: CrudRepository.get() now has optional forUpdate parameter
  • HttpExchange.fileName() added for setting of Content-Disposition
  • json bugfix: json within json (and '') are now properly escaped
  • json bugfix: render Any type as 'any' instead of 'string' in TSGenerator
  • csv: new module for CSV parsing/generation


24 Jul 13:42
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  • jdbc: support reading of collections of Decimal from DB array columns
  • jdbc: db.upsert() now has an optional "where" parameter
  • server: AssetsHandler.headerModifier now gets file parameter to make decisions based on it
  • server: allow having annotations on AssetsHandler for e.g. access checks


29 Jun 07:50
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  • json: ValueConverter can now be used to transform strings into types
  • json: JsonNode.getList() signature fixed
  • json: improve error message when trying to parse an empty stream
  • json: JsonParser.readArray can now be used to stream json arrays without loading them into memory
  • jdbc: close connection (return to pool) even if autoCommit/commit/rollback fails
  • server: support for boolean query parameters without values, e.g. ?flag
  • server: support for anonymous handler annotations (fixed in Kotlin 1.8)


26 May 12:55
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  • server: TypedHttpClient/JsonHttpClient uses a better logger name (from nearest user class)
  • json/jackson: TypedHttpClient/JsonHttpClient now have overridable trimToLog property in case you need to process how requests/responses are logged
  • jobs: JobRunner.schedule() now takes kotlin.time.Duration values
  • jdbc: PooledDataSource - a simple and easy to configure connection pool (used in DBModule by default)
  • jdbc: use HikariModule instead of DBModule if you still want to use Hikari (also add dependency on com.zaxxer:HikariCP)
  • liquibase/serialization - dependencies updated


26 May 12:56
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  • core: experimental Decimal class to be used for monetary values, with numerical equality (unlike BigDecimal)
  • core/json: use default values for explicitly passed nulls if property is not nullable
  • core/json: unwrap InvocationTargetException, so that any validation exceptions thrown from data class constructors is propagated properly
  • core/json: workaround for a bug in kotlin-reflect, which boxes null values even if nullable inline type is used:
  • json: TSGenerator can now receive additional library types to generate from command-line, e.g. klite.TSID
  • i18n: do not trim translations by default (keep all whitespace)
  • jdbc: support binding of Int values to data classes (DB usually returns integers as Long)
  • jdbc: possibility to use table aliases when getting of columns from ResultSet with joins/using create (Postgres only)
  • jdbc: allow whitespace between -- and keywords in changeset sql files
  • server: default RequestLogFormatter will not log StatusCodeExceptions anymore
  • server: useHashCodeAsETag() introduced to avoid sending of same responses
  • server: run onStop handlers in reverse order of registration, so that e.g. connection pool is stopped after jobs are stopped
  • jobs: do not start new jobs on shutdown while waiting for running jobs to finish


26 May 12:56
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  • json: ValueConverter.from() can now have access to the expected KType
  • json: TSGenerator to generate TypeScript types for data classes/enums
  • server: AppScope.async now is the standard async function that returns a Deferred. Use AppScope.launch if you want exceptions to be logged