- Adapted the maintainer
- Contributors: Alexis Maldonado
- Adapt example for the boxy robot using two different laser topics
- Add a watchdog to the laser topics (important for safety)
- Update CMakeLists.txt
- got rid of example.launch and added install rule for boxy launch
- make visualization marker topic local
- pr2 specific launch file derived from the example launch file
- added install target for the example launch file
- Contributors: Alexis Maldonado, Gayane Kazhoyan, Gheorghe Lisca
- added autogenerated API documentation (rosdoc_lite)
- cleaned up CMakeLists.txt
- separated class definitions into their own headers: the declaration and implementation were in the same cc files for speed_filter and nav_pcontroller
- moved back the launch file: it's not thaat PR2 specific, and I called it example.launch, so should be fine...
- deleted old changelog, it was weird
- pr2-specific launch file is now an example launch file
- even more docs
- more documentation
- doc string for BaseDistance class
- moved around function declarations and definitions to make them more organized
- doc strings for BaseDistance
- ignore qtcreator files
- updated dependencies in package.xml
- Merge pull request #2 from jir-tobi/master bugfix: added missing catkin include directories
- bugfix: added missing catkin include directories
- navigation goals reached faster - a tollerance of 0.03cm (xy_tolerance) makes the action of nav_pcontroller to finish faster.
- nav_pcontroller's parameters - read from ROS parameter server each time a new navigation goal is received.
- pr2_nav_pcontroller.launch - for using the nav_pcontroller with the PR2 robot. - taken from the ond IAS repository, more precisely from the pr2_nav_pcontroller (rosbuild) package.
- Contributors: Gayane Kazhoyan, Georg Bartels, Gheorghe Lisca, Tobias Fromm
- Added Changelog
- Catkinization and getting rid of JLO (in order to release it) The JLO-version is tagged as "JLO-controlled".
- Added .gitignore
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Jan Winkler