Raise issues related to sorting imports, segregating imports into various sections, and also adding comments on top of each import section based on the configurations provided.
You can read more about isort
at <https://isort.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>.
- Python
- Python 2
- Python 3
Setting | Meaning |
balanced_wrapping_in_imports |
If set to true - for each multi-line import statement isort will dynamically change the import length to the one that produces the most balanced grid, while staying below the maximum import length defined. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
combine_as_imports |
If set to true - isort will combine as imports on the same line within for import statements. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
combine_star_imports |
If set to true - ensures that if a star import is present, nothing else is imported from that namespace. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
default_import_section |
The default section to place imports in, if their section can not be automatically determined. (Optional, defaults to 'FIRSTPARTY'.) |
force_alphabetical_sort_in_import |
If set, forces all imports to be sorted as a single section, instead of within other groups (such as straight vs from). (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
force_grid_wrap_imports |
Force "from" imports to be grid wrapped regardless of line length. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
force_single_line_imports |
If set to true - instead of wrapping multi-line from style imports, each import will be forced to display on its own line. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
force_sort_within_import_sections |
If set, imports will be sorted within there section independent to the import_type. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
forced_separate_imports |
A list of modules that you want to appear in their own separate section. (Optional, defaults to '()'.) |
from_first_in_import |
If set, imports using "from" will be displayed above normal (straight) imports. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
import_heading_firstparty |
A comment to consistently place directly above imports from the current project. (Optional, defaults to ''.) |
import_heading_future |
A comment to consistently place directly above future imports. (Optional, defaults to ''.) |
import_heading_localfolder |
A comment to consistently place directly above imports that start with '.'. (Optional, defaults to ''.) |
import_heading_stdlib |
A comment to consistently place directly above imports from the standard library. (Optional, defaults to ''.) |
import_heading_thirdparty |
A comment to consistently place directly above thirdparty imports. (Optional, defaults to ''.) |
imports_forced_to_top |
Forces a list of imports to the top of their respective section. This works well for handling the unfortunate cases of import dependencies that occur in many projects. (Optional, defaults to '()'.) |
include_trailing_comma_in_import |
If set, will automatically add a trailing comma to the end
of "from" imports. Example: from abc import (a, b, c,)
(Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
indent_size |
Number of spaces per indentation level. (Optional, defaults to '4'.) |
isort_multi_line_output |
An integer that represents how you want imports to be
displayed by isort if they're long enough to span
multiple lines. This value is passed to isort as the
multi_line_output setting. Possible values are (0-grid,
1-vertical, 2-hanging, 3-vert-hanging, 4-vert-grid,
5-vert-grid-grouped) A full definition of all possible
modes can be found at
(Optional, defaults to '4'.) |
known_first_party_imports |
A list of imports that will be forced to display within the standard library category of imports. (Optional, defaults to '()'.) |
known_standard_library_imports |
A list of imports that will be forced to display within the first party category of imports. (Optional, defaults to 'None'.) |
known_third_party_imports |
A list of imports that will be forced to display within the third party category of imports. (Optional, defaults to '()'.) |
lines_after_imports |
Forces a certain number of lines after the imports and before the first line of functional code. By default this is set to -1 which uses 2 lines if the first line of code is a class or function and 1 line if it's anything else. (Optional, defaults to '-1'.) |
max_line_length |
Maximum number of characters for a line. (Optional, defaults to '79'.) |
order_imports_by_type |
If set to true - isort will create separate sections within "from" imports for CONSTANTS, Classes, and modules/functions. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
sort_imports_by_length |
Set to true to sort imports by length instead of alphabetically. (Optional, defaults to 'False'.) |
use_parentheses_in_import |
True if parenthesis are to be used in import statements. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
use_spaces |
True if spaces are to be used instead of tabs. (Optional, defaults to 'True'.) |
- Formatting
- Formatting
- The coala developers (coala-devel@googlegroups.com)