All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Tested Python stubs in Conda CI in loco-3d#1228
- Fixed Rviz display in loco-3d#1227
- Improved CI, updated cmake and fixed launch file in loco-3d#1220
- Introduced a Rviz display in loco-3d#1216
- Enabled display of thrust and simplied displayers code in loco-3d#1215
- Introduced floating base thruster actuation model in loco-3d#1213
- Fixed quadruped and biped examples in loco-3d#1208
- Fixed terminal computation in Python models in loco-3d#1204
- Fixed handling of unbounded values for
in loco-3d#1191
2.0.2 - 2023-12-07
- Added nu, ng, and nh setters for Python bindings in loco-3d#1192
- Added in loco-3d#1188
- Supported nu==0 in actuation models in loco-3d#1188
- Included Python bindings for Crocoddyl exceptions by @cmastalli in loco-3d#1186
- Updated cmake submodule update by @jcarpentier in loco-3d#1186
- Fixed getters for contraints bounds by skleff1994 in loco-3d#1180
- Extended solver abstract and callbacks for arbitrary solvers by @cmastalli in loco-3d#1179
- Fixed the check of pair_id in collision residual by @ArthurH91 in loco-3d#1178
- Exploited control-residual structure when computing Lu, Luu by @cmastalli in loco-3d#1176
- Added LWA fram convention and introduced different axis for 1d contacts by @skleff1994 in loco-3d#1172
- Python bindings for setting control bounds by @cmastalli in loco-3d#1171
- Fixed missed scalar in cost sum and activation data by @cmastalli in loco-3d#1165
- Added actuation unit tests by @cmastalli in loco-3d#1161
- Introduced method for obtaining the dimension of floating-bases by @cmastalli in loco-3d#1160
- Fixed set_reference in state residual by @cmastalli in loco-3d#1158
- Enabled CONDA CI jobs with CppADCodeGen by @cmastalli in loco-3d#1156
- Added other CI jobs by @cmastalli in loco-3d#1152
- Fixed compiltation issue when building with CppADCodeGen by @cmastalli in loco-3d#1151
- Fixed include order used in frames.cpp by @ManifoldFR in loco-3d#1150
2.0.1 - 2023-06-17
- Fixed notebooks
- Fixed build on aarch64-linux
- Fixed CMake for OpenMP with conda
- Fixed lints
- Updated for example-robot-data 4.0.7
- Added support for 18.04 back: CMake 3.10, Boost 1.65, Python 3.6
2.0.0 - 2023-05-13
- Changed stopping criteria to better evaluate the converge criteria
- Extended numdiff routines to compute second-order derivatives + other minor improvements
- Improved the overall project documentation (still many things to be done)
- Added collision residual unit tests and missing Python bindings
- Allowed accuracy configuration of verbose callback
- Closed gaps once feasibility is achieved in FDDP
- Supported different Python versions
- Added procedure to check example log files
- Added support to M1 apple chip + fixed compilation issues with Clang
- Fixed a small issue in the solver's Armijo condition
- Added shareMemory unit tests
- Introduced the notion of resizing data in solvers
- Added unit test for impulse actions
- Deprecated set_id functions in contact residuals
- Supported Ipopt solver with Python bindings
- Extended (diff)-action API to handle arbitrary constraints + unit tests
- Introduce the notion of ConstraintManager and used it in diff-actions + unit tests + integrated action support
- Added the HyQ robot for extra unit testing
- Updated doxygen documentation in many parts of the project
- Used std::set for storing cost/constraint activation status
- Fixed small issues in terminal-node computations
- Supported Meshcat display of contact forces, friction cone and foot-swing trajectories
- Introduced the notion of equality constraint feasibility in solvers
- Created a data collector to store joint effort and accelerations
- Created joint-effort/acceleration residuals + unit tests
- Created inverse-dynamics action models + unit tests
- Added the SolverIntro which handles inverse-dynamics OC problems + unit tests
- Added invdyn examples and log files + cleaned up filenames
- Enabled copyable for various objects used in Python
- Supported different contact/impulse frames + unit test + changes in example/logfiles.
- Removed deprecated FrameXX code.
- Updated readme file.
- Updated CMake configuration
- Updated numpy usage
1.9.0 - 2022-03-03
- Introduced the control parametrization notion and three polynomial parametrization (PolyZero, PolyOne, PolyTwoRK)
- Improved the documentation of the actuation model and especially the floating-base actuation
- Improved the efficiency of the RK integrator (added to the benchmarks)
- Improved the documentation of Euler and RK integrators
- Added unittests for checking the analytical derivatives of the contact forces/impulses
- Computed the dynamic feasibility in solvers (also print this relevant information)
- Improved the documentation of solvers
- Removed dynamic memory allocation in ContactModel3D
- Added the notion of terminal (calc, calcDiff) computations (fixed some tiny inaccuracies in the problem formulation + reduced useless computations)
- Added a class to easily profile the computation cost of any block code (included relevant blocks in the solvers and shooting problem)
- Fixed error in the documentation of ActivationModel2NormBarrier
- Added the 2d contact
- Added method to resized solver data (e.g., it is not needed to allocate the biggest control dimension)
- Fixed issue in the Gepetto viewer display
- Improved the CI and fixed a few errors that appears in unittests code compiled with clang
- Removed dynamics memory allocation in LQR action and CostModelResidual
- Removed Travis buildfarm and substituted by ROS one
- Used std::set for contact/impulse active/inactive set (added bindings)
- Added Python bindings to be able to set state dimensions from a Python derived class.
- Added Python bindings of StateNumDiff class
1.8.1 - 2021-08-01
- Fixed Vx computation
- Fixed memory allocations
- Fixed linkage of the python library
- Deprecated FramXX in constructors and frames.hpp
- Cleaned up code
1.7.0 - 2021-05-05
- Updated the examples based on new API in example-robot-data
- Removed reference in std::sized_t (and other primitives)
- Improved computation and handled richer conditions in friction and wrench cone (e.g., inner/outer apprx. in wrench cone, and rotation matrix in friction cone)
- Added more unit-tests for cones
- Included the CoP support notion
- Updated minimal version of EigenPy as it fixes a bug with 4x6 matrices
- Developed a gravity-based cost function for both free and in contact conditions (included its unit-test code)
- Added assignment operator in FrameXXX structures
- Replaced isMuchSmallerThan by isZero in all the unit-tests
- Enabled free-flyer joint in full actuation model
- Improved multicopter actuation API + unit-tests
- Exposed in Python ActionModelUnicyle::dt_
- Fixed multithreading support: running the correct number of threads
- Enabled that the user can set the number of threads (also in Python)
- Added publication list and updated README file
- Registered in Python the shared pointers of all the model classes
- Fixed Meshcat visualizer after update
- Added Github Action CI with ROS dependency resolution
- Improved efficiency of backward pass by defining properly RowMajor matrices
- Activated all warnings and Werror
- Improved documentation
1.6.0 - 2021-02-01
- Refactored the Cost API with breaking compatibility (cost depends on state abstract, not multibody state)
- Fixed issue in c++98 compatibility
- Added shared_ptr registers for solver classes (Python bindings)
- Initialized missed data in SolverQP (not really producing a bug)
- Fixed issue with FrameXXX allocators (Python bindings)
- Created aligned std vectors for FrameXXX (Python bindings)
- Used the proper nu-dimension in shooting problem and solvers
- Doxygen documentation of smooth-abs activation
- Renamed the activation model: smooth-abs to smooth-1norm (deprecated old names)
- Added the smooth-2norm activation model with Python bindings
- Updated README file with Credits and committee information
- Added throw_pretty in Python bindings of action models (checks x,u dimensions)
- Improved the documentation (doxygen, docstrings), and fixed grammar, of various classes
- Cleaned up a few things related with cost classes
- Cleaned up unnecessary typedef in cost models
- Extended the differential action model for contacts to handle any actuation model (not just floating-base derived ones)
- Added conda support
- Added the quadratic-flat activation models
- Fixed issue with gepetto viewer display (appearing in some OS)
- Added contact/impulse action unit tests
- Added contact/impulse cost unit tests
- Added a proper gap threshold (it was too big and created different behavior in feasibility-driven solvers)
- Improved the copyright starting year for many files
1.5.0 - 2020-09-23
- Improved and cleaned up the bench-marking code for code-generation
- Fixed bug for computing quasicStatic torques under inactive contacts
- Added unit-test code that disables contacts
- Created CoP cost with Python bindings and unit-test
- Multi-threading support for quasicStatic computation in shooting problem
- Modifications in Travis CI + included Gepgitlab CI
- Created contact wrench cone (CWC) cost with Python bindings and unit-test
- Created RK4 integrator with Python bindings and unit-test
- Throw exception for setting candidates xs/us in solvers
- Fixed a few spelling errors in the docstring documentation
- Exposed the KKT solver in Python
- Checked the dimension of the warm-start vectors for xs and us
- Cleaned up some part of the Python code that were using Numpy Matrix (now Numpy Array!)
- Created the 2d contact
- Checked the feasibility by the gap values
- Created the Crocoddyl logo + integrated in the README file
1.4.0 - 2020-08-05
- Allowed different values of nu in action models
- Adapted the contact force cost to accept 3d contacts.
- Added CppAD support to (weighted) quadratic barrier activation
- Added the contact impulse cost
- Added contact CoP cost,
- fixes:
- Fixed display of contact forces in Gepetto viewer
- Fixed a bug in the definition of the terminal node in updateNode (defined in ShootingProblem)
- Fixed memory allocation produced by Python binds.
- Fixed printed error message in ShootingProblem
- and improvements:
- Added documentation of the differential action model
- Deprecated legacy functions to define reference in cost functions.
- Set to zero inactive contact forces for correctness
- Simplified FDDP code by using calcDiff from DDP solver
- Improved the display of benchmark timings
- Improved the documentation of contact force cost
- Improved few notebooks and added an extra one
- Removed legacy Python unittest
1.3.0 - 2020-05-25
- Minor improvement in state-base class (enabling limits once we define only one component)
- Added functions to print the active/inactive status of costs, contacts and impulses
- Running computations in the contact / impulse dynamics using the active number of contacts / impulses, respectively
- Used NumPy Array in examples / notebooks
- Initial integration of Meshcat viewer and used in notebooks
- Improved efficiency of Jdiff, Jintegrate in multibody state
- Added an extra operator in Jintegrate signature (state classes)
- Added an extra function parallel transport in the state class (i.e. JintegrateTransport)
- Added functions to retrieve the inactive costs, contacts and impulses
- Fixed target_link_libraries use
- Improved efficiency of few activation models
- Added the action-base class for code generation + unittest
- Added codegen bench for 4 dof arm and biped
- Renamed all bench files
- Updated dependency versions for Pinocchio and example-robot-data
- Fixed bug in the impulse dynamics that appears in multiple threads
- Fixed various issues regarding data alignment
- Added doxygen file with the documentation state-base class
- Fixed an issue when we updates reference in frame-placement and frame-rotation costs
- Fixed an issue with Python3 compatibility in few examples
- Proper display of friction cones + do not display when the contact / impulse is inactive/
- Extended the computation of impulses derivatives
- Added a friction cost for impulse dynamics
1.2.1 - 2020-04-21
- Fixed backup files inside notebook folder
- Fixed an issue with the friction cone display
- Added quadcopter actuation model
1.2.0 - 2020-04-03
- Templatized all the classes and structures with the scalar (for codegen and autodiff)
- Fixed a bug in the formulation for the quadrupedal problem (state bounds)
- Reduced the compilation time in Python bindings (re-structured the code)
- Fixed error in the expected improvement computation for terminal action in SolverFDDP
- Added unittest code for cost classes (included cost factory)
- Reorganized the various factories used for c++ unittesting
- Developed the pinocchio model factory for c++ unittesting
- Added unittest code for contact classes (included the contact factory)
- Described cost items through shared_ptr
- Described contact items through shared_ptr
- Described impulse items through shared_ptr
- Fixed Gauss-Newton approach for cost num-diff
- Added contact num-diff class
- Used virtual keyword in declaration of derived functions
- Added the unittest code for free forward dynamics action model
- Added the unittest code for contact forward dynamics action model
- Included the cost status in cost sum for global memory allocation
- Included the contact status in cost sum for global memory allocation
- Included the impulse status in cost sum for global memory allocation
- Removed duplication function for retrieving models and datas in solvers (now we do only through shooting problem interface)
- Allowed to write internal data of Numpy-EigenPy objects
- Added a general method for setting and getting cost reference
- Added squashing function abstraction
- Added unittest code for testing cost, contact and impulse status
- Moved to CMake exports
1.1.0 - 2020-02-14
- Added few cost functions related to forces and impulses (e.g. friction-cone, com impulse)
- Improved the display tools (friction cone, contact forces and end-effector trajectories)
- Fixed a problem in the printed message by the callback
- Fixed a problem in the box-qp
- Improved the box-ddp
- Added a new solver called box-fddp
- Added extra examples (box-ddp vs box-fddp, taichi task, humanoid manipulation)
- Added a script for automatically updating the log files
- Checked that all examples runs in the CI (for release mode only)
- Improved the quadrupedal and bipedal examples by adding all the constraints
- Improved the efficiency in differential free-forward dynamics
- Added extra setter functions in action models
- Improved efficiency in all solvers (removed extra computation)
- Improved plot functions
- Fixed a bug in few notebooks
1.0.0 - 2019-08-30
Initial release