BOSH Backup and Restore is a CLI utility for orchestrating the backup and restore of BOSH deployments and BOSH directors. It orchestrates triggering the backup or restore process on the deployment or director, and transfers the backup artifact to and from the deployment or director.
This repository contains the source code for BOSH Backup and Restore.
The latest BBR binaries for Linux and macOS are available to download on the releases page.
On macOS, you can install BBR using Homebrew:
brew tap cloudfoundry/tap
brew install bbr
We use go modules to manage our dependencies, so run:
git clone
go mod download
Unit tests make use of Docker containers to test networking. Ensure that Docker is running in your environment, before attempting to run tests.
These can be run with the command: make test
Note: if you see timeout errors occurring in the SSH suite of unit tests this may be due to the number of nodes the tests are running on. You can run ginkgo -nodes=<number> -r
to reduce the number of nodes and decrease the concurrent requests being made to the Docker Daemon which will slow when under load.
Slack: #bbr
channel on (link here)
- Burning Down the House: How to Plan for and Deal with Disaster Recovery in CF at Cloud Foundry Summit Europe 2017
- Extending the BOSH Backup and Restore Framework at Cloud Foundry Summit 2018
- Reviving the platform every day at Cloud Foundry Summit EU 2018
Blog posts: