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Carbon for IBM Products is an open-source implementation of the closed source Carbon for Cloud & Cognitive pattern asset library (PAL). These PAL designs build on the foundation of IBM's open source Carbon Design System and React implementation to offer components and patterns beyond the typical component library. Carbon for IBM Products was previously known as Carbon for IBM Cloud and Cognitive (@carbon/ibm-cloud-cognitive), and this name can still be encountered in various places and historical logs.

All Contributors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 Build status Netlify status GitHub Lerna version PRs welcome

Carbon for IBM Products common UI components

🚀 Getting started

If you're just getting started and looking to browse our React components, take a look at our Storybook.

📦 Installing Carbon for IBM Products

To use Carbon for IBM Products components, all you need to do is install the @carbon/ibm-products package.

$ yarn add @carbon/ibm-products

# or

$ npm install @carbon/ibm-products

Then you can import the component styles in your index.js.

import '@carbon/ibm-products/css/index.min.css';

Carbon Components (Peer dependencies)

@carbon/ibm-products is built on top of Carbon components and has a number of dependencies which need to be installed. Follow the package instructions for:

-. Install carbon-components-react as per that packages instructions -. Install @carbon/icons-react as per package instructions -. Install @carbon/elements as per package instructions

NOTE: Carbon elements rolls up a number of Carbon packages that could be installed independently. As this list of dependencies could change, we leave you to view package.json in ibm-cloud-cognitive if you wish to install individual packages.



Examples for each released component, and some that are still not quite ready, can be found here on Code Sandbox.


You can find example projects using the components in the examples folder.


To start using the components

import { AboutModal } from '@carbon/ibm-products';

const App = () => {
  return <AboutModal />;

Enabling canary components

Components that have not yet completed the release review process are considered to be canary and require the consumer to enable via a feature flag in a config.js file.

For example, create a config.js in your src directory:

import { pkg } from '@carbon/ibm-products';

// Enable 'canary' (not yet reviewed/released) components
// that we want to make use of
pkg.component.AboutModal = true;
pkg.component.SidePanel = true;

// Live dangerously: enable all components!

// Enable all pre-release feature flags that we want to use
pkg.flags.noneJustYet = true;

// Live dangerously: enable all pre-release features!

Note: the above settings must happen before a component first renders.

Building and running Locally

To get started run the following commands and storybook will be built and then served on port 3000 on your local machine.

yarn install
yarn storybook

To build all the packages, run the following command.

yarn build

Browser Support

This library supports the latest versions of:

  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox

🙌 Contributing

This project was made possible by several community members who have invested their precious time to give back to the Carbon community. It will continue to be possible by having those that benefit from the package contribute back to it.

So, do not be shy. We both depend on and appreciate contributors, new and old, who help us fix bugs, build new features, improve our documentation, etc.

If you're interested, definitely check out our Contributing Guide and Carbon's Developer Handbook! 👀

Lee Chase


Dave Clark


Syd Rosa


David Menendez


Matthew Gallo


Simon Finney


Simon Moore


Polina Olemskaia



In order to gather usage information for these components we use @carbon/telemetry.

📝 License

Licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.

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