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File metadata and controls

248 lines (190 loc) · 6.4 KB
id title

Create a docs directory and docs/ file with some basic content.

$ tree
└── docs
$ cat docs/
# My Project

To install my project
libraryDependencies += "com" % "lib" % "@@VERSION@"

```scala mdoc
val x = 1
List(x, x)

We process the markdown with one of the following mdoc integrations:

The generated will look like this.

# My Project

To install my project

libraryDependencies += "com" % "lib" % "1.0.0"

val x = 1
// x: Int = 1
List(x, x)
// res0: List[Int] = List(1, 1)

Observe that VERSION has been replaced with 1.0.0 and that the scala mdoc code fence has been evaluated.


Install the sbt-mdoc plugin and create a docs project in build.sbt that enables mdoc.MdocPlugin.

Maven Central

// project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("org.scalameta" % "sbt-mdoc" % "@VERSION@" )
// build.sbt
lazy val myproject = project  // your existing library
lazy val docs = project       // new documentation project
  .in(file("myproject-docs")) // important: it must not be docs/

Next, from the sbt shell, run the docs/mdoc task to generate the documentation site. By default, the mdoc task looks for markdown sources in the toplevel docs/ directory.

// sbt shell
> docs/mdoc

Update mdocVariables to include site variables like @@VERSION@.

// build.sbt
lazy val docs = project
+   mdocVariables := Map(
+     "VERSION" -> version.value
+   )

The mdoc task runs the mdoc command-line interface so it's possible to pass in arguments like --watch to start file watcher with livereload. It's recommended to use --watch while writing documentation to enjoy 3-4x faster compilation performance.

> docs/mdoc --watch

See --help to learn more how to use the command-line interface.

> docs/mdoc --help


The sbt-mdoc plugin supports the following settings.


Use coursier to launch mdoc outside of a build tool.

Maven Central

curl -L -o coursier
chmod +x coursier
coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_@SCALA_BINARY_VERSION@:@VERSION@ -- --site.VERSION 1.0.0
info: Compiling 1 file to website/target/docs
info: Compiled in 1.2s (0 errors)

Add libraries to the launched classpath to include them for compilation.

 coursier launch \
   org.scalameta:mdoc_@SCALA_BINARY_VERSION@:@VERSION@ \
+  org.typelevel:cats-core_@SCALA_BINARY_VERSION@:1.5.0

Use --in to customize the input directory where markdown sources are contained, by default the docs/ directory is used.

 coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_@SCALA_BINARY_VERSION@:@VERSION@ -- \
+  --in mydocs

The --in flag doesn't have to be a directory, it also supports individual files.

 coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_@SCALA_BINARY_VERSION@:@VERSION@ -- \
+  --in mydocs/

Use --site.VARIABLE=value to add site variables that can be referenced from markdown as @@VARIABLE@.

 coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_@SCALA_BINARY_VERSION@:@VERSION@ -- \

Use --out to customize the directory where markdown sources are generated, by default the out/ directory is used.

 coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_@SCALA_BINARY_VERSION@:@VERSION@ -- \
+  --out target/docs

Use --watch to start the file watcher with livereload. It's recommended to use --watch while writing documentation to enjoy 3-4x faster compilation performance.

 coursier launch org.scalameta:mdoc_@SCALA_BINARY_VERSION@:@VERSION@ -- \
+  --watch


Use --help to learn more how to use the command-line interface.

println(, 80))


Add the following dependency to your build

Maven Central

// build.sbt
scalaVersion := "@SCALA_VERSION@" // Any version in @SCALA_BINARY_VERSION@.x works.
libraryDependencies += "org.scalameta" %% "mdoc" % "@VERSION@"

Then write a main function that invokes mdoc as a library

It's recommended to use --watch while writing documentation to enjoy 3-4x faster compilation performance.

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    // build arguments for mdoc
    val settings = mdoc.MainSettings()
      .withSiteVariables(Map("VERSION" -> "1.0.0"))
    // generate out/ from working directory
    val exitCode = mdoc.Main.process(settings)
    // (optional) exit the main function with exit code 0 (success) or 1 (error)
    if (exitCode != 0) sys.exit(exitCode)

If you use sbt-mdoc, update the mdoc task to call run instead of the default runMain mdoc.Main.

// build.sbt
lazy val docs = project
+   mdoc :=

Consult the mdoc source to learn more how to use the library API. Scaladocs are available here but beware there are limited docstrings for classes and methods. Keep in mind that code in the package mdoc.internal is subject to binary and source breaking changes between any release, including PATCH versions.