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File metadata and controls

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Open Budget: Kentwood

1. Develop Locally


This site is built on Harp using Node.js. That means you can run it locally with minimal setup!

What you'll need:

Install & Run Harp

Once you have the Yarn package manager installed, you can install Harp globally

# to install harp for the first time
yarn global add harp

Create Development Branch

# To start the Harp server, cd to the _src directory
cd [repo-location]/_src
harp server

This project is coded with:

2. Creating & Editing Pages

  • All development activity occurs in _src/. The root folder is only for compiled output for deployment.
  • Page content is inserted into the layout.jade file (which includes basic header and footer snippets)
  • Create your .jade file
  • Add a link to the main nav in the appropriate place
  • Add relevant metadata in _data.json (page title, page slug (url), ...)
  • If your page uses custom page-specific css, add it to a new .scss partial and import it into the main stylesheet. (Make sure to namespace it the same way the others are.)

3. Instructions for "Flow" Diagram Pages

  1. Flow pages are built off a template; copy one of the *-budget-flow.jade pages and update the content blocks as necessary.
  2. Data files must be placed in the data/flow directory. Follow the naming convention seen there or your files won't load properly. Note: Two underscores required in data file name, ex: FY17__final.csv. You also will need to point your page at the appropriate files as seen in the get_datafiles content block.
  3. Make sure that dollar amounts are in whole dollars (no decimals).
  4. The following columns are required in your datafile and their names should be normalized as seen here. Other columns should be removed to minimize the data download.
    • budget_year
    • department
    • fund_code
    • account_type (this should be the Expense/Revenue column, if there are duplicate names)
    • account_category
    • amount
  5. Disqus comments have been removed from current template templates/flow-template.jade and 2019-final-budget-flow.jade. To use Disqus comments use templates/flow-template-WITH-COMMENTS.jade and 2017-final-budget-flow.jade.

4. Instructions for "Treemap" Diagram Pages

  1. Treemap pages are built off a template; copy one of the *-budget-tree.jade pages and update the content blocks as necessary.
  2. Instructions for generating the necessary data files can be found here. Add them to the data/tree/ directory following the naming convention seen in the existing files.
  3. Make sure that dollar amounts are in whole dollars (no decimals).
  4. Update the datafiles content block with the appropriate metadata and file path for the data files you generated.

5. Instructions for "Compare" page

  1. The Compare page is mainly powered by a React application. The source files are in _src/js/compare/ and are are bundled with Webpack.
  2. When developing on the Compare page, run yarn to install all the necessary node dependencies and yarn run watch to watch the source files for changes and rebuild the asset bundles accordingly.
  3. The Compare page communicates with a separately maintained API to fetch its data. Documentation for that API can be found on the Open Oakland wiki.

6. Creating/Updating Budget Timeline

The timeline is made using TimelineJS, an open-source tool that enables anyone to build visually rich, interactive timelines. Beginners can create a timeline using nothing more than a Google spreadsheet, like the one we used for the Timeline above. Experts can use their JSON skills to create custom installations, while keeping TimelineJS's core functionality.

A new timeline Google spreadsheet will be developed for the City of Kentwood.

The Google spreadsheet is currently showing information for Grand Rapids, but this file will be used for the Kentwood Budget timelin. It is being driven by a Citizen Labs' shared Google Sheet, that can be viewed here.

7. Publishing Changes

Make changes on your personal fork or branch. If you have repo access, and your changes are ready for review, you can merge them into the development branch and publish to the staging site for review. You can also publish changes to your own server and merge to development afterwards.