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A simplistic and easy to use game engine for quick game development.


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NeoDoa Game Engine

NeoDoa is a simple, open-source and easy-to-use game engine developed with C++ for high fun game development! NeoDoa uses OpenGL to deliver high performance by hardware accelerating the rendering.

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NeoDoa is still under development and is not ready for producing games, but it will be 😎 Below are the finished and upcoming features.

  • Graphics
    • Hot-swappable graphics backends
    • OpenGL 4.6 Core Profile
    • WIP: OpenGL 3.3 Core Profile
    • WIP: Direct3D12
    • WIP: Direct3D11
    • WIP: Vulkan
  • Collision & Physics
    • WIP: With PhysX
  • Audio
    • WIP: With OpenAL
  • Asset Loading
    • Don't bother - automatic importing and categorizing of assets
    • Have control - import/load/unload assets at will
    • Don't pollute - use ubiquitous file formats, without needing special formats only NeoDoa can interpret
    • Never crash - get nice error lists on why loads have failed and placeholders for unloaded assets
    • 3D models loading via Assimp
    • Texture loading via stb_image
  • Scripting system
    • Pure ECS
    • Define components and implement systems in C++
  • Input
    • Mouse
    • Keyboard
    • WIP: Controller
    • WIP: Joystick
  • Editor
    • Project system with Scene serialization with TinyXML2
    • Asset Manager
    • Code Editor
    • Custom Shaders
    • WIP: Mouse Picking to select Entity
    • WIP: Outlining of selected Entity
    • Editor Camera
    • WIP: Terrain Editor
    • WIP: Tree Maker
    • WIP: Skeletal Animation/Ragdoll Editor
    • ... and many more
    • ... help :(

How to build


  • git 2.40.1 or higher (GIT Bash on Windows)
  • CMake 3.26.4 or higher
  • A C++ compiler with C++23 support (gcc 13.1, clang 17.0.1, MSVC 19.30) or higher


1. Start by cloning the repository by SSH

git clone

or by HTTPS

git clone

When cloning is done, go into the cloned folder and initialize submodules

cd NeoDoa
git submodule update --init

After this, git pull should print Already up to date. Proceed to the next step.

2. Fetching Required Installations (Linux ONLY)

If you are using Windows, please skip this step.

NeoDoa requires various installations from apt-get to compile. These are listed below:

libc++-dev libc++abi-dev build-essential curl zip unzip tar pkg-config libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev xorg xorg-dev libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev autoconf autoconf-archive automake libtool libltdl-dev

These can either be install manually or by launching the helper script by executing:

chmod +x ./scripts/
sh ./scripts/

3. Fetching Dependencies

NeoDoa uses vcpkg to manage packages and depends on packages listed below:

angelscript[addons], argparse, assimp, cppzmq, entt, eventpp, glew, glfw3, glm, icu, imgui[core,docking-experimental,glfw-binding,sdl2-binding,opengl3-binding,vulkan-binding], imguizmo, lunasvg, stb, tinyxml2

The packages above must be installed by launching the helper script or vcpkg.ps1. The script takes two arguments clonemode and vcpkg-dir.

  • clonemode controls how to clone the vcpkg repository. Passing nothing defaults to ssh, only https and ssh are accepted.

  • vcpkg-dir controls where to clone the vcpkg repository. Passing nothing defaults to ./vcpkg.

You should see no errors when this scripts completes. If you do, please create an issue here.

4. Building with CMake

Building the makefile (or the Visual Studio Project) should be done with the commands below:

For Windows (Visual Studio Project):

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

For Linux:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. # Debug or Release


There are also the helper scripts to execute the commands above.

For Windows (Visual Studio Project):


For Linux:

chmod +x ./ #
sh # OR sh

5. Building!

If you built to a makefile, what's left is calling make

cd build
make # make -jX    |for X threaded compilation

If you built to a Visual Studio Project, boot up a Visual Studio instance and press F5.


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Github Issues

Please use Github Issues to report bugs or request features.

Reporting bugs

Please follow these steps to report a bug

  1. Search for related issues - search the existing issues so that you don't create duplicates

  2. Create a testcase - please create the smallest isolated testcase that you can that reproduces your bug

  3. Share as much information as possible - everything little helps, OS, IDE, GPU, all that stuff.