/* * Chomp Food & Recipe Database API Documentation * * ## Important An **[API key](https://chompthis.com/api/)** is required for access to this API. * Get a **Food Data API** key at **[https://chompthis.com/api](https://chompthis.com/api/)**. * Get a **Recipe Data API** key at **[https://chompthis.com/api/recipes](https://chompthis.com/api/recipes/)**. ### Getting Started * Subscribe to the **[Food Data API](https://chompthis.com/api/#pricing)** or the **[Recipe Data API](https://chompthis.com/api/recipes/#pricing)**. * Scroll down and click the \"**Authorize**\" button. * Enter your API key into the \"**value**\" input, click the \"**Authorize**\" button, then click the \"**Close**\" button. * Scroll down to the section titled \"**default**\" and click on the API endpoint you wish to use. * Click the \"**Try it out**\" button. * Enter the information the endpoint requires. * Click the \"**Execute**\" button. ### Example * Branded food response object: **[View example »](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chompfoods/examples/master/branded-food-response-object.json)** * Ingredient response object: **[View example »](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chompfoods/examples/master/ingredient-response-object.json)** * Recipe response object: **[View example »](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chompfoods/examples/master/example-recipe-response.json)** * Error response object: **[View example »](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chompfoods/examples/master/error-response-object.json)** ### How Do I Find My API Key? * Your API key was sent to the email address you used to create your subscription. * You will also find your API key in the **[Client Center](https://chompthis.com/api/manage.php)**. * Read **[this article](https://desk.zoho.com/portal/chompthis/kb/articles/how-do-i-find-my-api-key)** for more information. ### I'm a Premium subscriber. How do I access the API? * All Premium subscribers must pass in a unique user ID for each user on their platform that is accessing data from the Chomp API. A user ID can be any string of letters and numbers that you assign to your user. Simply add \"user_id\" as a URL parameter when calling the API. *You must add a \"user_id\" URL parameter to every call you make to ANY endpoint.* * **Example** > ```ENDPOINT.php?api_key=API_KEY&code=CODE&user_id=USER_ID``` ### Helpful Links * **Help & Support** * [Knowledge Base »](https://desk.zoho.com/portal/chompthis/kb/chomp) * [Support »](https://chompthis.com/api/ticket-new.php) * [Client Center »](https://chompthis.com/api/manage.php) * **Pricing** * [Food Data API Subscription Options »](https://chompthis.com/api/) * [Recipe Data API Subscription Options »](https://chompthis.com/api/recipes/) * [Food Data API Cost Calculator »](https://chompthis.com/api/cost-calculator.php) * [Recipe Data API Cost Calculator »](https://chompthis.com/api/recipes/cost-calculator.php) * **Guidelines** * [Terms & License »](https://chompthis.com/api/terms.php) * [Attribution »](https://chompthis.com/api/docs/attribution.php) * * API version: 1.0.0-oas3 * Generated by: Swagger Codegen (https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git) */ package swagger // An object containing nutrient information for this recipe type RecipeObjectNutrients struct { // An array containing information for calories found in this recipe Calories []RecipeObjectNutrientsCalories `json:"calories,omitempty"` // An array containing information for this recipe's daily recommended value of certain nutrients DailyValues []RecipeObjectNutrientsCalories `json:"daily_values,omitempty"` // An array containing information for fat found in this recipe Fat []RecipeObjectNutrientsCalories `json:"fat,omitempty"` // An array containing information for carbs found in this recipe Carbs []RecipeObjectNutrientsCalories `json:"carbs,omitempty"` // An array containing information for vitamins found in this recipe Vitamins []RecipeObjectNutrientsCalories `json:"vitamins,omitempty"` }