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Disclaimer: This document describes the testing framework for release v1.0.6, which is deprecated. To see details on the latest testing framework, see this document. For help transitioning, see this document.


Graders are standalone executables that consume LC-3 source code in binary (*.bin) or assembly (*.asm), perform a series of tests, and output a report. They are written in C++ and use the static library produced alongside the command line tools as well as a simple framework to interact with LC-3 programs in real time as they run. Graders are also compiled alongside the command line tools.

Graders are written in a similar fashion to unit tests. There will be a single grader for each assignment that defines the test cases. In practice (i.e. in a classroom setting) there may be scripts that run each students' assignments through a grader executable and then aggregate the results.

Grader source files live in the frontend/grader/labs/ directory. When they are built, as per the build document, the executables will be in the build/bin/ directory with the same name as the source of the grader.

The tutorial below will help you get bootstrapped in writing graders. Details on the grading framework and full API can be found in the API document.


This tutorial will cover all the steps necessary to create a grader for a simple assignment. This tutorial will assume you are using a *NIX system (macOS or Linux), although Windows works fine. For a Windows system, adjust the build commands as described in the build document.

It is recommended that you follow this tutorial from top to bottom to get a better understanding of how to utilize the grading framework.

Assignment Description

Write an LC-3 assembly program that performs unsigned addition on a set of numbers in memory and saves the result in location 0x3100. The set of numbers begins at location 0x3200 and continues until the value 0x0000 is encountered in a memory location. You may ignore overflow and you may assume there will be no more than 2048 total numbers to add. Your program must start at location 0x3000.


The following assembly program accomplishes the task in the description above:

.orig x3000

; intialize registers
;   r0: accumulator
;   r1: address of next value to load
;   r2: temporary space to hold loaded value
        and r0, r0, #0
        ld r1, start

; load value and accumulate until 0 is found
loop    ldr r2, r1, #0
        brz done
        add r0, r0, r2
        add r1, r1, #1
        br loop

; store result and halt
done    sti r0, result

start   .fill x3200
result  .fill x3100


You can create this file in the root directory as tutorial_sol.asm.

Creating a New Grader

From the root directory, navigate to frontend/grader/labs/ and create a file for this grader called tutorial_grader.cpp. Each grader is expected to define four functions. For now just define empty functions. As the tutorial progresses, explanations for each function will be provided. Fill in the following code in tutorial_grader.cpp:

#include "../framework.h"

void testBringup(lc3::sim & sim) {}

void testTeardown(lc3::sim & sim) {}

void setup(void) {}

void shutdown(void) {}

To build the grader, you must first rerun CMake to make it aware of the new source file. Then you may build the grader. Navigate to the build/ directory that was created during the initial build and invoke the following commands:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

If all goes well, compilation should succeed and you should see the file build/bin/tutorial_grader produced. Once the grader has been built for the first time, it suffices to just run the make command from the build/ directory to rebuild.

Adding a Test Case

A test case takes the form of a function. Test cases should accept a single parameter of type lc3::sim &. Each test case is executed with a newly initialized copy of the simulator to prevent contamination.

For the first test case, check if the program terminates correctly when there are 0 numbers in the input (i.e. the value at location 0x3200 is 0).

First, define a new function:

void ZeroTest(lc3::sim & sim)

Since the simulator is reinitialized for every test case, it is always necessary to initialize the PC as well as other input values. In this case that means additionally initializing location 0x3200. Initialize the values by adding the following code to the ZeroTest function:

sim.setMem(0x3200, 0);

The setPC function, as expected, sets the PC to location 0x3000. The setMem function sets the location 0x3200 (i.e. the first argument) to the value 0 (i.e. the second argument).

Now all that is necessary is to run the input program and verify the result. It is usually best to restrict the total number of instructions that are executed so that the grader terminates even if the input program does not. To be safe, set a limit of 50000 instructions (which will execute in well under 1 second) and then run the program by adding the following lines to the ZeroTest function:


The setRunInstLimit function sets the maximum number of instructions to 50000. The run function will execute the input program until the program halts or the instruction limit is reached.

Finally, verify that the result is correct by adding the following line to the ZeroTest function:

VERIFY(sim.getMem(0x3100) == 0);

The VERIFY macro is part of the grading framework and is used to determine how many points a test case will earn if correct. More information on how points are assigned can be found in the API document.

That's it! It only took 5 lines to create a simple test case. As a final step, the test case must be registered with the grading framework and assigned a certain number of points. To do so, add the following line to the setup function:

REGISTER_TEST(Zero, ZeroTest, 10);

The setup function is called one time before any test cases are run. It can be used to register the test cases as well as initialize any variables that the grader may keep track of.

The REGISTER_TEST function informs the grading framework that it should run the ZeroTest function (i.e. the second argument) as a test case. The grading framework will label the test as Zero (i.e. the first argument) in the ouputted report. Finally, the test will be worth 10 points (i.e. the third argument) total.

Running the Grader

Build the grader by running the make command from the build/ directory. To run the grader, simply invoke the tutorial_grader executable with tutorial_sol.asm as an argument. This can be done by running the following command from the root directory:

build/bin/tutorial_grader tutorial_sol.asm

The output should be as follows:

Test: Zero
  sim.getMem(0x3100) == 0 => yes
Test points earned: 10/10 (100%)
Total points earned: 10/10 (100%)

Full operation of the grader executable is as follows:

grader [--print-level=N] FILE [FILE ...]
  --print-level=N    (default=6) A number 0-9 to indicate the output verbosity
  FILE               A source file to be assembled or converted

Adding Another Test Case

The following test case will test an actual array of numbers:

void SimpleTest(lc3::sim & sim)
    // Initialize PC and memory locations

    uint16_t values[] = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0};
    uint64_t num_values = sizeof(values) / sizeof(uint16_t);
    uint16_t real_sum = 0;

    for(uint64_t i = 0; i < num_values; i += 1) {
        sim.setMem(0x3200 + static_cast<uint16_t>(i), values[i]);
        real_sum += values[i];

    // Run test case

    // Verify result
    VERIFY(sim.getMem(0x3100) == real_sum);

Also, register the test case to be valued at 20 points by adding the following line to the setup function.

REGISTER_TEST(Simple, SimpleTest, 20);

After rebuilding the grader and running it, you should see the following output:

Test: Zero
  sim.getMem(0x3100) == 0 => yes
Test points earned: 10/10 (100%)
Test: Simple
  sim.getMem(0x3100) == real_sum => yes
Test points earned: 20/20 (100%)
Total points earned: 30/30 (100%)

Refactoring with testBringup and testTeardown

You may note that setting the PC and the instruction limit are redundant for all test cases. The testBringup and testTeardown functions can be used to remove some redundancy. These functions are run before and after, respectively, every test case. This is unlike the setup function which is run only once before any test cases (before the first testBringup).

To remove some redundancy in the initialization of the test cases, add the following lines to the testBringup function and remove them from the ZeroTest and SimpleTest functions:


As an aside, the shutdown function is called once after all the test cases have run (after the last testTeardown) and can be used to clean up any variables that were initialized in the setup function for the grader to use.


The full source code of this tutorial can be found in frontend/grader/labs/tutorial_grader.cpp. This tutorial covered a small subset of the capabilities of the grading framework and API. Some other features include: easy-to-use I/O checks; hooks before and after instruction execution, subroutine calls, interrupts, etc.; and control over every element of the LC-3 state. Full details can be found in the API document.

Appendix: Common Paradigms

There are a couple of common paradigms that can be found across test cases, such as I/O grading.

Successful Exit Paradigm

There are typically two conditions for a successful exit: the program did not trigger any exceptions and it did not exceed the instruction limit. The variants of the run functions, detailed in the API document, return a boolean based on the status of execution. If the return value is true, the program did not trigger any exceptions. The didExceedInstLimit function returns whether or not the program exceeded the instruction limit. Assuming the limit is set to a reasonably high number, exceeding the limit typically means the program did not halt.

Thus, the following simple check can be added at the end of each test case to verify the program behaved correctly.

bool success = sim.runUntilHalt();
VERIFY(success && ! sim.didExceedInstLimit());

I/O Paradigm (Polling)

Assume you would like to grade an assignment that prints a prompt, requests input, does something with the input, then prints the prompt again. This process repeats until the user types in a response that quits the program. For example, take a program that repeats the inputted character 5 times:

Enter a character (q to exit): a
Enter a character (q to exit): b
Enter a character (q to exit): q

A test case could be written using the I/O API, detailed in the API document.

VERIFY_OUTPUT("Enter a character (q to exit): ");
bool success = sim.runUntilHalt();
VERIFY(success && ! sim.didExceedInstLimit());

The first two lines verify that the prompt is correct, before sending any input. runUntilInputPoll will allow the entire prompt to print and then will pause simulation as soon as any input is requested. Thus, the only output that has been generated so far will be the prompt.

After the prompt has been verified, we can send in actual input. Once the input is set, we can run until the next input character is requested. The setString following by runUntilInputPoll will 1) consume any input, 2) generate the output as specified by the program, 3) repeat the prompt, if this behavior is expected, and 4) pause when input is requested again. Thus, we use the VERIFY_OUTPUT_HAD macro, since there will likely be more output generated.

We simply repeat this pattern until we input the exit command, and then we can verify that the program exited correctly as described in the Successful Exit Paradigm.

Important Note about I/O

Remember that the newline character is considered input like any other keys. As such, you must add a \n to the end of the setString function to properly send a newline character.

I/O Paradigm (Interrupt)

The I/O Paradigm for interrupt-driven input is similar to the paradigm for polling, so please read that section before.

The main difference between interrupt-driven and polling-driven paradigms, from the perspective of a grader, is that the we can no longer reliably use runUntilInputPoll, since the program won't be polling. Furthermore, it takes a few instructions to enable interrupts, so we cannot set the input string before running the program. Instead, we can use a different approach - we can delay the input by some instructions to guarantee that interrupts are enabled when the key press is emulated. Given this new paradigm, we can modify the grader from the previous section to use interrupts instead as follows:

inputter.setStringAfter("a", 50);
bool success =;

Additional Graders

Four graders are also provided in the frontend/grader/labs directory to aid in writing graders. They encompass the following practical applications:

  1. pow2: Check if a memory location contains a power of 2. Exemplifies basic memory value verification.
  2. polyroot: Perform a binary search to find the roots of a polynomial. Exemplifies basic memory value verification as well as how to use hooks (subroutine-enter hooks in this case) to guarantee search is O(log n).
  3. binsearch: Request name as input and search through binary tree database to return data. Exemplifies polling-based I/O verification and how to build infrastructure on top of the LC3Tools API to load the database into LC-3 memory for each test case.
  4. interrupt: Endlessly print out prompt and perform basic lower-case operation when a button is pressed. Exemplifies interrupt-based I/O verification.

A more in-depth description of each application can be found in the Sample Assignments document.

Assembly/binary solutions for each application are also provided in frontend/grader/solutions. To verify the grader's functionality, you may run the following from the root directory after compiling the command line tools.

build/bin/pow2 frontend/grader/solutions/pow2.bin
build/bin/polyroot frontend/grader/solutions/polyroot.asm
build/bin/binsearch frontend/grader/solutions/binsearch.asm
build/bin/interrupt frontend/grader/solutions/interrupt.asm

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