There are several options to install pyfda either from source or from a binary / bundle. The ">" signs below only indicate the command lines, don't enter them.
If there is a working Python interpreter on your computer, installing pyfda with pip
(or pip3
) from the Python Package Inventory PyPI is most straightforward, required libraries are installed automatically if missing.
You should create a separate environment for pyfda to avoid e.g. unwanted updating of installed python modules:
> python -m venv <PATH_TO_ENVIRONMENT>
This creates the subdirectory if it doesn't exist. Activation of the environment depends on your OS, see for details.
Installation pyfda with
> pip install pyfda
and start it with
> pyfdax
A specific version instead of the latest stable version can be selected with e.g.
> pip install pyfda==0.8.0b1
Upgrade pyfda using
> pip install pyfda -U
Install from local files (development mode) using
> pip install -e <YOUR_PATH_TO_PYFDA>
where the specified path points to pyfda/
(without including
In this case, you need to have a local copy of the pyfda project, preferrably
synchronized to the GitHub repo using git (see below).
Install the latest development version from GitHub using
> pip install
Uninstall pyfda with
> pip uninstall pyfda
You can simply download and unpack the zip file from GitHub and start the program
from the pyfda
top project directory with
> python -m pyfda.pyfdax # Plain Python interpreter
In [1]: %run -m pyfda.pyfdax # IPython
For testing purposes, most individual files from pyFDA can be run using e.g.
> python -m pyfda.input_widgets.input_pz # Plain python interpreter
In [2]: %run -m pyfda.input_widgets.input_pz # IPython
However, installing pyfda makes life easier as it creates a run script pyfdax
in your path.
If you're working with Anaconda's packet manager conda, there is a recipe for pyfda on conda-forge
since July 2023:
> conda install --channel=conda-forge pyfda
It is recommended to install pyfda in a seperate environment instead of the base
environment, e.g. called pyfda-env
> conda install --name pyfda-env --channel=conda-forge pyfda
In that case, you need to activate the environment each time you want to use pyfda with:
> conda activate pyfda-env
In any case, start pyfda with
> pyfdax
It is not recommended to install pyfda with pip under Anaconda. One potential
problem is that conda installs PyQt5
under the name pyqt
and pip under the name pyqt5
pip install
installs system wide -
conda install
installs sytem wide or in an environment.
pip install pyfda
checks whether PyQt5 is installed already (but conda doesn't)
so you need to do conda install pyqt
before running pip install pyfda
If you end up having both installed, you're in trouble: If
> conda list qt
pyqt 5.6.0 py36_2
PyQt5 5.8.2 <pip>
gives you a similar result as above, you probably have a corrupted system.
You can also download the project as a zip file from GitHub and extract it to
a directory of your choice. Either install a copy to your <python>/Lib/site-packages
subdirectory using
> python install
or just create a link to where you have copied the python source files (for testing / development) using
> python develop
Attention: There is no automatic uninstall option when installing pyfda this way!
pyInstaller bundles all required Python and data files together with a bootloader into a self-expanding executable. When executing this file, the content is expanded into a temporary directory and deleted when terminating pyfda. Thanks to Github Actions, you can download bundles for Windows 10 and for OS X.
There is no need for an uninstall, simply delete the downloaded executable if you don't need it anymore or replace it by a newer version.
"Flatpak is a framework for distributing desktop applications across various Linux distributions." Flatpak provides containers which also contain runtime libraries to be independent of individual Linux distributions.
In contrast to snap, Flatpak is a community based project encouraging multiple servers for distributing the Flatpaks. The most popular is, a situation similar to git and GitHub.
Many Linux distributions include Flatpak, otherwise you need to install flatpak (see, e.g. for Ubuntu
> sudo apt install flatpak
Once Flatpak is installed, you should add the Flathub repo with
> flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
You can install pyfda system wide with
> sudo flatpak install --from FLATPAKREF
where FLATPAKREF is the path to pyfda.flatpakref
which can be either a local file
or a URL.
Installation only for current user:
> flatpak install --user --from FLATPAKREF