This document details how to join the Secret Network mainnet
as a validator.
- Up to date SGX (Read this, Setup, Verify)
- Ubuntu/Debian host (with ZFS or LVM to be able to add more storage easily)
- A public IP address
- Open ports
TCP 26656 & 26657
Note: If you're behind a router or firewall then you'll need to port forward on the network device. - Reading
- Up to date SGX (Read this, Setup, Verify)
- 100GB HDD
- 1 dedicated core of any Intel Skylake processor (Intel® 6th generation) or better
- Up to date SGX (Read this, Setup, Verify)
- 256GB SSD
- 2 dedicated cores of any Intel Skylake processor (Intel® 6th generation) or better
NOTE: Substitute $YOUR_MONIKER (below) with your node's nickname or alias.
cd ~
sudo apt install ./secretnetwork_1.0.0_amd64.deb
secretd init "$YOUR_MONIKER" --chain-id secret-2
wget -O ~/.secretd/config/genesis.json ""
echo "4ca53e34afed034d16464d025291fe16a847c9aca0a259f9237413171b19b4cf .secretd/config/genesis.json" | sha256sum --check
secretd validate-genesis
secretd init-enclave
PUBLIC_KEY=$(secretd parse attestation_cert.der 2> /dev/null | cut -c 3-)
secretcli config chain-id secret-2
secretcli config node tcp://
secretcli config trust-node true
secretcli config output json
secretcli config indent true
If you haven't already created a key, use these steps to create a secret address and send some SCRT to it. The key will be used to register your node with the Secret Network.
Generate a new key pair for yourself (change <key-alias>
with any word of your choice, this is just for your internal/personal reference):
secretcli keys add <key-alias>
Note: If you already have a key you can import it with the bip39 mnemonic with secretcli keys add <key-alias> --recover
or with secretcli keys export
(exports to stderr
!!) & secretcli keys import
Then transfer funds to the address you just created.
secretcli q account $(secretcli keys show -a <key-alias>)
If you get the following message, it means that you have no tokens yet:
ERROR: unknown address: account secret1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx does not exist
NOTE: Substitute $YOUR_KEY_NAME (below) with the key-alias
you created earlier.
secretcli tx register auth ./attestation_cert.der --from "$YOUR_KEY_NAME" --gas 250000 --gas-prices 0.25uscrt
SEED=$(secretcli query register seed "$PUBLIC_KEY" | cut -c 3-)
echo $SEED
secretcli query register secret-network-params
mkdir -p ~/.secretd/.node
secretd configure-secret node-master-cert.der "$SEED"
perl -i -pe 's/^seeds = ".*?"/seeds = "bee0edb320d50c839349224b9be1575ca4e67948\"/' ~/.secretd/config/config.toml
perl -i -pe 's;laddr = "tcp://";laddr = "tcp://";' ~/.secretd/config/config.toml
sudo systemctl enable secret-node
sudo systemctl start secret-node # (Now your new node is live and catching up)
You are now a full node. 🎉
journalctl -u secret-node -f
You can stop viewing the logs by pressing ctrl + C
which sends a signal to journalctl
to exit.
secretcli config node tcp://localhost:26657
secretcli status
When the value of catching_up
is false, your node is fully sync'd with the network.
"sync_info": {
"latest_block_hash": "7BF95EED4EB50073F28CF833119FDB8C7DFE0562F611DF194CF4123A9C1F4640",
"latest_app_hash": "7C0C89EC4E903BAC730D9B3BB369D870371C6B7EAD0CCB5080B5F9D3782E3559",
"latest_block_height": "668538",
"latest_block_time": "2020-10-31T17:50:56.800119764Z",
"earliest_block_hash": "E7CAD87A4FDC47DFDE3D4E7C24D80D4C95517E8A6526E2D4BB4D6BC095404113",
"earliest_app_hash": "",
"earliest_block_height": "1",
"earliest_block_time": "2020-09-15T14:02:31Z",
"catching_up": false
secretd tendermint show-node-id
And publish yourself as a node with this ID:
So if someone wants to add you as a peer, have them add the above address to their persistent_peers
in their ~/.secretd/config/config.toml
And if someone wants to use you from their secretcli
then have them run:
secretcli config chain-id secret-2
secretcli config output json
secretcli config indent true
secretcli config trust-node true
secretcli config node tcp://<your-public-ip>:26657