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File metadata and controls

77 lines (46 loc) · 4.48 KB


This app is a timed multiple-choice quiz that tests a user's knowledge of using document.querSelector('sel') to select HTML elements in the Document Object Model (DOM). The user will be given 60 seconds to answer 5 multiple-choice questions. For each wrong answer, 10 seconds will be deducted from the timer.

The quiz was written using HTML, Bootstrap, Javascript, and localStorage.

How to Play

Here's the start-up screen.

Quiz startup screen

The timer in the top-right is initilaized to 60 seconds. In the background, 5 questions are randomly selected from a bank of 10 questions.

Note, you can press View Highscores in the top-left at any time to view the list of highscores. If you click View Highscores while the quiz is in progress, the quiz will be aborted.

Press Start Quiz to begin.

You'll be shown a snippet of HTML code, a portion of which will be highligthed in a red box. Here's a screenshot on a small and large device.

Quiz multiple-choice small screen Quiz multiple-choice large screen

Your task is to identify which one of the multiple-choice selections will select the highlighted HTML. Click the button corresponding to your choice. Be warned; incorrect answers will be penalized 10 seconds on the timer!

After your selection, the answer will be shown below the multiple-choice buttons. After 2 seconds, the quiz will advance to the next question. There will be a total of 5 questions, however the quiz will abort before that if the timer counts down to 0.

Once the quiz is complete, enter your initials and click Submit to save your score. Note, you can only enter letters and numbers in the initials field.

Quiz enter score screen

Upon submitting your score (or clicking on the View Highscores link), you'll be shown a list of the highscores.

Quiz highscores

Press Clear Scores to clear the list. Click Go Back to return to the start-up page.

How it Works

Here I'll point out a few of the technical aspects behind the quiz.

Modifying the CSS and DOM using Javascript

The HTML page consists of 4 main sections:

  • start-up page
  • quiz
  • score submission page
  • highscore page

All the sections can be seen below:

Screenshot of all quiz sections

Javascript is used to display one of these sections and hide the rest by changing the CSS display property to either none or block.

In the multiple-choice portion of the quiz, you can see that a portion of the HTML is highlighted in red. This is done by adding (and then removing) the Bootstrap CSS classes border and border-danger to (from) <span> elements containing the HTML code to highlight.

Quiz multiple-choice large screen

For each question, Javascript is use to modify the <button> text via DOM manipulation.

There is also a status <div> below the multiple-choice questions which is manipulated via Javascript to indicate 'Correct!', 'Wrong!' or '' as necessary.

Event Delegation

Instead of placing an event listener on each multiple-choice button, the click listener is attached to the <div> containing all the multiple-choice <button> elements. Once a selection has been made by the user, is used to identify the button pressed.


In addition to the countdown-timer in the top-right, a couple other timers are used in the app. After each question is answered, the app automatically advances to the next question. However, setTimeout() is used to insert a 2sec delay before advancing to the next question. This delay allows the user to see the 'Correct/Wrong' message in the status field below the buttons.

A similar delay is used after the user enters their initials before advancing to the highscores page.

Input Validation

The highscores are stored in an array. Each entry of the array is a string of the initial and score separated by a dash: ["initials-score", "initials-score", ...]. To avoid the user entering any dashes as part of their initials, I use validation to ensure the user enters only letters and numbers.


The highscores are stored in an JSON.stringify() array in localStorage. Consequently, the highscores are persistent through page reloads.

Try It

You can try the quiz here.