Meeting: https://zoom.us/my/cdf.toc
Youtube Channel:
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Cloudbees/Jenkins) [CHAIR] - present
James Strachan (Cloudbees/Jenkins X) - not present
Dan Lorenc (Google/Tekton) - not present
Andy Glover (Netflix/Spinnaker) - not present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - present
Yoav Landman (JFrog) - not present
Other Attendees:
Dan Lopez (Linux Foundation) - present
Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson Software Technology)
David Lai - (Futurewei, CDF Governing Board)
Katrin Runser (JFrog)
Agenda and Notes:
SIG-Interoperability (Fatih)
Voting started on December 12th.
- Mail thread:
- Mail thread:
+1 binding TOC votes (6/6)
Dan Lorenc:
Andy Glover:
Yoav Landman:
Tara Hernandez:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi:
James Strachan:
+1 non-binding community votes
Michael Winser:
Avi Kessner:
Tracy Miranda:
Alejandro Saucedo:
Mail thread/PR
Mail thread:
https://github.com/cdfoundation/toc/pull/62 - Merged (DLopez)
Next steps?
Merging the PR
TOC member or Dan Lopez can merge once TOC confirms
with votes
Dan Lopez merged:
Slack channel
- #sig-interoperability
Zoom access
Every (?) Thursday? Of the month
Survey is setup:
Once this is determined, Dan Lopez can setup the
conf line
should we create issues in CDF Github for these?
- Issues related to SIG should be created in the
respective repo. CDF support required then the issue should be placed on the foundation service desk repo
- Issues related to SIG should be created in the
FD: Thanks Dan for getting all the logistics sorted out in
the last few days
FD: I’m in the process of figuring out the meeting slot
& frequency. Hopefully wrapping that up by Sunday and the first meeting the next week
FD: still looking for more participants to the ML.
SIG Security (Kay)
- << skipped >>
DLz: Screwdriver
Move screwdriver.cd folder in /proposals to /incubating
folder in toc repo?
Meeting this Friday 9am PT for IP / asset transfer
KK: what about Jenkins transfer?
DLz: let’s recap the context again and we’ll go from
Funding, IP, infra, ...
Other Business
Project Service Service Desk -
DLz: this provides better tracking of the work for
the foundation. Mostly manned by me and Jac
KK: shall we create tickets for Jenkins transfer & infra
here? DLz: yes
2020 Incubating Project recruiting:
DLz: GB meeting talked about project recruiting.
Tara: DLc and I have been talking with Kaptn around
“event management.” Hoping DLc will be back from the
Tara: I think the roadmap work has landed but PR has not
been merged. I’m flagging this
Tara: I had a meeting over a break to meet with “process
oriented folks” — that led to Resiliency SIG. Working on a PR. Expect to hear updates the next month.
- DLz: DoD might become a member, with projects.
“Hardedend repo for K8s” and something something resiliency. Might be useful connecting dots with the above.
- DLz: DoD might become a member, with projects.
Annual Report 2019 - Draft review (Jacque S to send out)
DLz: wrapping up a final draft, please review.
DLz: We need numbers from JX — contirbutor numbers. KK:
send that to me & Tracy Miranda.
Bare metal cluster provided by Packet (now Equinox.)
KK: would be good to connect infra-focused people
across various projects.
DLz: this is used extensively by CNCF
CFP Committee
Jac: CD Summit Amsterdam — Christie Wilson sent out a
CfP email yesterday as a chair. Outreach committee already knows. Feel free to pass it on. (CfP ends?) Feb 7th. And notification goes out Feb 14th.
Jac: Emily is our event manager. If you are interested
in sponsors, talk to her.
Mindshare cocktail hour in Kubecon US was
very successful. Want to replicate that if you are looking to sponsor that <wink wink>
Jac: this year we will look more proactively for
KK: will forward those to Jenkins contributors & users
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - not present
James Strachan (Jenkins X) - not present
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - not present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) - present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - present
Yoav Landman (JFrog) - not present
Other Attendees:
Dan Lopez (Linux Foundation)
Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson Software Technology)
Kay Williams (Microsoft)
W. Watson - w.watson@vulk.coop (Vulk coop, cncf.ci, cnftestbed)
Agenda and Notes:
{width="7.625in" height="2.2083333333333335in"}
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
Readme here:
SPDX from the LF is also involved
Draft standard submission date: February 24, 2020
Proposed to CDF on November 19th.
Voting started on December 12th.
- Mail thread:
- Mail thread:
CD Summit @ Kubecon Europe/Amsterdam?
Is it planned to happen, eg. Day-0 event?
If so, when will the CFP be open?
DLop / JS to follow up with LF Kubecon Events team
Other Technical Business
Screwdriver.cd PR:
DLop: TOC request to merge
Tara: TOC to reach out the Jithine
Telemetry updates
Complete, baselined as PDF and published
In progress
Tara will check with Tekton team to see where they are
at(almost done??)
Code Signing updates
Corporate verification under compliance review with
Digicert, pending completion
Should hear back before holidays, DLop will send update via
groups.io and github ticket to close out
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - present
James Strachan (Jenkins X) - not present
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) - present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - present
Yoav Landman (JFrog) - present
Other Attendees:
Fatih Degirmenci, Ericsson Software Technology
Alejandro Saucedo, Seldon / The Institute for Ethical AI &
Machine Learning
Simon Kaegi, IBM
Katrin Runser
Kay Williams, SIG-Security, Microsoft
Kim Lewandowski, Google
Joel Friedman, Google
Jithin Emmanuel, Verizon Media
Agenda and Notes:
Recap of actions
Code signing certificate happened
Action: KK to ask Oleg to report back what they have and
how other projects can join and use.
CDF will use Digicert as provider
New legal entity setup for code signing
No pending PRs at the moment
It’s already public:
Tara: how about adding Screwdriver.cd
- Action: Jithin to create a PR
Supply Chain
CD Summit slides
We now have GitHub repo, slack channel and list (thanks
Dan Lopez!)
Slack: #sig-security-supply-chain
KubeCon Meetup - Thursday 9 AM to 12 PM
Marriott Marquis, North Tower, 1st Floor
Conference Room - Torrey Pines 3
- Kay: there is some extra expense to arrange
the necessary equipments. Will talk to Dan to see how to reimburse that (Dan said to send to operations@cd.foundation and copy Jacque)
- Kay: there is some extra expense to arrange
[*Join Microsoft Teams
+1 425-616-0754 United States, Seattle (Toll)
KK: in-toto presentation yesterday was great
- Raj: is it going to be available somewhere? Jac: on
YouTube & GitHub CDF org
- Raj: is it going to be available somewhere? Jac: on
Roadmap WG
Vote concluded
KK: need more people to join the brainstorming
KK: and then schedule the session
Screwdriver.cd vote
KK to send out one more reminder
Big change from the last time was the growth plan
Dan: Two TOC sponsors are missing
- KK and Tara volunteered to sponsor
Kim: is there a doc that captures the process? Yes, at
here but this is the first time so we are also debugging on the fly
CD Summit presentations
Kim: wrt CDF program plan & goals, how are we supporting
different projects?
We should have interview sessions to hear out projects.
- Infra spend, code signing c
Kim: did we present devstats?
- KK: I don’t think so.
Jac: we’d like to see annual report of what projects have
Goals are to help marketing and keep sponsors happy
Jac: I’d love to hear where they need help [so that the
rest of the org can rally around]
We want to have a closed-to-final version [of the annual
report] within this year, to be published early next year
- Kim: is there a version from CNCF that we can use as a
reference? Yes
- Kim: is there a version from CNCF that we can use as a
<< Round table in-person intro >>
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - present
James Strachan (Jenkins X) -
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) -
Tara Hernandez (Google) - present
Yoav Landman (JFrog) -
Other Attendees:
Kay Williams (Microsoft)
Jacqueline Salinas (LF)
Dan Lopez (LF)
David Lai (Huawei)
Spencer Krum (IBM)
Matt Young (Puppet)
Agenda and Notes:
Recap of actions
Tara and DLz to propose a rotating call schedule
- Tara: we kicked around a few ideas. Pending ack from
DLz, which was given during the call. It’ll come to the TOC list soon.
- Tara: we kicked around a few ideas. Pending ack from
Kohsuke to initiate the telemetry review process for the
Jenkins project
- The main difference is opt-in/opt-out.
Kohsuke to ping James Strachan to check the status of
Jenkins X wrt telemetry
- KK: I did talk to others in the project, gave them a
heads up, and confirmed that there’s no collection today.
- KK: I did talk to others in the project, gave them a
(CD summit NA meeting space): Jac to ping Emily to see if
she can help with nearby hotels, etc.
DLz: looking hotels near the convention center. Will
have a meeting tomorrow. Update will come afterward.
DLz: this will be Tue or Wed. Kay: I prefer Wed
Jac: CD summit
We’ve asked volunteers to produce “pop up demos” from
general members.
We’ve only got DeployHub and Whitesource so far.
Please pass the words around, we want more.
Volunteer needs to provide all the equipment.
The idea is that if you have a booth at Kubecon and is
willing to allocate some time in there to talk about the CDF/the ecosystem/etc, then Jac collects those and promote them.
SIG-Security meetings merged with SBOM meetings through
end of the year
- Kay: This will make attendance more convenient
Meetup at CD Summit / KubeCon?
Kay: venue is being planned. See above. Could be
easily half day.
Discuss overall Software Supply Chain framework
SBOM, Metadata Storage API, Update
Framework, Policy Framework
SBOM, SPDX (software package data exchange —
focus on license but it’ll be broadened), in-toto (currently under CNCF incubation) reconciliation
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
Working toward ISO Standard, hopefully in 2021. That
road starts from OMG standard at the end of 2020.
- Bob Martin from MITRE is helping with this
- Bob Martin from MITRE is helping with this
Draft specification
- 11/11 Submission to OMG Architecture Board
New GitHub repo ‘sig-security-sbom’
DLz: this is really exciting!! When it gets more real
happy to coordinate the PR activities
Roadmap WG
- **ACTION: Kohsuke to send out an email to the TOC,
hoping to get some +1s before we accept this.**
- **ACTION: Kohsuke to send out an email to the TOC,
LF China
- We have engaged LF China. Once the new Asia friendly TOC
meeting time is chosen, DLz will give them a heads up
- We have engaged LF China. Once the new Asia friendly TOC
Screwdriver conversation
KK: updated the proposal with a link to the growth document
**ACTION: Kohsuke to call for a new round of votes and /
Tara: +1**
- Tara: I liked that they have inter-project engagement in
- Tara: I liked that they have inter-project engagement in
DLz: New project incubation recruiting
Screwdriver coming in should help
DLz: we have 2-3 projects coming in.
DLz: Project Office Hours with CDF PM office
Have regular check-ins with project leadership periodically
We’ll start by understanding their needs first
Email was already sent to individual projects
I would also love to see inter-project collaboration picked
up more at TOC
How do we hand-off the landscape maintenance?
- Let’s have this as a standing agenda in the TOC call
Code signing certificate of Jenkins
- DLz: We have a new entity that can now obtain the key.
ACTION: This will be coordinated this week.
- DLz: We have a new entity that can now obtain the key.
See you in Kubecon!
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - present
James Strachan (Jenkins X) - not present
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) - present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - present
Yoav Landman (JFrog) - present
Other Attendees:
Dan Lopez (Linux Foundation)
Matt Young (Puppet)
Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson Software Technology)
Jacqueline Salinas
Spencer Krum (IBM)
Agenda and Notes:
TOC Call to support APAC time zones (call for suggested times)
DLz: we just signed up Fujitsu (from Japan), and a few more
people are asking for it
Tara: I was looking more into “engaging people behind the
A few people from Europe
Looks like we are looking into rotating the call
- **ACTION: Tara and DLz to propose a rotating call
- **ACTION: Tara and DLz to propose a rotating call
Telemetry policy
How about existing projects
DLz: The policy applies to all LF projects. No
“grandfather” status.
DLz: “we want to be as flexible as possible” but
suggests getting the review underway ASAP
Tara: I assume this has been driven by legal heat
**ACTION: Kohsuke to initiate the review process for the
Jenkins project**
**ACTION: Kohsuke to add this to the TOC repo for
blessing in the CDF**
Are there other projects that are collecting telemetry?
Andy: there’s currently no telemetry collection
happening in Spinnaker, there’s an active conversation
DLc: nothing in Tekton
**ACTION: Kohsuke to ping James Strachan to check the
status of Jenkins X**
call to action to update
Tara: TRagan was here last meeting, this is underway. It’s
already out. Whoever wants to add can add PR
Tara: I was wondering how to mix products/non-OSS as context
into this
New Projects
Current status: they came back with the updated
motivation doc.
**Next step: have Jiten update the proposal PR with
this doc and call for a vote**
ACTION: Kohsuke to ping Jiten
new projects
DLz: Eiffel - they are asking how best to engage
Yoav: is there any pointer to this project?
DLz: Follow up with Eiffel team possible at CD
Summit NA
DLz: Sonatype - Open discussions. KK/DLz need to get
back to Brian @ Sonatype
Tara: I was at an event “Redeploy” (?) and met somebody
from Netflix in the resiliency engineering and cooked a SIG idea. This conversation will happen this week. Andy knows him too
- Andy: Resilience Engineering at Netflix is within
Delivery Engineering (my org) and I’m happy to make additional connections
- Andy: Resilience Engineering at Netflix is within
DLc: update was sent to the TOC list. Look at that
Yoav: JFrog has some relevant stuff. DLc: Ido is
Tara: question — wrt security SIG, the expected outcome
is a “specification” / BoM.
KK: would love to see the adoption of this in CDF
KK: as for Jenkins project, looking for contributors
to drive the coding work forward
DLz: I recommend we start with “specifications”
before we call it “standard”
DLz: I know the repo was created, activity has been
planned but negotiating the final meeting time. Mail list was set up too.
Tara: I met with tons of ML startups and I’ll inform
them about this
- KK: I need to move this forward. More PR massaging on
wording to do.
- KK: I need to move this forward. More PR massaging on
Developer Ecosystem & Events
CDSummit NA updates
Jac: As of Oct 11, we are at 82 attendees registered. We
are on track to sell out. Nice line up of sponsors to cover everything including lunch
Currently looking for cocktail hour sponsor. Need to
find one till Oct 25th or there will be no booze!
One conversation in the mix, three more needed
Matt: I’ll talk to my event people
DLc: what about meeting spaces during CD Summit NA?
DLz: CNCF informed me that the venue is
fully booked.
**ACTION: Jac to ping Emily to see if she can help
with nearby hotels, etc.**
Jac: We are rebranding Jenkins Area Meetup to CDF meetup
?: how about pricing? Jac: we are pruning unused meetups
[to cut cost]
Jac: we are giving them grace period to reboot till
Jan 22.
Jac: we are organizing meetups in south bay & Israel with
Jac: DLc will represent CDF in upcoming Tokyo event
Webinar topics, call for participation
Jac: we are hoping to drive one webinar a month, will
adjust based on the workload
DLz: there are some content queue lined up.
- If you have content, go to Jac. Jac: I’ll create a
form and send a link.
- If you have content, go to Jac. Jac: I’ll create a
Jac: please join!
ACTION: Kohsuke to add a link to TOC readme
DLz: more automated notifications to come
Any other business?
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - not present
James Strachan (Jenkins X) - not present
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - not present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) - not present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - present
Yaov Landman (JFrog) - not present
Other Attendees:
Dan Lopez (Linux Foundation)
Jacqueline Salinas (LF/CD Foundation)
Tracy Miranda (CloudBees) - not present
Matt Young (Puppet)
Kara de la Marck (CloudBees) - not present
Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson Software Technology) - not present
Benjamin Brial (Cycloid) - not present
Tracy Ragan (Deploy Hub) - present
Kay Williams (Microsoft) - present
Agenda and Notes:
Landscape review (Tracy Ragan):
Requests approval to move landscape forward (now published),
needs infra support to help companies create PRs, and review
- TOC should be responsible for this -- start with
reviewing PRs in TOC meetings, but if traffic gets heavy review other options (paid resource?)
- TOC should be responsible for this -- start with
Question: CNCF landscape has duplication of the same
company/products in different categories. What policy does the CDF want to have/support with regards to this.
Dan Lopez: be clear about rational for this either way
(review of CNCF policy)
- Tracy recommends we discourage multiple categories
-- focus on core competency of each tool/project
- Tracy recommends we discourage multiple categories
Need to ensure we have commitment to maintenance,
(overseen by TOC?)
Dan: landscape entries don’t necessary have to be member
organizations (based on CNCF precedent)
Complimentary offerings (integrations, i.e.)
Also recruit opportunities for OSS projects for
“Projects” must be OSS but commercial products can
be listed in discipline categories -- logos need to be clear on this
We should also identify airgaps where we want to
TracyR: provided quick review of categories
- Tara and team agree there is some overlap
Dan Lopez: Like to have this out and published by Oct 22
and available by Kubecon NA
Recommendation to announce to members to add logos via PRs
- Tara to take care of this with Dan Lopez review
TOC Minutes to Github (Tara Hernandez)
- Tara H: Going to go ahead and start doing this, post-meeting
convert live gdoc notes into .md file(s)
- Tara H: Going to go ahead and start doing this, post-meeting
Telemetry discussion (Dan Lopez)
What are projects doing, wanting to do
best practices, standards, specs
Legal considerations incl GDPR
Missing some key TOC folks -- followup on this next meeting
Need to understand what information we want to capture
and figure out least invasive way to achieve it
Triggering regulatory controls Would Be Bad(™)
Friendlier meeting time for our APAC friends? (Dan Lopez)
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - present
James Strachan (Jenkins X) -
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) - not present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - not present
Yaov Landman (JFrog) - not present
Other Attendees:
Dan Lopez (Linux Foundation)
Tracy Miranda (CloudBees)
Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson Software Technology)
David Lai
Jacqueline Salinas
Matt Young (Puppet)
Agenda and Notes:
Security SIG
Next steps for Security SIG -- founding team?
DLc: people involved are at a f2f meeting. I’m not surprised
they are not here
DLz: bi-weekly meeting will commence in Oct, along with the
logistics setup.
Done: ACL, repository. (this has been done b/w Tara
& DLz)
Goal is to use Wiki as a scratch documentation place,
but the formal doc will be in markdown in Git repo
DLz: we are planning a media announcement of the effort
KK: this reminds me it’d be great for us to have a voice
as blog / TDM: “developer voice”
- DLz: if you write one or recruit people to write
ones, that’d be great! Just put them in GDoc or something and send it on our way
- DLz: if you write one or recruit people to write
TDM: CD Summit
Agenda is live -
Please register now (only 200 spaces)
TDM: Christie and I are co-chairing. We got 50+ submissions
against 15 slots. I’m very happy with the schedule — great sessions. Thanks to people who reviewed sessions.
DLz: there will be some media announcement on this as well
DLc: there’s also codefresh CI/CD summit happening on the
same day. Just FYI.
TDM: if you are coming, plan to stick around in the evening.
Some activities are being planned.
- TDM: member companies who have booth will run some
guerilla sessions related to the CDF and we’ll stitch them together into one “virtual” event
- TDM: member companies who have booth will run some
DLc: can we plan an in-person meeting for SIG/TOC/GB?
Probably during the main show
ACTION: DLz to inquire from Emily
Roadmap WG
FD: I was looking for wording to be more explicitly invite
anyone involved in space.
DLc: That part of the text was a little unclear
Next step: KK to resolve FD’s comment by massaging the text,
plus produce a few samples
CDF & Outreachy - project deadline 24th Sep - that’s today!
1 Jenkins project ([*Integrate Jenkins with GitHub
2 Jenkins X projects
[*Create a Cloud Storage backed Helm repository for
Jenkins X replacing ChartMuseum*](https://www.outreachy.org/december-2019-to-march-2020-internship-round/communities/jenkins-x/#create-a-cloud-storage-backed-helm-repository-for-)
[*Improve the Jenkins X Apps
Tekton pending
- Because Tekton was accepted as a community, deadline for
this is now Oct.
- Because Tekton was accepted as a community, deadline for
Fatih: CDF TOC meetings are not showing up in the public
- ACTION: Jacqueline to look into this
MLOPs Working Group
- Please review proposal:
- Please review proposal:
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - not present
James Strachan (Jenkins X) -
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) - present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - present
Yaov Landman (JFrog) -
Other Attendees:
Dan Lopez (Linux Foundation)
Tracy Miranda (CloudBees)
Matt Young (Puppet)
Kara de la Marck (CloudBees)
Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson Software Technology)
Benjamin Brial (Cycloid)
Agenda and Notes:
Friendlier meeting time for our APAC friends? (Dan Lopez)
Next steps for Security SIG -- founding team?
CDF & Outreachy
[*CDF Projects in Outreachy
Kara de la Mack - Jenkins X coordinator
Advocate for program as a way of building community,
particularly for mentor best practices as an ongoing effort for projects
Recommends at least 2 well-defined projects as part
of successful recruitment
- Even if you only pay for one intern, there may
be some fund matching from outreachy to help
- Even if you only pay for one intern, there may
Tara Hernandez - Tekton coordinator
- Still working on setting up projects
Christie Wilson - Tekton mentor
Tracy Miranda - Jenkins coordinator
Sept 5 was the deadline for signing up for the intern
- Jenkins, Jenkins X, Tekton all signed up
CDF Contributor Summit
- [*Talks
repo*](https://github.com/cdfoundation/presentations/tree/master/2019-contributor-summit-sf) - please add your talk links!
- [*Talks
CD Summit NA
- Call-for-papers
closes this Friday
- Call-for-papers
Schedule time for demo of LF CommunityBridge
Dan Lopez/LF Product team (DLopez)
Manage crowdfunding, internships etc
Discuss possible alternative to Google Docs for meeting minutes
to support int’l members (tara hernandez,tracy miranda)
Create a roster of who’s where, and a survey of what times work
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - present
James Strachan (Jenkins X) - not present
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - not present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) - present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - present
Yaov Landman (JFrog) - not present
Other Attendees:
Dan Lopez (Linux Foundation)
Ray Paik (GitLab)
Matt Young (Puppet)
Jeff Zhu (Futurewei)
Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson Software Technology)
Wolfram Kramer (SAP)
Kay Williams (Microsoft)
Agenda and Notes:
Vote on CDF Security SIG
KK: let’s call a vote / Tara: +1 / Andy +1
Screwdriver update
- << KK provided updates >>
Create Roadmap
Projects, priorities
DLpz: Chris & I were talking about this, looking at how CNCF
did this roadmapping. Establish the area that we want to attack — specs, conformance, etc. CDF should have that, too.
KK: challenge I had was to find projects with passionate
backers, as opposed to “wish list of things we’d love to see”
KK: if we frame this as “call for projects” to clarify
what we are looking for, that might encourage people out there to step up
DLpz: I like Tara’s “reference architecture” idea.
Kay: There are some projects in CNCF that I think are
good fit for the CDF. Shouldn’t we be talking with them to have them come over?
Kay had a specific project in mind
Tara: maybe we look at the ecosystem map and that
might give us the list
KK: maybe we can start by giving more visibility and
facilitate collaboration between CNCF projects and CDF projects/efforts.
DLpz: Chris / Dan to discuss WG on cross-foundation
Tara: I’d like to see smoother migration from non-cloud
to hybrid cloud easier.
KK: +1.
Tara: this will help useful differentiation
AG: I think “hybrid” is important. That prevents
people from getting an impression that this is cloud vendor’s play
KK: common format — e.g., test spec
KK: call out more specific projects in the SDLC like
artifact manager, test frameworks, code coverage, etc.
**Let’s form a WG so that we can get people to spend
their focused time brainstorming**
KK: provisioning / Tara: environment management
This happens all the time. This wheel is
getting reinvented.
New team comes onboard and DPE folks are trying to
automate the setup of Jenkins, JIRA, K8s namespace, ...
Matt: Do folks need help with CFP reviews or summit prep?
Matt: Puppet is willing to help.
DLpz: you should talk to Tracy Regan @ the outreach
DLpz: I’m calling attention to the timing of CfP
DLpz: Diversity, inclusion is getting worked on by the
GB, if you have thoughts, send it to me
Attendance? Projects?
KK: calling attention to diversity in terms of geos of
companies who participate. CDF participants are often companies, not individuals.
Fatih: I have Q around TOC contributors. I read [*the
document*](https://github.com/cdfoundation/toc/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS.md). Is that only for member companies?
I issued a PR to add myself to this but no responses for
3 weeks
KK: let’s make sure these things don’t go unnoticed
- TH & KK to make sure notification setup is done
- TH & KK to make sure notification setup is done
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR]
James Strachan (Jenkins X)
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker)
Tara Hernandez (Google) - present
Yaov Landman (JFrog) - present
Other Attendees:
Kay Williams (Microsoft)
Ravi Lachhman (Harness)
<< fill your names here please >>
Agenda and Notes:
Screwdriver next steps
Tara: what I’ve heard is that the engagement with the
community wasn’t the first priority. It felt a bit like “coming here for the sake of it.” It felt like a vanity contribution.
DLc: I share some of the same concerns with Tara
KK: I suggest I drive a further conversation. I feel like
our goals are still aligned in terms of bringing them onboard.
Yoav/KK: there’s a bit of chicken and egg problem. Others:
[*Security SIG
Kay: Dan & I chatted yesterday and I’m going to create a PR.
That’s already there.
What’s the next step? -> discussion from the group
- Kay to send out email to call out people to chime in or
be ready to vote
- Kay to send out email to call out people to chime in or
KK: I’ve heard this effort in MITRE under the OMG umbrella
Kay: I think what I’ve heard is the same lead
Yoav: I’m interested
KK: I’ll connect us all in that email
Updates from the CDF contributor summit
<< KK rambled a bit. Will write an email >>
Kay: I got a similar impression. The CDF is still new
Tara: don’t over emphasize development, and instead
highlight other functions, like infra, quality, process, … are welcomed and they are needed.
- Be overt about those. Advertise them.
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - traveling
James Strachan (Jenkins X) - not present
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) - present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - not present
Yaov Landman (JFrog) - present
Other Attendees:
Dan Lopez (Linux Foundation)
Tracy Miranda (CloudBees)
R Tyler Croy (Jenkins)
Spencer Krum (IBM)
Kay Williams (Microsoft)
Ray Paik (GitLab)
Agenda and Notes:
CDF Contributor Summit, Mon Aug 12, San Francisco
DevOps World | Jenkins World
CDF booth, [*CDF member
Open Spaces sessions for Jenkins,
RFC: Screwdriver:
- Call a vote?
Next round is December 2019 to March 2020
Sept 5 is deadline for community sign up
Jenkins project has participated in last 2 rounds (4
different Outreachy interns)
Need to identify mentors and scoping 12 week projects
Can be for more than just code (docs, design, etc.)
Friendlier meeting time for our APAC friends? (Dan Lopez)
- Suggestion is to have an additional or augmented meeting
- Suggestion is to have an additional or augmented meeting
Annual goals from the TOC? (Dan Lorenc)
Place in Github project/milestones
Goals related to:
Interoperability, standards, specs, conformance
forward-looking strategy
project hygiene/infrastructure
Working Group Proposal Status
Jenkins from SPI status (rtyler)
What is the status of transferring assets?
Chris A. was tracking this.
This is taking longer than anyone expected, Jenkins has some
budget items it needs to resolve
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - traveling
James Strachan (Jenkins X) - not present
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) - not present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - not present
Yaov Landman (JFrog) - present
Other Attendees:
Dan Lopez (Linux Foundation)
Tracy Miranda (CloudBees)
Ray Paik (GitLab)
Kay Williams (Microsoft)
Agenda and Notes:
DLc: [*Working group
- Kay Williams to send out and link the prototype Security SIG
proposal (done)
- Kay Williams to send out and link the prototype Security SIG
Screwdriver proposal:
CDF Contributor Summit, Mon Aug 12, San Francisco
CFP for CD Summit San Diego coming up next
Reach out to Tracy if you want to participate in the program
Open up CFP process
<dlorenc@google.com to figure
out permissions on this doc>
DLc: EasyCLA - Tekton
LF is launching a new project called EasyCLA
Automates a Github Bot to handle signatures for CLA per
Starting implementation for Tekton
This should be useful for other projects going forward as
TOC should drive requirement around CLA best practices
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - present
James Strachan (Jenkins X)
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) - present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - on vacation
Yaov Landman (JFrog) - present
Agenda and Notes:
Screwdriver.cd team to
present to TOC
People from Verizon Media = Yahoo + AOL
Gyehuda, Ashley, Rosalie
Venugopal, Jithin Emmanuel - Product Owner,
We built this project in the hope it’s useful for others
We wanted to build a system that involves no humans
Used across the portfolio of VM companies
Origin is 2012 at Yahoo
Pipeline as Code
Initially this was orchestrator on top of Jenkins, then we
hit the wall, so we rebuilt it
We wanted to make sure it works at the scale of Yahoo
The result of rewrite got open-sourced in 2016
<< architecture diagram in the presentation >>
Can use different ‘executor’ to actually carry out builds -
Docker, K8s, even Jenkins
- Better isolation based on HyperContainer
- << usage within VM in a slide >>
Features - lots from http://cd.screwdriver.cd/
(scribe got distracted sending questions and failed to
take notes)
Analytics of where time was consumed
Commands as low level atomic building blocks. SauceLabs
& FOSSA integration through that
Yahoo Japan is the other contributors. They work
independently from us, except for bi-weekly sync. (Despite the name Y!J is a separate entity.) They have been with the project since early on.
Various PRs from outside
Weekly sync between two companies appear the main
decision making process
Documents and Kanban board on GitHub to record/support
Gyehuda: Not duplicating the effort is why we came here
Andy: alignment with VM’s interest?
- J: This software is providing what we need. That’s what
we get out of it
- J: This software is providing what we need. That’s what
KK: experience as an open-source project in the past 3
G: Our goal wasn’t so much to get “million contributors”
“Now is the right time to grow”
G: We see this as an opportunity to expand to more
J: We were not focused on users outside VM either,
but that’s something we are working on
VM built out an awesome OSS office. Rosalie: I’ve
been full time on OSS office, and screwdriver is one of my key projects
DLc: [*Working group
I’ve added SIGs in addition to the WGs now
Please comment in the next few days, so that Dan can turn
this into a PR early next week
Kay has already put together a SIG around security
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR]
James Strachan (Jenkins X) (absent)
Dan Lorenc (Tekton)
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) (I’m here!)
Tara Hernandez (Google) (Here!)
Yaov (JFrog) (absent)
Agenda and Notes:
DLc: [*Working group
AI: DL: I’m going to work on the other SIG like proposal
DL: I had the security delivery chain WG in mind
The infra usage metrics collection stuff could be a good fit
Any thought behind “3 member companies” bar?
- DL: Not too much, 2 could do, too
DLz: we should be prescriptive of the communication channels
DLz: CoC should apply to WGs
DL: I was trying to avoid zombie WGs. If any of this came
across heavy handed, that’s why
- Perhaps quarterly status updates
DLc: Metrics collection for CDF projects (see email thread)
Can the CDF help here with infrastructure? This wouldn't be
anything we "impose", just a framework and infrastructure projects can use.
TravisT: we are looking for how to instrument Spinnaker (and
possibly beyond to other CDF projects) to collect usage info in privacy centric way
Step 1: what’s the prior art in this space?
AI: there’s some more discoveries
**AI: DLc: I think K8s did something — I’ll find out who
did this.**
Step 2: if not, what should we do? What do we want?
TT: I’m willing to drive this forward
TT: I’ve heard from somebody from Armory.io about their
KK: I’d love to hook somebody in the Jenkins project up
here to help
AG: we need the LF input and policy around PII, policy,
what members get access, etc.
DLz: I’m happy to talk to Chris A and Mike D
(LF people). We should have a call.
AI: TT to start gathering Spinnaker requirements
KK: upcoming active committer rep to the GB
- DLz: We have some nominations. I’ll send this out to
the group.
- DLz: We have some nominations. I’ll send this out to
Voting eligibility
- DLz: it’s up to the TOC to decide.
DLz: let’s aim for the end of the month. June 28th.
Who’s going to be in Shanghai?
- DLc, Tara, a bunch of CB folks (Alyssa, JamesR, Carlos),
Chris A
- DLc, Tara, a bunch of CB folks (Alyssa, JamesR, Carlos),
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR]
James Strachan (Jenkins X)
Dan Lorenc (Tekton)
Andy Glover (Spinnaker)
Tara Hernandez (Google)
Yaov (JFrog)
Agenda and Notes:
Yoav: (he didn’t make it this time)
Doing dev tools & infra for decades. Originally built
Tinderbox (‘cause tree is always on fire), that led to CircleCI.
Did bonsai (because branch control)
My focus has been tooling & support of engineering
culture (from the eng mgmt side)
I get to work with Jez Humble recently, who joined GOOG
through acquisition
I know Tracy Miranda (CloudBees, director of community)
I’m probably the least nerdy
CD Summit Videos online:
- Dan: TOC & WG sessions will go there as well
Contributor.md maintenance
Code of conduct review
Dan: I wanted to give people the awareness
KK: Is this intended to apply to projects, right? Dan: Yes.
KK: This is the first time the CDF “imposes” something to
projects, so this should be pre-negotiated.
AG: Spinnaker has the existing CoC policy. I’m curious
how different they are.
JS: JX doesn’t yet have but we meant it, so this
is great.
<< sounds like unifying this is not hard >>
Tara: this is important stuff, I’m happy to contribute
Dan: the reporter email address should be swapped out
to something. It’s currently me.
**AI: KK to initiate the thread & sell the idea of unifying
CoC across the member projects & why that’s beneficial for all of us**
Spencer: Where is that alias go?
- KK: I think we should create the private TOC list and it
should go
- KK: I think we should create the private TOC list and it
We the TOC are responsible to resolve this
Spencer: how does the organizational memory get passed on
when TOC rotates
- KK: stagger, and archive
Call to action: interested project proposals!
Dan: now that we have the project proposal is in place,
let’s do this
Screwdriver.cd & Huawei’s CDDL
Tara: I talk to lots of fellow release nerds, they have bits
of pieces of stuff that they like to open-source. Can we provide the guidance?
AI: Tara to start a thread on this. KK: I’ll chime in.
Spencer: FYI, C
Tara: C in SF, small scale sponsorship could be small
Listing presentations on github
Dan: There’s an opportunity to have a co-located event in
OS Summit. Contributor focused events.
- Dan: I’m discovering what that event team can do for us
Dan: lunch & beer will attract people. Spencer: I can
makeask IBM do something for us! :) -
The conversation is ongoing to expand existing Jenkins & JX
contributor event to include Spinnaker (and hopefully to Tekton as well) end of August.
- AI: KK to connect Alyssa with Dan.
Dan: Meetups
A few conversations ongoing to support community meetups.
Specifically, transitioning to Meetup Pro. Jenkins Area Meetup would be the guinea pig for this.
Dan: this is the conversation between Tracy so far. If
anyone wants to chime in, let me know
KK: I’d love to see the execution plan when things get
to that point.
Dan: there’s an upcoming meetup planned in San Jose. Dan to
coordinate with Tracy.
Standards/Specs Workgroup
Dan: FYI, there has been a couple of email threads/dialogs
that led me to believe there’s an interest for this
**AI: DLop & DLor are talking to bring the initial proposal,
which should include some justification etc to let others react**
Update on operations
Director of Ecosystem
- DLop: tracking toward bringing somebody onboard.
Starting date incoming in the next few days.
- DLop: tracking toward bringing somebody onboard.
PR/Media comms team
DLop: this is coming into shape. By next call, they
should be onboard.
When ready, they can start taking over social media,
whitepapers, blog posts, etc.
DLop: I want everyone to look at cd.foundation to identify
missing content. I want to create a “CRM process” — lead gen form to drive more membership, participation in events.
Tara: are folks going to Shanghai? I’m going
KK: I know some folks from the Jenkins project is going
Spencer: I know some IBM folks are going (JJ?)
AI: Tara to send out a short email asking on this, and KK &
Spencer to forward that to the folks they know to get stuff connected in a recorded format
AI: fix the permission of this doc to include Tara
- Cancelled due to a collision with Kubecon, where a lot of TOC
members have gone to
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR]
James Strachan (Jenkins X)
Dan Lorenc (Tekton)
Andy Glover (Spinnaker)
Tara Hernandez (Google)*
Kris Nova (VMware)*
Agenda and Notes:
Welcome Dan Lopez as a CDF PM!
- DLo: I’m an alumni
Welcome 2 new TOC members: Tara + Kris
[*FYI: CDF Summit at KubeCon EU on May
20th!*](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe-2019/co-located-events/) (remember to REGISTER)
- CA: we sold out 200, we bumped up 300. But even that is to
sell out by the next week
- CA: we sold out 200, we bumped up 300. But even that is to
[*FYI: CDF Summit at KubeCon China on June
24th*](https://www.lfasiallc.com/events/kubecon-cloudnativecon-china-2019/co-located-events/) in Shanghai (remember to REGISTER)
- CfP will start very soon
[*Project proposal
process*](https://github.com/cdfoundation/toc/pull/3/files) discussion + queue for approval
Decision: CA/DL to kick off the vote
RT took the action to report back metrics that Jenkins
New people on the call?
- gyehuda: Here to listen & understand. Looking forward to
propose the project.
- gyehuda: Here to listen & understand. Looking forward to
Any other business?
CA: marketing committee is ramping up & operational
CA: legal committee is ramping up, motivated by a question
from Spinnaker
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR]
James Strachan (Jenkins X)
Dan Lorenc (Tekton)
Andy Glover (Spinnaker)
Agenda and Notes:
Review of action items from the last week
KK: Finalize TOC principles for vote next week on mailing
- End of the vote is one week after calling of the vote
ALL: Continue revisions on project proposals
TDM: poke Jenkins X to list up infra requirements to
- JS: I’m looking at this
FYI: CDF GB met last week for the first time, approved initial
FYI: CDF GB is picking 2 TOC slots
- Voting ends: Wednesday, May 1, at 5pm Pacific Time
[*FYI: CDF Summit at KubeCon EU on May
20th!*](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe-2019/co-located-events/) (remember to REGISTER)
- CA: we sold out 200, we bumped up 300. But even that is to
sell out by the next week
- CA: we sold out 200, we bumped up 300. But even that is to
[*FYI: CDF Summit at KubeCon China on June
24th*](https://www.lfasiallc.com/events/kubecon-cloudnativecon-china-2019/co-located-events/) in Shanghai (remember to REGISTER)
CA: There’ll be CfP soon
KK: This is public, right? CA: Yes, you can tell people!
CA: this is day 0 - Monday.
FYI: New CDF Program Manager [*Dan
Lopez*](https://www.linkedin.com/in/danlopez/) starting April 29th!
CA: he should be here in the next TOC meeting
CA: we are also hiring “Director of community/ecosystem.” If
you know someone good, send them on our way.
- AG: where is the job description? **AI: CA to share the
job description**
- AG: where is the job description? **AI: CA to share the
Call for vote on
- https://lists.cd.foundation/g/cdf-toc/message/39
(TOC members please vote)
- https://lists.cd.foundation/g/cdf-toc/message/39
[*Project proposal
process*](https://github.com/cdfoundation/toc/pull/3/files) discussion + queue for approval
Several outstanding comments — who’s court the ball is in?
@cra addressed some comments, still WIP
CA: TOC members are welcome to make edits to this draft.
So the ball is in the collective court of the TOC members
We want to aim for the vote to begin in the next TOC meeting
DL: We still believe in vendor neutralness but we’ll stop
short of calling specific criteria
Discussion about “2 sponsors” → we will keep this
- There will be 7 TOC members by the end of May (currently
there are only 4)
- There will be 7 TOC members by the end of May (currently
AI: DL to make a pass on this today or tomorrow
Q & A
DL: how is the legal committee going?
CA: this is being set up as we speak.
**AI: CA: create legal@cd.foundation for inbound
legal questions.**
Next meeting will be May 7th.
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR]
James Strachan (Jenkins X)
Dan Lorenc (Tekton)
Andy Glover (Spinnaker)
Agenda and Notes:
[*FYI: CDF Summit at KubeCon EU on May
20th!*](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe-2019/co-located-events/) (remember to REGISTER)
This is happening in Shanghai as well. What role does the
TOC want to have in curating the agenda? [dlorenc]
Independent program committee - driven by community
Volunteers for committee
mailing list for program discussions - TOC list for now
- AI: Finalized draft with async vote next week on ML
[*Project proposal
process*](https://github.com/cdfoundation/toc/pull/3/files) discussion + queue for approval
<< more notes here & AIs in the linked PR >>
MW: I don’t think vanity metrics like GitHub star
is valuable. I know Jenkins has metrics that goes one step further. It would be nice for us to mandate a higher bar here
- KK: in Jenkins this is held together in a duct tape
Next step for Chris to make some edits based on feedback.
Gathering infrastructure requirements from projects, see
RT: I was looking to identify commonality between them, see
if there’s a room for consolidation
RT: input from Jenkins X is needed / **TDM to follow up with
CLA bot unification? [dlorenc]
Up to projects. If you want to keep Apache style CLA
bot, we can use the LF CLA bot.
CA: or Developer Code of Origin: (Linux kernel style
“Signed-Off-By” header), but project’s counsel might disagree
Ping Chris to get moved over
First CDF GB meeting on April 18th (they will select 3
TOC candidates)
Nomination period, votes coming up after
Potentially within 3 weeks
AG: big companies often call us to ask if they have permission
to use Spinnaker logo. In the CDF world who gives the authoritative answer?
- CA to create FAQ entry. In the future, we need to create a
trademark policy. That’s up to GB.
- CA to create FAQ entry. In the future, we need to create a
Action Items:
KK: Finalize TOC principles for vote next week on mailing
ALL: Continue revisions on project proposals
TDM: poke Jenkins X to list up infra requirements to
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR]
James Strachan (Jenkins X)
Dan Lorenc (Tekton)
Andy Glover (Spinnaker)
Other Attendees:
Sheroy Marker
Fatih Degirmenci
Tyler Croy
Michael Winser
Tracy Miranda
Agenda and Notes:
Andy Glover: Netflix, Spinnaker, Bay Area
James Strachan: Jenkins X, the UK, 150 miles west of London
Dan Lorenc: Google, Tekton
Sheroy Marker: head of tech, ThoughtWorks, Bay Area
Fatih Degirmenci: Ericsson but I’m here as individual,
Kohsuke Kawaguchi: aka KK, Jenkins guy, the bay area
Chris Aniszczyk: LF “behind the scenes guy”
Tyler Croy: Jenkins board member, US west coast
CDF TOC Meeting Cadence? (every 2 weeks to start?)
AGREED: 2 weeks same time of the week (2nd and 4th Tue at
9am PT)
DL: in person meetings where we can?
Let’s pencil this in — AG: I haven’t made my plan yet
CA to look into logistics a bit
CA: it’d be nice to have a face-to-face between CNCF &
CDF TOC Values/Principles (see
People seem to be happy of the current version
Next step: turn this into GitHub PR, a round of comments and
updates, and vote in the next TOC meeting.
ACTION: Kohsuke to turn this into a PR**
CDF TOC Project Acceptance Process (see
example and end of values document)
CA: [*I added this starting point in the
DL: is the long queue in CNCF because of its process?
CA: I don’t expect that many projects in here
AGREED: that’s not a problem for us for now
On maturity levels
DL: there are implications of maturity levels to TOC
- KK: having three stages help here — incubating &
graduating projects are eligible for seats?
- KK: having three stages help here — incubating &
What do different groups to during incubation
Be on the treadmill toward the explicit graduation
CA: CDF DevStats:
http://devstats.cd.foundation is helpful
AG: anything you don’t recommend from copying CNCF?
CA: if early stage project is important, just
copy it. If not, we can cut that part out
<< opinions seem to be favoring omitting
sandbox >>
Can be added later, but removing a box is harder
KK: if we do without sandbox, there needs to be some
adoption/maturity criteria for the incubating
AGREED: omit sandbox for now. Two stages
Next step: add meat to those two stages.
FYI: First CDF GB meeting will be April 18th (GB will host TOC
election for their slots)
CA: we expect GB to send us 3 more people. 2 slots left
“back-pocketed” for new projects
- Election would probably take 2 weeks to run
**CA: if we have candidates we want, we should propose that
to GB**
CA: think about diversity inclusion.
CA: end user representatives are valuable
CA: we can also reach out publicly
KK: let’s think about people we want here
AG: how about staggered terms?
- CA: at CNCF we did a lottery to decide who gets 1 year &
2 year to create staggers. This will happen after GB sends the rest of people
- CA: at CNCF we did a lottery to decide who gets 1 year &
DL: CDF Summit quick update (co-located with
Kubecon Barcelona)
4 overviews from each projects in the morning
Panels in the afternoon being planned
200 capacity. 90+ has already signed up.
[*Link to the planning
AG: what’s the expected updates to projects?
CA: No need to change package names, namespaces, etc
CA: website update expected.
TC: Jenkins team will have a meeting with LF infra team.
Would Spinnaker folks be interested in aligning?
CA: let’s discover what the needs are
AG: I think about Travis, Artifactory, Discourse, Slack,
CA: Let’s collect requirements. Let’s start Google Doc
and throw things in there to start with
TC: I’ll start the doc & add Jenkins stuff here
CA: this would be a good place to also list up
assets slated for transfer
(see 4 action items above, bold lined)
CA: any budget related things, let me know before the first
GB meeting
CA: we prefer projects to come with specific asks
Let’s get baseline of what’s being spent today
CA: we are looking to hire somebody as “program manager”
DONE: Dan to turn the invite into recurring
DONE: CA to setup Zoom & recording
TOC Attendees:
Kohsuke Kawaguchi (Jenkins) [CHAIR] - not present
James Strachan (Jenkins X) -
Dan Lorenc (Tekton) - not present
Andy Glover (Spinnaker) - present
Tara Hernandez (Google) - present
Yaov Landman (JFrog) -
Other Attendees:
Dan Lopez (Linux Foundation)
Tracy Miranda (CloudBees)
Matt Young (Puppet)
Kara de la Marck (CloudBees)
Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson Software Technology)
Benjamin Brial (Cycloid)
Jacqueline Salinas
Tracy Ragan (Deploy Hub)
Agenda and Notes: