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Fair classification through linear programming


This repository implements several postprocessing algorithms designed to debias pretrained classifiers. It uses linear programming for everything, including its work with real-valued predictors, and so the bulk of the solving code is an implementation (and extension) of the method presented by Hardt, Price, and Srebro in their 2016 paper on fairness in supervised learning.



The main goal of any postprocessing method is to take an existing classifier and make it fair for all levels of a protected category, like race or religion. There are a number of ways to do this, but in Hardt, Price, and Srebro's paper, they take an oblivious approach, such that the adjusted classifier (or derived predictor, Ytilde) only relies on the joint distribution of the true label (Y), the predicted label (Yhat), and the protected attribute (A).

Discrete predictor for a binary outcome

When both Y and Y hat are binary, the optimization problem is a linear program based on the conditional probabilities (Ytilde = Yhat). In this case, two probabilities, (Ytilde = 1 | Yhat = 1) and (Ytilde = 1 | Yhat = 0) fully define the distribution of the derived predictor, and so the linear program can be written in a very parismonious 2 * Ngroups variables. The solution will find the topmost-left point of the intersection of the group-specific convex hulls defined by the conditional probabilities in ROC space (illustration below).

Continuous predictor for a binary outcome

When Y is binary but Yhat is continuous, Yhat must be thresholded before we can examine it for fairness. Hardt, Price, and Srebrbo proposed adding randomness to the selection of threshold for each group to make the resulting predictions fair. Here, we take the arguably more straightforward approach of thresholding the scores first (choosing thresholds that maximize groupwise performance) and then using the linear program as in the discrete case above to solve for the derived predictor. Theoretically, this may be sub-optimal, but practically, it runs fast and works well (illustration below).

Multiclass outcomes

In our paper from the SafeAI workshop at AAAI 2022, we extend the binary approach above to multiclass outcomes. As before, the solution still uses a linear program to derive the adjusted predictor, but the program's constraints and loss functions change a bit to account for the somewhat expanded definitions of fairness entailed by the added outcome levels. Our implementation supports the same functions as above, including plotting:

Notice that in this particular example the optima are not truly optimal--they're a bit inside of the bounding convex hull for one outcome, and a bit outside it for the others. A good solution can be hard to find when the number of outcomes is high, when there's lots of class imblanace, or when the disparities between groups are particularly strong. We provide a fairly comprehensive look at these different scenarios in our paper.


Our implementation use two classes, the BinaryBalancer and the MulticlassBalancer, to perform their respective adjustments. Initializing a balancer with the true label, the predicted label, and the protected attribute will produce a report with the groupwise true- and false-positive rates. The rest of its functionality comes from the .adjust() and .plot() methods--see the two classes's docstrings for more info!


For demo purposes, the repository comes with a synthetic dataset, farm_animals.csv, which we created with Here are the data elements:

  1. animal: The kind of farm animal. Options are cat, dog, and sheep. This is the protected attribute A.
  2. action: The kind of care the animal needs. Options are feed, pet, and shear. This is the true label Y.
  3. pred_action: The kind of care the farmer thinks the animal needs. This is the predicted label Yhat.
  4. shear: Whether pred_action is shear.
  5. shear_prob: The predicted probability that the animal needs a shear. This was generated using different conditional probabilities than the variable pred_action, so it will not equal shear when thresholded.

The distirbution of animals is not entirely realistic--a working sheep farmer, for example, would have a much higher ratio of sheep to herding dogs--but the lower class imbalance makes the demo a bit easier to follow.


To see the postprocessing algorithms in action, please check out the demo notebook. The notbeook shows off the main features of the two Balancer classes and is the best place to start if you've never worked with these kinds of adjustments before. Please note: The modules in requirements.txt must be installed before running.


If you use this code for a project, please give us a shout out.


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