From 44cb07af6afe8e63382c3c01b316df5ffd221428 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Jeremy R. Easton-Marks" Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2025 19:18:46 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Create Standalone README --- docs/deployment/standalone/ | 460 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 460 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/deployment/standalone/ diff --git a/docs/deployment/standalone/ b/docs/deployment/standalone/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cb8e97a7f1b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/deployment/standalone/ @@ -0,0 +1,460 @@ +# Deploy Standalone Isolated Version + +## Overview +In some cases a cBioPortal instance needs to be completely isolated from connecting to outside resources. While cBioPortal will run in an isolated environment some features will not be available. In this documentation we cover how to setup and deploy a docker version of cBioPortal that is isolated from all outside services. + + +## Setup Instructions + +### Docker Configuration and Setup +Our docker configuration is based off the default cBioPortal docker configuration however we have made some changes to support our requirements. We create two networks in this deployment. The first being a bridge network that allows the services to connect to the outside world. The second is an internal network that only allows for services to talk to other services in that network. Most of the services are configured to use the internal network, with the exception being the NGINX and cBioPortal services. The NGINX needs to be able to communicate with the outside world in order to make the cBioPortal instance available to the outside world. The cBioPortal instance needs to be able to communicate with the outside world in order to allow for authentication with an outside service. However, if the cBioPortal instance does not authentication then the service can be deployed only on the internal network. + + +``` +services: + nginx-wrapper: + restart: unless-stopped + image: nginx:1.27.1 + container_name: cbioportal-nginx-wrapper-container + ports: #NGINX_WRAPPER + - 80:80 + - 443:443 + expose: + - "8777" + volumes: + - ./config/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf + - ./cert/cert.cer:/etc/nginx/cert.cer + - ./cert/cert.key:/etc/nginx/cert.key + - ./gn-static:/gn-static + depends_on: + - cbioportal + networks: + - cbio-bridge + - cbio-internal + cbioportal: + restart: unless-stopped + image: dfci/cbioportal:6.0.12-dfci + container_name: cbioportal-container + cap_add: + - NET_ADMIN + - NET_RAW + environment: + SHOW_DEBUG_INFO: "true" + PORTAL_HOME: "/cbioportal-webapp" + extra_hosts: + - "" + - "" + - "" + - "" + volumes: + - ./config/ + - ./config/ + depends_on: + - cbioportal-database + - cbioportal-session + networks: + - cbio-internal + - cbio-bridge + command: /bin/sh -c "/ && rm -rf /cbioportal-webapp/lib/servlet-api-2.5.jar && java -Xms2g -Xmx4g -cp '/cbioportal-webapp:/cbioportal-webapp/lib/*' org.cbioportal.PortalApplication --spring.config.location=/cbioportal-webapp/ --session.service.url=http://cbioportal-session:5000/api/sessions/portal/" + cbioportal-database: + restart: unless-stopped + image: mysql:5.7 + container_name: cbioportal-database-container + environment: + MYSQL_DATABASE: cbioportal + MYSQL_USER: cbio_user + MYSQL_PASSWORD: somepassword + MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: somepassword + volumes: + - ./data/cgds.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/cgds.sql:ro + - ./data/seed.sql.gz:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/seed.sql.gz:ro + - cbioportal_mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql + networks: + - cbio-internal + cbioportal-session: + restart: unless-stopped + image: cbioportal/session-service:0.6.1 + container_name: cbioportal-session-container + environment: + SERVER_PORT: 5000 + JAVA_OPTS: + depends_on: + - cbioportal-session-database + networks: + - cbio-internal + cbioportal-session-database: + restart: unless-stopped + image: mongo:4.2 + container_name: cbioportal-session-database-container + environment: + MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE: session_service + volumes: + - ../cbioportal_mongo_data:/data/db + networks: + - cbio-internal + oncokb: + image: oncokb/oncokb:3.20.3 + ports: #TODO: CHANGE TO EXPOSE + - "8080:8080" + environment: + JAVA_OPTS: > + -Djdbc.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver + -Djdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://oncokb-mysql:3306/oncokb?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useSSL=false + -Djdbc.username=oncokb_user + -Djdbc.password=somepassword + -Doncokb_transcript.url=http://oncokb-transcript:9090-Doncokb_transcript.token= + -Dgenome_nexus.grch37.url=http://gn-spring-boot:8888 + -Dgenome_nexus.grch38.url=http://gn-spring-boot-grch38:8888 + -Dis_public_instance=false + + depends_on: + - "oncokb-transcript" + networks: + - cbio-internal + volumes: + - ./config/oncokb.config:/src/main/resources/properties/ + oncokb-mysql: + restart: unless-stopped + image: mysql:5.7.28 + environment: + MYSQL_DATABASE: oncokb + MYSQL_USER: oncokb_user + MYSQL_PASSWORD: somepassword + MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: somepassword + volumes: + - ../oncokb:/var/lib/mysql + networks: + - cbio-internal + oncokb-transcript: + image: oncokb/oncokb-transcript:0.9.4 + ports: #TODO: CHANGE TO EXPOSE + - "9090:9090" + environment: + - SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=prod,api-docs,no-liquibase + - APPLICATION_REDIS_ENABLED=false + - SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:mysql://oncokb-transcript-mysql:3306/oncokb_transcript?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useSSL=false + - SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME=oncokb_user + - SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD=somepassword + depends_on: + - "oncokb-transcript-mysql" + networks: + - cbio-internal + oncokb-transcript-mysql: + restart: unless-stopped + image: mysql:5.7.28 + environment: + MYSQL_DATABASE: oncokb_transcript + MYSQL_USER: oncokb_user + MYSQL_PASSWORD: somepassword + MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: somepassword + volumes: + - ../oncokb_transcript:/var/lib/mysql + networks: + - cbio-internal + cancerhotspots: + image: ksg/cancerhotspots + ports: #TODO: CHANGE TO EXPOSE + - "8888:28080" + networks: + - cbio-internal + gn-spring-boot: + image: genomenexus/gn-spring-boot:1.4.1 + ports: #TODO: CHANGE TO EXPOSE + - "8888:8888" + cap_add: + - NET_ADMIN + - NET_RAW + environment: + - SERVER_PORT=8888 + command: > + java + + -Dgn_vep.region.url=http://gn-vep:8080/vep/human/region/VARIANT + -Drevue.url=http://nginx-wrapper:8777/VUEs.json + -Dgenexrefs.url= + -Dmyvariantinfo.url= + -Dpdb.header_service_url= + -Doncokb.url=http://oncokb/api/v1/annotate/mutations/byProteinChange?PROTEINCHANGE + -jar /app.war + links: + - gn-mongo + depends_on: + - gn-mongo + - gn-vep + networks: + - cbio-internal + gn-mongo: + image: genomenexus/gn-mongo:0.31 + restart: always + environment: + - REF_ENSEMBL_VERSION=grch37_ensembl98 + - SPECIES=homo_sapiens + networks: + - cbio-internal + gn-vep: + image: genomenexus/genome-nexus-vep:v0.0.1 + environment: + - VEP_ASSEMBLY=GRCh37 + - VEP_FASTAFILERELATIVEPATH=homo_sapiens/98_GRCh37/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz + user: root + restart: always + ports: #TODO: CHANGE TO EXPOSE + - "6060:8080" + volumes: + - ../gn-vep-data/98_GRCh37:/opt/vep/.vep + - ../gn-vep-data/98_GRCh37:/root/.vep/ + networks: + - cbio-internal + gn-spring-boot-grch38: + image: genomenexus/gn-spring-boot:v1.2.2 + ports: #TODO: CHANGE TO EXPOSE + - "8889:8888" + environment: + - SERVER_PORT=8888 + command: > + java + + -Dgn_vep.region.url=http://gn-vep-grch38:8080/vep/human/region/VARIANT + -Drevue.url=http://nginx-wrapper:8777/VUEs.json + -Dgenexrefs.url= + -Dmyvariantinfo.url= + -Dpdb.header_service_url= + -jar + /app.war + links: + - gn-mongo-grch38 + depends_on: + - gn-mongo-grch38 + - gn-vep-grch38 + networks: + - cbio-internal + gn-mongo-grch38: + image: genomenexus/gn-mongo:v0.24_grch38_ensembl95 + restart: always + networks: + - cbio-internal + gn-vep-grch38: + image: genomenexus/genome-nexus-vep:v0.0.1 + environment: + - VEP_ASSEMBLY=GRCh38 + - VEP_FASTAFILERELATIVEPATH=homo_sapiens/98_GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.toplevel.fa.gz + user: root + restart: always + ports: #TODO: CHANGE TO EXPOSE + - "6061:8080" + volumes: + - ../gn-vep-data/98_GRCh38/:/opt/vep/.vep/ + - ../gn-vep-data/98_GRCh38:/root/.vep/ + networks: + - cbio-internal + +networks: + cbio-internal: + internal: true + ipam: + config: + - subnet: + cbio-bridge: + driver: bridge + ipam: + driver: default + config: + - subnet: +``` + +### NGINX Configuration and Setup +The NGINX configuration below supports HTTPS, a static landing page, cBioPortal being hosted as a subdirectory. You will need to provide your own certificates. You will note in the configuration that we host the static site in the `/gn-static` directory. This directory will also need to contain an index file as well as any supporting resources. The `/gn-static` is also used by a site the connects to a server running on port 8777. This hosts the `VUEs.json` file used by Genome Nexus and the port is only available to services inside the internal network. We also have a location lookup for `/reactapp` that handles cBioPortal requests that do not support running cBioPortal in a subdirectory. + + +``` +server { + listen 80; + + return 301 https://$host$request_uri; +} + +server { + + listen 443 ssl; + + ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/cert.cer; + ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/cert.key; + + ssl_session_cache builtin:1000 shared:SSL:10m; + ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; + ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!CAMELLIA:!DES:!MD5:!PSK:!RC4; + ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; + + access_log /var/log/nginx/cbioportal_login.access.log; + + client_max_body_size 1024g; + client_body_buffer_size 1024m; + + proxy_http_version 1.1; + chunked_transfer_encoding off; + + location / { + root /gn-static; + } + + location /cbioportal { + proxy_pass http://cbioportal:8443; + proxy_set_header Host $host; + proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Scheme https; + proxy_set_header Connection keep-alive; + proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; + proxy_set_header Transfer-Encoding ""; + proxy_send_timeout "20m"; + proxy_read_timeout "20m"; + } + + location /reactapp { + return 301 /cbioportal$request_uri; + } + + expires -1; +} + +server { + listen 8777; + location / { + root /gn-static; + } + + expires -1; +} +``` + +### cBioPortal Configuration and Setup +Our cBioPortal configuration of changes that need to be reflected in the configuration file. The first is that the public instance of Genome Nexus can no longer be accessed. To accomplish this we update the url for Genome Nexus to be a local path and create proxy services for the internal Genome Nexus. Additionally, we configure the server to support being behind a reverse proxy (NGINX) and set the context path to `/cbioportal`. We set our database settings to communicate with our MySQL instance. Finally, we configure security for OAuth2 authentication and authorization. + + +``` +# Genome Nexus Configuration + +genomenexus.url=/cbioportal/proxy/genomenexus +genomenexus.url.grch38=/cbioportal/proxy/genomenexus38 + +proxy.routes.genomenexus=http://gn-spring-boot:8888 +proxy.routes.genomenexus38=http://gn-spring-boot-grch38:8888 + +# Server Configuration +server.forward-headers-strategy=FRAMEWORK +server.use-forward-headers=true +server.port=8443 +server.servlet.context-path=/cbioportal +server.tomcat.redirect-context-root=false + +security.cors.allowed-origins=* + +# database +spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://cbioportal-database:3306/cbioportal?useSSL=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true +spring.datasource.username=cbio_user +spring.datasource.password=somepassword +spring.datasource.driver-class-name=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver +spring.jpa.database-platform=org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect + + +# security +authenticate=oauth2 +authorization=true +oauth2.logout.url=/../ + +``` + +To limit the ability for our server to communicate with outside services we leverage iptables that allow only communication to DNS entries and ports we authorize. All other communications are blocked. In the example below we block all communication except to specific Google services for which we use for authorization. + +``` +apt-get update +apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends iptables + +echo "Iptables chain block installation - Starting" +# Create some new chains for these rules +iptables -N BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTP +iptables -N BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTPS +iptables -N OUTBOUND_HTTP_WHITELIST +iptables -N OUTBOUND_HTTPS_WHITELIST +iptables -N RESTRICT_OUTBOUND_WEB + +# Block all outgoing HTTP +iptables -A BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTP +iptables -A BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTP -p tcp --dport 80 -j LOG --log-prefix 'cbioportal iptable block: ' +iptables -A BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTP -p tcp --dport 80 -j REJECT +iptables -A BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTP -j RETURN + +# Block all outgoing HTTPS +iptables -A BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTPS +iptables -A BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTPS -p tcp --dport 443 -j LOG --log-prefix 'cbioportal iptable block: ' +iptables -A BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTPS -p tcp --dport 443 -j REJECT +iptables -A BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTPS -j RETURN + +# Allow HTTP to specific destination hosts (replace with a hostname, IP, network, etc.) +iptables -A OUTBOUND_HTTP_WHITELIST -p tcp ! --dport 80 -j RETURN +iptables -A OUTBOUND_HTTP_WHITELIST -j RETURN + +# Allow HTTPS to specific destination hosts (replace with a hostname, IP, network, etc.) +iptables -A OUTBOUND_HTTPS_WHITELIST -p tcp ! --dport 443 -j RETURN +iptables -A OUTBOUND_HTTPS_WHITELIST --destination -j ACCEPT +iptables -A OUTBOUND_HTTPS_WHITELIST --destination -j ACCEPT +iptables -A OUTBOUND_HTTPS_WHITELIST --destination -j ACCEPT +iptables -A OUTBOUND_HTTPS_WHITELIST --destination -j ACCEPT +iptables -A OUTBOUND_HTTPS_WHITELIST -j RETURN + +# Group the above into an easier to include chain +iptables -A RESTRICT_OUTBOUND_WEB -j OUTBOUND_HTTP_WHITELIST +iptables -A RESTRICT_OUTBOUND_WEB -j OUTBOUND_HTTPS_WHITELIST +iptables -A RESTRICT_OUTBOUND_WEB -j BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTP +iptables -A RESTRICT_OUTBOUND_WEB -j BLOCK_OUTBOUND_HTTPS +iptables -A RESTRICT_OUTBOUND_WEB -j RETURN + +# Link the new chains into our OUTPUT chain +iptables -A OUTPUT -j RESTRICT_OUTBOUND_WEB +iptables -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT +echo "Iptables chain block installation - Complete" +``` + +### OncoKB Setup +You will need to obtain oncokb transcript information + +### GenomeNexus Setup + +Populate Genome Nexus Data + +``` +cd ../ +sudo mkdir gn-vep-data && cd "$_" + +sudo mkdir 98_GRCh37 && cd "$_" +sudo curl -o 98_GRCh37.tar +sudo tar xvf 98_GRCh37.tar + +cd .. +sudo mkdir 98_GRCh38 && cd "$_" +sudo curl -o 98_GRCh38.tar +sudo tar xvf 98_GRCh38.tar +``` + + +### Cancer Hotspots Setup +The default Cancer Hotspots does not support docker by default. You can either add your own files as listed below our use the DFCI forked version: + +docker/Dockerfile + +``` +FROM maven:3.9.9-eclipse-temurin-8 +COPY $PWD . +RUN mvn clean install -DskipTests +ENTRYPOINT java -jar webapp/target/cancerhotspots.jar +``` + +Build + +``` +docker build -t ksg/cancerhotspots -f docker/Dockerfile . +``` +