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function [A,N] = strut(B,V,F,fr)%% [A,N] = strut(B,V,F,fr)% % Graphs a two or three-dimensional structure,% computes the incidence matrix and determines its stability%% B - 2 column matrix giving the edges% the ith row of B says which two nodes are connected by edge i% V - matrix whose rows are (x,y) or (x,y,z) coordinates of nodes% F - vector of fixed nodes% fr - gives fraction of distance along edge to write edge number% default fraction is 4/7%% A - incidence matrix for structure% N = null(A,'r') - basis for instabilities%% See also STRUTMECH, MOTION, MOTIONS, DYNAM%if nargin < 2, error('Not enough input arguments.'); endif nargin < 3, F = []; endif nargin < 4, fr = 4/7; endrad = .08;nedge = size(B,1);nvert = size(V,1);d = size(V,2);A = zeros(nedge,d*nvert);clf;minV = min(V); maxV = max(V);dV = max(V) - min(V); dmax = max(dV);delV = (dmax - dV)/2; mm = [minV - delV - .5;maxV + delV + .5];axis(mm(:));for i=1:nedge, m = B(i,1); n = B(i,2); x1 = V(m,:); x2 = V(n,:); unit = (x2 - x1)/norm(x2 - x1); vm = [d*(m-1)+1:d*m]; vn = [d*(n-1)+1:d*n]; A(i,vm) = - unit; A(i,vn) = unit; linevec(x1,x2); xm = (1-fr)*x1 + fr*x2; textvec(xm,i,'b');endnfix = size(F,2);fix = fliplr(sort(F));vs = zeros(1,nvert);if size(F,2) ~= 0, vs(1,F) = 1; endfor m=nvert:-1:1 x1 = V(m,:); if vs(m) == 0 circle(x1,rad); else vm = [d*(m-1)+1:d*m]; A(:,vm) = []; triangle(x1,rad,'c'); end textvec(x1,m,'r'); endN = null(A,'r');n = size(N,2);disp(' ')if n == 0 disp('Structure is rigid!') disp(' ')else disp('Number of motions =') disp(n)end