Design a technological something (e.g., wearable, device, tool, space, software, infrastructure) that gives YOU, or one of your peers, a special ability or superpower. The final deliverable is a prototype or prop, brought to life through demo, performance, enactment, and/or visual narrative.
I created five devices that used Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology to communicate (tone and light) wirelessly according to proximity. There are two different types of devices, advertisers and scanners. The advertisers transmit the signal, while the scanners await a signal. When the scanners come within proximity to one of the two advertisers, they adopt the "behavior" of the respective advertiser. I chose to differ the tone of each device within 15Hz to signify the uniqueness yet similarity that each embody when in proximity to other devices. Together, the device begin to resonate in a way that unique spatial experiences begin to unfold as the participants move around.