You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 1
Crash at wf login #5
}, Node.js v21.6.1 at Flow.Launcher.Core.Plugin.JsonRPCPlugin.ExecuteAsync(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, CancellationToken token) in C:\projects\flow-launcher\Flow.Launcher.Core\Plugin\JsonRPCPlugin.cs:line 243 |
Please open new issue in: https://github.com/Flow-Launcher/Flow.Launcher/issues
Flow Launcher version: 1.17.2
OS Version: 22631.3235
IntPtr Length: 8
x64: True
Python Path: C:\Python312\pythonw.exe
Node Path: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
Date: 03/16/2024 17:05:38
System.IO.InvalidDataException: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\FlowLauncher\Plugins\Workflowy-1.0.0\node_modules\axios\lib\core\createError.js:16
var error = new Error(message);
Error: Request failed with status code 404
at createError (C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\FlowLauncher\Plugins\Workflowy-1.0.0\node_modules\axios\lib\core\createError.js:16:15)
at settle (C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\FlowLauncher\Plugins\Workflowy-1.0.0\node_modules\axios\lib\core\settle.js:17:12)
at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\FlowLauncher\Plugins\Workflowy-1.0.0\node_modules\axios\lib\adapters\http.js:322:11)
at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:531:35)
at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1696:12)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) {
config: {
transitional: {
silentJSONParsing: true,
forcedJSONParsing: true,
clarifyTimeoutError: false
adapter: [Function: httpAdapter],
transformRequest: [ [Function: transformRequest] ],
transformResponse: [ [Function: transformResponse] ],
timeout: 0,
xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
maxContentLength: -1,
maxBodyLength: -1,
validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus],
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, /',
cookie: 'sessionid=undefined',
'User-Agent': 'axios/0.26.0'
method: 'get',
url: 'https://workflowy.com/get_initialization_data',
data: undefined
request: <ref *4> ClientRequest {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
abort: [Function (anonymous)],
aborted: [Function (anonymous)],
connect: [Function (anonymous)],
error: [Function (anonymous)],
socket: [Function (anonymous)],
timeout: [Function (anonymous)],
finish: [Function: requestOnFinish]
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_maxListeners: undefined,
outputData: [],
outputSize: 0,
writable: true,
destroyed: true,
_last: true,
chunkedEncoding: false,
shouldKeepAlive: true,
maxRequestsOnConnectionReached: false,
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useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false,
sendDate: false,
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_removedTE: false,
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_trailer: '',
finished: true,
_headerSent: true,
_closed: true,
_header: 'GET /get_initialization_data HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
'Accept: application/json, text/plain, /\r\n' +
'cookie: sessionid=undefined\r\n' +
'User-Agent: axios/0.26.0\r\n' +
'Host: workflowy.com\r\n' +
'Connection: keep-alive\r\n' +
_keepAliveTimeout: 0,
_onPendingData: [Function: nop],
agent: Agent {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
free: [Function (anonymous)],
newListener: [Function: maybeEnableKeylog]
_eventsCount: 2,
_maxListeners: undefined,
defaultPort: 443,
protocol: 'https:',
options: [Object: null prototype] {
keepAlive: true,
scheduling: 'lifo',
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noDelay: true,
path: null
requests: [Object: null prototype] {},
sockets: [Object: null prototype] {},
freeSockets: [Object: null prototype] {
'workflowy.com:443:::::::::::::::::::::': [
TLSSocket {
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secureConnecting: false,
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_pendingData: null,
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parser: null,
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[Symbol(alpncallback)]: null,
[Symbol(res)]: [TLSWrap],
[Symbol(verified)]: true,
[Symbol(pendingSession)]: null,
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: -1,
[Symbol(kHandle)]: [TLSWrap],
[Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
[Symbol(timeout)]: [Timeout],
[Symbol(kBuffer)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferCb)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferGen)]: null,
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: true,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kSetNoDelay)]: false,
[Symbol(kSetKeepAlive)]: true,
[Symbol(kSetKeepAliveInitialDelay)]: 1,
[Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
[Symbol(connect-options)]: [Object]
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keepAlive: true,
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scheduling: 'lifo',
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totalSocketCount: 1,
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_sessionCache: {
map: {
'workflowy.com:443:::::::::::::::::::::': Buffer(1777) [Uint8Array] [
48, 130, 6, 237, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4,
2, 19, 1, 4, 32, 134, 218, 86, 172, 179, 241, 194,
105, 249, 237, 137, 197, 106, 61, 116, 62, 46, 239, 22,
180, 104, 25, 10, 84, 214, 193, 241, 192, 40, 211, 0,
235, 4, 32, 8, 42, 207, 210, 223, 116, 149, 3, 201,
93, 79, 203, 24, 5, 31, 51, 140, 52, 229, 157, 175,
161, 88, 51, 113, 197, 233, 39, 188, 170, 89, 120, 161,
6, 2, 4, 101, 245, 195, 81, 162, 4, 2, 2, 28,
32, 163, 130, 5,
... 1677 more items
list: [ 'workflowy.com:443:::::::::::::::::::::' ]
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'GET',
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insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
joinDuplicateHeaders: undefined,
path: '/get_initialization_data',
_ended: true,
res: IncomingMessage {
_events: {
close: undefined,
error: [Function: handleStreamError],
data: [Function: handleStreamData],
end: [ [Function: responseOnEnd], [Function: handleStreamEnd] ],
readable: undefined,
aborted: [Function: handlerStreamAborted]
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highWaterMark: 16384,
buffer: [],
bufferIndex: 0,
length: 0,
pipes: [],
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[Symbol(kState)]: 194512764
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socket: null,
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complete: true,
rawHeaders: [
"default-src * data: blob: filesystem: about: ws: wss: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' unsafe-dynamic",
'text/html; charset=utf-8',
'Sat, 16 Mar 2024 16:05:40 GMT',
'sessionid=""; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; Max-Age=0; Path=/; SameSite=None; Secure',
'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload',
'Cookie, Origin',
'1; mode=block'
rawTrailers: [],
joinDuplicateHeaders: undefined,
aborted: false,
upgrade: false,
url: '',
method: null,
statusCode: 404,
statusMessage: 'Not Found',
client: <ref *1> TLSSocket {
_tlsOptions: {
allowHalfOpen: undefined,
pipe: false,
secureContext: SecureContext { context: SecureContext {} },
isServer: false,
requestCert: true,
rejectUnauthorized: true,
session: undefined,
ALPNProtocols: undefined,
requestOCSP: undefined,
enableTrace: undefined,
pskCallback: undefined,
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signal: undefined
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authorized: true,
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encrypted: true,
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close: [
[Function: onSocketCloseDestroySSL],
[Function: onClose]
end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
error: [Function: bound onceWrapper] {
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newListener: [Function: keylogNewListener],
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secure: [Function: onConnectSecure],
session: [Function (anonymous)],
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agentRemove: [Function: onRemove],
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_host: 'workflowy.com',
_closeAfterHandlingError: false,
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buffer: [],
bufferIndex: 0,
length: 0,
pipes: [],
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[Symbol(kState)]: 60303620
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[Symbol(kState)]: 17563908,
[Symbol(kBufferedValue)]: null,
[Symbol(kWriteCbValue)]: [Function: bound onFinish]
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_pendingEncoding: '',
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ssl: <ref *2> TLSWrap {
_parent: TCP {
reading: [Getter/Setter],
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[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1]
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_secureContext: SecureContext { context: SecureContext {} },
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onerror: [Function: onerror],
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(resource_symbol)]: ReusedHandle { type: 61, handle: [Circular *2] }
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parser: null,
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[Symbol(alpncallback)]: null,
[Symbol(res)]: <ref *2> TLSWrap {
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[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1]
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_secureContext: SecureContext { context: SecureContext {} },
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onerror: [Function: onerror],
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(resource_symbol)]: ReusedHandle { type: 61, handle: [Circular *2] }
[Symbol(verified)]: true,
[Symbol(pendingSession)]: null,
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: -1,
[Symbol(kHandle)]: <ref *2> TLSWrap {
_parent: TCP {
reading: [Getter/Setter],
onconnection: null,
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1]
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_secureContext: SecureContext { context: SecureContext {} },
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onhandshakestart: {},
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[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(resource_symbol)]: ReusedHandle { type: 61, handle: [Circular *2] }
[Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
[Symbol(timeout)]: <ref *3> Timeout {
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id: -9007199254740991,
msecs: 5000,
priorityQueuePosition: 1
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id: -9007199254740991,
msecs: 5000,
priorityQueuePosition: 1
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_onTimeout: [Function: bound ],
_timerArgs: undefined,
_repeat: null,
_destroyed: false,
[Symbol(refed)]: false,
[Symbol(kHasPrimitive)]: false,
[Symbol(asyncId)]: 40,
[Symbol(triggerId)]: 38
[Symbol(kBuffer)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferCb)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferGen)]: null,
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: true,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kSetNoDelay)]: false,
[Symbol(kSetKeepAlive)]: true,
[Symbol(kSetKeepAliveInitialDelay)]: 1,
[Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
[Symbol(connect-options)]: {
rejectUnauthorized: true,
checkServerIdentity: [Function: checkServerIdentity],
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maxRedirects: 21,
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protocol: 'https:',
path: null,
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, /',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8',
'User-Agent': 'axios/0.26.0',
'Content-Length': 37
agent: undefined,
agents: { http: undefined, https: undefined },
auth: undefined,
hostname: 'workflowy.com',
port: 443,
nativeProtocols: { 'http:': [Object], 'https:': [Object] },
pathname: '/ajax_login',
_defaultAgent: Agent {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
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defaultPort: 443,
protocol: 'https:',
options: [Object: null prototype],
requests: [Object: null prototype] {},
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keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
keepAlive: true,
maxSockets: Infinity,
maxFreeSockets: 256,
scheduling: 'lifo',
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totalSocketCount: 1,
maxCachedSessions: 100,
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[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
host: 'workflowy.com',
keepAlive: true,
scheduling: 'lifo',
timeout: 5000,
noDelay: true,
servername: 'workflowy.com',
_agentKey: 'workflowy.com:443:::::::::::::::::::::',
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keepAliveInitialDelay: 1000
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_dumped: false,
req: [Circular *4],
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responseUrl: 'https://workflowy.com/get_initialization_data',
redirects: [],
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: true,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kHeaders)]: {
'content-length': '14089',
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'content-type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
date: 'Sat, 16 Mar 2024 16:05:40 GMT',
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'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
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'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block'
[Symbol(kHeadersCount)]: 24,
[Symbol(kTrailers)]: null,
[Symbol(kTrailersCount)]: 0
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host: 'workflowy.com',
protocol: 'https:',
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close: undefined,
error: [Function: handleRequestError],
prefinish: undefined,
finish: undefined,
drain: undefined,
response: [Function: handleResponse],
socket: [Function: handleRequestSocket]
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length: 0,
corked: 0,
onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
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pendingcb: 0,
[Symbol(kState)]: 17580812,
[Symbol(kBufferedValue)]: null
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maxBodyLength: 10485760,
protocol: 'https:',
path: '/get_initialization_data',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, /',
cookie: 'sessionid=undefined',
'User-Agent': 'axios/0.26.0'
agent: undefined,
agents: { http: undefined, https: undefined },
auth: undefined,
hostname: 'workflowy.com',
port: null,
nativeProtocols: {
'http:': {
_connectionListener: [Function: connectionListener],
METHODS: [Array],
Agent: [Function],
ClientRequest: [Function: ClientRequest],
IncomingMessage: [Function: IncomingMessage],
OutgoingMessage: [Function: OutgoingMessage],
Server: [Function: Server],
ServerResponse: [Function: ServerResponse],
createServer: [Function: createServer],
validateHeaderName: [Function],
validateHeaderValue: [Function],
get: [Function: get],
request: [Function: request],
setMaxIdleHTTPParsers: [Function: setMaxIdleHTTPParsers],
maxHeaderSize: [Getter],
globalAgent: [Getter/Setter]
'https:': {
Agent: [Function: Agent],
globalAgent: [Agent],
Server: [Function: Server],
createServer: [Function: createServer],
get: [Function: get],
request: [Function: request]
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_ending: true,
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_redirects: [],
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_requestBodyBuffers: [],
_eventsCount: 3,
_onNativeResponse: [Function (anonymous)],
_currentRequest: [Circular *4],
_currentUrl: 'https://workflowy.com/get_initialization_data',
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: true,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
[Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
[Symbol(corked)]: 0,
[Symbol(kChunkedBuffer)]: [],
[Symbol(kChunkedLength)]: 0,
[Symbol(kSocket)]: <ref *1> TLSSocket {
_tlsOptions: {
allowHalfOpen: undefined,
pipe: false,
secureContext: SecureContext { context: SecureContext {} },
isServer: false,
requestCert: true,
rejectUnauthorized: true,
session: undefined,
ALPNProtocols: undefined,
requestOCSP: undefined,
enableTrace: undefined,
pskCallback: undefined,
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onread: undefined,
signal: undefined
_secureEstablished: true,
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secureConnecting: false,
_SNICallback: null,
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authorized: true,
authorizationError: null,
encrypted: true,
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
close: [
[Function: onSocketCloseDestroySSL],
[Function: bound onceWrapper] {
listener: [Function (anonymous)]
[Function: onClose]
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error: [Function: bound onceWrapper] {
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newListener: [Function: keylogNewListener],
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secure: [Function: onConnectSecure],
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agentRemove: [Function: onRemove],
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connecting: false,
_hadError: false,
_parent: null,
_host: 'workflowy.com',
_closeAfterHandlingError: false,
_readableState: ReadableState {
highWaterMark: 16384,
buffer: [],
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length: 0,
pipes: [],
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[Symbol(kState)]: 60303620
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bufferedIndex: 0,
pendingcb: 0,
[Symbol(kState)]: 17563908,
[Symbol(kBufferedValue)]: null,
[Symbol(kWriteCbValue)]: [Function: bound onFinish]
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_maxListeners: undefined,
_sockname: null,
_pendingData: null,
_pendingEncoding: '',
server: undefined,
_server: null,
ssl: <ref *2> TLSWrap {
_parent: TCP {
reading: [Getter/Setter],
onconnection: null,
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1]
_parentWrap: null,
_secureContext: SecureContext { context: SecureContext {} },
reading: true,
onkeylog: [Function: onkeylog],
onhandshakestart: {},
onhandshakedone: [Function (anonymous)],
onocspresponse: [Function: onocspresponse],
onnewsession: [Function: onnewsessionclient],
onerror: [Function: onerror],
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(resource_symbol)]: ReusedHandle { type: 61, handle: [Circular *2] }
_requestCert: true,
_rejectUnauthorized: true,
timeout: 5000,
parser: null,
_httpMessage: null,
autoSelectFamilyAttemptedAddresses: [ '' ],
[Symbol(alpncallback)]: null,
[Symbol(res)]: <ref *2> TLSWrap {
_parent: TCP {
reading: [Getter/Setter],
onconnection: null,
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1]
_parentWrap: null,
_secureContext: SecureContext { context: SecureContext {} },
reading: true,
onkeylog: [Function: onkeylog],
onhandshakestart: {},
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onocspresponse: [Function: onocspresponse],
onnewsession: [Function: onnewsessionclient],
onerror: [Function: onerror],
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(resource_symbol)]: ReusedHandle { type: 61, handle: [Circular *2] }
[Symbol(verified)]: true,
[Symbol(pendingSession)]: null,
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: -1,
[Symbol(kHandle)]: <ref *2> TLSWrap {
_parent: TCP {
reading: [Getter/Setter],
onconnection: null,
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1]
_parentWrap: null,
_secureContext: SecureContext { context: SecureContext {} },
reading: true,
onkeylog: [Function: onkeylog],
onhandshakestart: {},
onhandshakedone: [Function (anonymous)],
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onerror: [Function: onerror],
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(resource_symbol)]: ReusedHandle { type: 61, handle: [Circular *2] }
[Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
[Symbol(timeout)]: <ref *3> Timeout {
_idleTimeout: 5000,
_idlePrev: TimersList {
_idleNext: [Circular *3],
_idlePrev: [Circular *3],
expiry: 5088,
id: -9007199254740991,
msecs: 5000,
priorityQueuePosition: 1
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_idleNext: [Circular *3],
_idlePrev: [Circular *3],
expiry: 5088,
id: -9007199254740991,
msecs: 5000,
priorityQueuePosition: 1
_idleStart: 1075,
_onTimeout: [Function: bound ],
_timerArgs: undefined,
_repeat: null,
_destroyed: false,
[Symbol(refed)]: false,
[Symbol(kHasPrimitive)]: false,
[Symbol(asyncId)]: 40,
[Symbol(triggerId)]: 38
[Symbol(kBuffer)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferCb)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferGen)]: null,
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: true,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kSetNoDelay)]: false,
[Symbol(kSetKeepAlive)]: true,
[Symbol(kSetKeepAliveInitialDelay)]: 1,
[Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
[Symbol(connect-options)]: {
rejectUnauthorized: true,
checkServerIdentity: [Function: checkServerIdentity],
minDHSize: 1024,
maxRedirects: 21,
maxBodyLength: 10485760,
protocol: 'https:',
path: null,
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, /',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8',
'User-Agent': 'axios/0.26.0',
'Content-Length': 37
agent: undefined,
agents: { http: undefined, https: undefined },
auth: undefined,
hostname: 'workflowy.com',
port: 443,
nativeProtocols: {
'http:': {
_connectionListener: [Function: connectionListener],
METHODS: [Array],
Agent: [Function],
ClientRequest: [Function: ClientRequest],
IncomingMessage: [Function: IncomingMessage],
OutgoingMessage: [Function: OutgoingMessage],
Server: [Function: Server],
ServerResponse: [Function: ServerResponse],
createServer: [Function: createServer],
validateHeaderName: [Function],
validateHeaderValue: [Function],
get: [Function: get],
request: [Function: request],
setMaxIdleHTTPParsers: [Function: setMaxIdleHTTPParsers],
maxHeaderSize: [Getter],
globalAgent: [Getter/Setter]
'https:': {
Agent: [Function: Agent],
globalAgent: [Agent],
Server: [Function: Server],
createServer: [Function: createServer],
get: [Function: get],
request: [Function: request]
pathname: '/ajax_login',
_defaultAgent: Agent {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
free: [Function (anonymous)],
newListener: [Function: maybeEnableKeylog]
_eventsCount: 2,
_maxListeners: undefined,
defaultPort: 443,
protocol: 'https:',
options: [Object: null prototype] {
keepAlive: true,
scheduling: 'lifo',
timeout: 5000,
noDelay: true,
path: null
requests: [Object: null prototype] {},
sockets: [Object: null prototype] {},
freeSockets: [Object: null prototype] {
'workflowy.com:443:::::::::::::::::::::': [Array]
keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
keepAlive: true,
maxSockets: Infinity,
maxFreeSockets: 256,
scheduling: 'lifo',
maxTotalSockets: Infinity,
totalSocketCount: 1,
maxCachedSessions: 100,
_sessionCache: { map: [Object], list: [Array] },
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
host: 'workflowy.com',
keepAlive: true,
scheduling: 'lifo',
timeout: 5000,
noDelay: true,
servername: 'workflowy.com',
_agentKey: 'workflowy.com:443:::::::::::::::::::::',
encoding: null,
keepAliveInitialDelay: 1000
[Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype] {
accept: [ 'Accept', 'application/json, text/plain, /' ],
cookie: [ 'cookie', 'sessionid=undefined' ],
'user-agent': [ 'User-Agent', 'axios/0.26.0' ],
host: [ 'Host', 'workflowy.com' ]
[Symbol(errored)]: null,
[Symbol(kHighWaterMark)]: 16384,
[Symbol(kRejectNonStandardBodyWrites)]: false,
[Symbol(kUniqueHeaders)]: null
response: {
status: 404,
statusText: 'Not Found',
headers: {
'content-length': '14089',
'content-security-policy': "default-src * data: blob: filesystem: about: ws: wss: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' unsafe-dynamic",
'content-type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
date: 'Sat, 16 Mar 2024 16:05:40 GMT',
'referrer-policy': 'same-origin',
server: 'gunicorn',
'set-cookie': [
'sessionid=""; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; Max-Age=0; Path=/; SameSite=None; Secure'
'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload',
vary: 'Cookie, Origin',
'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block'
config: {
transitional: {
silentJSONParsing: true,
forcedJSONParsing: true,
clarifyTimeoutError: false
adapter: [Function: httpAdapter],
transformRequest: [ [Function: transformRequest] ],
transformResponse: [ [Function: transformResponse] ],
timeout: 0,
xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
maxContentLength: -1,
maxBodyLength: -1,
validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus],
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, /',
cookie: 'sessionid=undefined',
'User-Agent': 'axios/0.26.0'
method: 'get',
url: 'https://workflowy.com/get_initialization_data',
data: undefined
request: <ref *4> ClientRequest {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
abort: [Function (anonymous)],
aborted: [Function (anonymous)],
connect: [Function (anonymous)],
error: [Function (anonymous)],
socket: [Function (anonymous)],
timeout: [Function (anonymous)],
finish: [Function: requestOnFinish]
_eventsCount: 7,
_maxListeners: undefined,
outputData: [],
outputSize: 0,
writable: true,
destroyed: true,
_last: true,
chunkedEncoding: false,
shouldKeepAlive: true,
maxRequestsOnConnectionReached: false,
_defaultKeepAlive: true,
useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false,
sendDate: false,
_removedConnection: false,
_removedContLen: false,
_removedTE: false,
strictContentLength: false,
_contentLength: 0,
_hasBody: true,
_trailer: '',
finished: true,
_headerSent: true,
_closed: true,
_header: 'GET /get_initialization_data HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
'Accept: application/json, text/plain, /\r\n' +
'cookie: sessionid=undefined\r\n' +
'User-Agent: axios/0.26.0\r\n' +
'Host: workflowy.com\r\n' +
'Connection: keep-alive\r\n' +
_keepAliveTimeout: 0,
_onPendingData: [Function: nop],
agent: Agent {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
free: [Function (anonymous)],
newListener: [Function: maybeEnableKeylog]
_eventsCount: 2,
_maxListeners: undefined,
defaultPort: 443,
protocol: 'https:',
options: [Object: null prototype] {
keepAlive: true,
scheduling: 'lifo',
timeout: 5000,
noDelay: true,
path: null
requests: [Object: null prototype] {},
sockets: [Object: null prototype] {},
freeSockets: [Object: null prototype] {
'workflowy.com:443:::::::::::::::::::::': [ [TLSSocket] ]
keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
keepAlive: true,
maxSockets: Infinity,
maxFreeSockets: 256,
scheduling: 'lifo',
maxTotalSockets: Infinity,
totalSocketCount: 1,
maxCachedSessions: 100,
_sessionCache: {
map: {
'workflowy.com:443:::::::::::::::::::::': [Buffer [Uint8Array]]
list: [ 'workflowy.com:443:::::::::::::::::::::' ]
[Symbol(shapeMode)]: false,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'GET',
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
joinDuplicateHeaders: undefined,
path: '/get_initialization_data',
_ended: true,
res: IncomingMessage {
_events: {
close: undefined,
error: [Function: handleStreamError],
data: [Function: handleStreamData],
end: [ [Function: responseOnEnd], [Function: handleStreamEnd] ],
readable: undefined,
aborted: [Function: handlerStreamAborted]
_readableState: ReadableState {
highWaterMark: 16384,
buffer: [],
bufferIndex: 0,
length: 0,
pipes: [],
awaitDrainWriters: null,
[Symbol(kState)]: 194512764
_maxListeners: undefined,
socket: null,
httpVersionMajor: 1,
httpVersionMinor: 1,
httpVersion: '1.1',
complete: true,
rawHeaders: [
"default-src * data: blob: filesystem: about: ws: wss: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' unsafe-dynamic",
'text/html; charset=utf-8',
'Sat, 16 Mar 2024 16:05:40 GMT',
'sessionid=""; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; Max-Age=0; Path=/; SameSite=None; Secure',
'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload',
'Cookie, Origin',
'1; mode=block'
rawTrailers: [],
joinDuplicateHeaders: undefined,
aborted: false,
upgrade: false,
url: '',
method: null,
statusCode: 404,
statusMessage: 'Not Found',
client: <ref *1> TLSSocket {
_tlsOptions: {
allowHalfOpen: undefined,
pipe: false,
secureContext: [SecureContext],
isServer: false,
requestCert: true,
rejectUnauthorized: true,
session: undefined,
ALPNProtocols: undefined,
requestOCSP: undefined,
enableTrace: undefined,
pskCallback: undefined,
highWaterMark: undefined,
onread: undefined,
signal: undefined
_secureEstablished: true,
_securePending: false,
_newSessionPending: false,
_controlReleased: true,
secureConnecting: false,
_SNICallback: null,
servername: 'workflowy.com',
alpnProtocol: false,
authorized: true,
authorizationError: null,
encrypted: true,
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
close: [Array],
end: [Function: onReadableStreamEnd],
error: [Function],
newListener: [Function: keylogNewListener],
connect: undefined,
secure: [Function: onConnectSecure],
session: [Function (anonymous)],
free: [Function: onFree],
timeout: [Function: onTimeout],
agentRemove: [Function: onRemove],
data: undefined,
drain: undefined
_eventsCount: 9,
connecting: false,
_hadError: false,
_parent: null,
_host: 'workflowy.com',
_closeAfterHandlingError: false,
_readableState: ReadableState {
highWaterMark: 16384,
buffer: [],
bufferIndex: 0,
length: 0,
pipes: [],
awaitDrainWriters: null,
[Symbol(kState)]: 60303620
_writableState: WritableState {
highWaterMark: 16384,
length: 0,
corked: 0,
onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
writelen: 0,
bufferedIndex: 0,
pendingcb: 0,
[Symbol(kState)]: 17563908,
[Symbol(kBufferedValue)]: null,
[Symbol(kWriteCbValue)]: [Function: bound onFinish]
allowHalfOpen: false,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_sockname: null,
_pendingData: null,
_pendingEncoding: '',
server: undefined,
_server: null,
ssl: <ref *2> TLSWrap {
_parent: [TCP],
_parentWrap: null,
_secureContext: [SecureContext],
reading: true,
onkeylog: [Function: onkeylog],
onhandshakestart: {},
onhandshakedone: [Function (anonymous)],
onocspresponse: [Function: onocspresponse],
onnewsession: [Function: onnewsessionclient],
onerror: [Function: onerror],
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(resource_symbol)]: [ReusedHandle]
_requestCert: true,
_rejectUnauthorized: true,
timeout: 5000,
parser: null,
_httpMessage: null,
autoSelectFamilyAttemptedAddresses: [ '' ],
[Symbol(alpncallback)]: null,
[Symbol(res)]: <ref *2> TLSWrap {
_parent: [TCP],
_parentWrap: null,
_secureContext: [SecureContext],
reading: true,
onkeylog: [Function: onkeylog],
onhandshakestart: {},
onhandshakedone: [Function (anonymous)],
onocspresponse: [Function: onocspresponse],
onnewsession: [Function: onnewsessionclient],
onerror: [Function: onerror],
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(resource_symbol)]: [ReusedHandle]
[Symbol(verified)]: true,
[Symbol(pendingSession)]: null,
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: -1,
[Symbol(kHandle)]: <ref *2> TLSWrap {
_parent: [TCP],
_parentWrap: null,
_secureContext: [SecureContext],
reading: true,
onkeylog: [Function: onkeylog],
onhandshakestart: {},
onhandshakedone: [Function (anonymous)],
onocspresponse: [Function: onocspresponse],
onnewsession: [Function: onnewsessionclient],
onerror: [Function: onerror],
[Symbol(owner_symbol)]: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(resource_symbol)]: [ReusedHandle]
[Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
[Symbol(timeout)]: <ref *3> Timeout {
_idleTimeout: 5000,
_idlePrev: [TimersList],
_idleNext: [TimersList],
_idleStart: 1075,
_onTimeout: [Function: bound ],
_timerArgs: undefined,
_repeat: null,
_destroyed: false,
[Symbol(refed)]: false,
[Symbol(kHasPrimitive)]: false,
[Symbol(asyncId)]: 40,
[Symbol(triggerId)]: 38
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: