These are a set of projects written in C++.
-Microsoft Visual Studio
They are listed as:
- Homework 1
- HW1Num1
- Num1
Estimates a child's height based on sex and parents' height
- Num2
Creates a user vs. computer rock-paper-scissors game
- Num3
Creates a user vs. computer game.
You take turns rolling dice. 2-6 means you add that value to a tally; A 1 means your turn is over and your tally is reset. Otherwise you choose to roll again, or hold.
- Connect4 Creates a connect4 two-player game.
- Homework2 Creates a credit card number validator.
- main Contains main game loop for a visual representation of solar system
- planet helper class
- sun helper class
- solitaire_animation contains main game loop for card animation
- card helper class
- c01 picture of card
- h01 picture of card
- main contains main game loop for GUI credit card number validator
- creditcard helper class
- main_game contains main game loop for game