All application state is managed by a top level ImmutableJS object. Child components should not modify top level state directly, instead they should call into an action which will dispatch a message to the store to make any such changes.
sites: [{
location: string,
title: string,
tags: [string], // empty, 'bookmark', 'pinned', or 'reader'
lastAccessed: datetime,
visits: [{
location: string,
startTime: datetime
endTime: datetime
defaultWindowHeight: number,
defaultWindowWidth: number,
updateAvailable: false,
activeFrameKey: number,
frames: [{
audioMuted: boolean, // frame is muted
audioPlaybackActive: boolean, // frame is playing audio
canGoBack: boolean,
canGoForward: boolean,
icon: string, // url to favicon
location: string, // page url
src: string, // what the iframe src should be
title: string, // page title
findbarShown: boolean, // whether the findbar is shown
thumbnail: string, // url to thumbnail
key: number,
isPrivate: boolean, // private browsing tab
loading: boolean,
themeColor: string, // css compatible color string
computedThemeColor: string, // css computed theme color from the favicon
startLoadTime: datetime,
endtLoadTime: datetime,
closedAtIndex: number, // Index the frame was last closed at, cleared unless the frame is inside of closedFrames
activeShortcut: string, // Set by the application store when the component should react to a shortcut
security: {
isSecure: boolean, // is using https
isExtendedValidation: boolean, // is using https ev
parentWindowKey: number, // the key of the window this frame was opened from
parentFrameKey: number, // the key of the frame this frame was opened from
contextMenuDetail: {...},
modalPromptDetail: {...},
basicAuthDetail: {...},
findDetail: {
searchString: string, // the string being searched
caseSensitivity: boolean // whether we are doing a case sensitive search
unloaded: boolean, // true if the tab is unloaded
navbar: {
focused: boolean, // whether the navbar is focused
urlbar: {
location: string, // the string displayed in the urlbar
urlPreview: string,
suggestions: {
selectedIndex: number, // index of the item in focus
searchResults: array,
suggestionList: object,
focused: boolean, // whether the urlbar is focused
active: boolean, // whether the user is typing in the urlbar
selected: boolean, // is the urlbar text selected
closedFrames: [], // holds the same type of frame objects as above
ui: {
mouseInTitlebar: boolean, //Whether or not the mouse is in the titlebar
tabs: {
activeDraggedTab: object,
tabPageIndex: number, // Index of the current tab page
searchDetail: {
searchURL: string, // with replacement var in string: {searchTerms}
autocompleteURL: string, // ditto re: {searchTerms}