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812 lines (351 loc) · 16.7 KB

File metadata and controls

812 lines (351 loc) · 16.7 KB



Dispatches an event to the main process to replace the window state


windowState: object, Initial window state object

setNavigated(location, key, isNavigatedInPage, tabId)

Dispatches a message to the store to let it know a page has been navigated.


location: string, The URL of the page that was navigated to.

key: number, The frame key to modify.

isNavigatedInPage: boolean, true if it was a navigation within the same page.

tabId: number, the tab id

setSecurityState(frameProps, securityState)

Dispatches a message to set the security state.


frameProps: Object, The frame properties to modify.

securityState: Object, The security state properties that have changed.

frameTabIdChanged(frameProps, oldTabId, newTabId)

Dispatches a message to change the frame tabId


frameProps: Object, The frame properties

oldTabId: Number, the current tabId

newTabId: Number, the new tabId

frameGuestInstanceIdChanged(frameProps, oldGuestInstanceId, newGuestInstanceId)

Dispatches a message when the guestInstanceId changes for a frame


frameProps: Object, The frame properties

oldGuestInstanceId: Number, the current guestInstanceId

newGuestInstanceId: Number, the new guestInstanceId

setFrameError(frameProps, errorDetails)

Dispatches a message to set the frame error state


frameProps: Object, The frame properties

errorDetails: Object, The error properties changed.

setFindbarShown(frameKey, shown)

Shows/hides the find-in-page bar.


frameKey: number, Key of the frame that we want to modify

shown: boolean, Whether to show the find bar

setFindbarSelected(frameKey, selected)

Highlight text in the find bar


frameKey: Object, The frame key to modify

selected: boolean, Whether to select the find bar search text

onWebviewLoadStart(frameProps, location)

Dispatches a message to the store to indicate that the webview is loading.


frameProps: Object, The frame properties for the webview in question.

location: string, The location being loaded.


Dispatches a message to the store to indicate that the webview is done loading.


frameProps: Object, The frame properties for the webview in question.

setFullScreen(frameProps, isFullScreen, showFullScreenWarning)

Dispatches a message to the store to indicate that the webview entered full screen mode.


frameProps: Object, The frame properties to put in full screen

isFullScreen: boolean, true if the webview is entering full screen mode.

showFullScreenWarning: boolean, true if a warning about entering full screen should be shown.


Dispatches a message to close a frame


frameKey: Object, Frame key of the frame to close


Dispatches a message to close multiple frames


framePropsList: Array.<Object>, The properties of all frames to close


Dispatches a message to the store to undo a closed frame The new frame is expected to appear at the index it was last closed at


Dispatches a message to the store to clear closed frames


Dispatches a message to the store when the frame is active and the window is focused


frameProps: Object, the frame properties for the webview in question.


Dispatches a message to the store to set a preview frame. This should only be called internally by WINDOW_SET_TAB_HOVER_STATE when we need to delay updating the preview frame value


frameKey: Object, the frame key for the webview in question.


Dispatches a message to the store to set the tab page index.


index: number, the tab page index to change to

setTabBreakpoint(frameKey, breakpoint)

Dispatches a message to the store to set the tab breakpoint.


frameKey: Object, the frame key for the webview in question.

breakpoint: string, the tab breakpoint to change to

setTabHoverState(frameKey, hoverState)

Dispatches a message to the store to set the current tab hover state.


frameKey: Object, the frame key for the webview in question.

hoverState: boolean, whether or not mouse is over tab

setTabPageHoverState(tabPageIndex, hoverState)

Dispatches a message to the store to set the current tab hover state.


tabPageIndex: Object, the frame key for the webview in question.

hoverState: boolean, whether or not mouse is over tabPage


Dispatches a message to the store to set the tab page index being previewed.


previewTabPageIndex: number, The tab page index to preview


Dispatches a message to the store to set the tab page index.


frameProps: number, The frame props to center around

moveTab(sourceFrameKey, destinationFrameKey, prepend)

Dispatches a message to the store to indicate that the specified frame should move locations.


sourceFrameKey: Object, the frame key for the webview to move.

destinationFrameKey: Object, the frame key for the webview to move to.

prepend: boolean, Whether or not to prepend to the destinationFrameProps

activeSuggestionClicked(isForSecondaryAction, shiftKey)

The active URL bar suggestion was clicked


isForSecondaryAction: boolean, Whether the secondary action is expected which happens when a modifier key is pressed.

shiftKey: boolean, Whether the shift key is being pressed


The previous suggestion is being selected


The next suggestion is being selected


autocomplete for urlbar is being enabled or disabled. Autocomplete is defined to be the action of inserting text into the urlbar itself to the first item's URL match if possible. The inserted text is auto selected so that the next character inserted will replace it. This is sometimes only temporarily disabled, e.g. a user is pressing backspace.


enabled: boolean, true if the urlbar should autocomplete


Marks the URL bar text as selected or not


isSelected: boolean, Whether or not the URL bar text input should be selected


Marks the URL bar as active or not. If the URL bar is active that means it's in a position that it should be displaying autocomplete. It may choose not to display autocomplete and still be active if there are no autocomplete results.


isActive: boolean, Whether or not the URL bar should be marked as active

frameShortcutChanged(frameProps, activeShortcut, activeShortcutDetails)

Dispatches a message to the store to indicate that the pending frame shortcut info should be updated.


frameProps: Object, Properties of the frame in question

activeShortcut: string, The text for the new shortcut. Usually this is null to clear info which was previously set from an IPC call.

activeShortcutDetails: string, Parameters for the shortcut action

setFindDetail(frameKey, findDetail)

Dispatches a message to set the find-in-page details.


frameKey: Object, Frame key of the frame in question

findDetail: Object, the find details

setBookmarkDetail(currentDetail, originalDetail, destinationDetail, shouldShowLocation, isBookmarkHanger)

Dispatches a message to set add/edit bookmark details If set, also indicates that add/edit is shown


currentDetail: Object, Properties of the bookmark to change to

originalDetail: Object, Properties of the bookmark to edit

destinationDetail: Object, Will move the added bookmark to the specified position

shouldShowLocation: boolean, Whether or not to show the URL input

isBookmarkHanger: boolean, true if triggered from star icon in nav bar


Dispatches a message to set context menu detail. If set, also indicates that the context menu is shown.


detail: Object, The context menu detail


Dispatches a message to set popup window detail. If set, also indicates that the popup window is shown.


detail: Object, The popup window detail

setAudioMuted(frameKey, tabId, muted)

Dispatches a message to indicate that the frame should be muted


frameKey: number, Key of the frame in question

tabId: number, Id of the tab in question

muted: boolean, true if the frame is muted


Dispatches a mute/unmute call to all frames in a provided list.


frameList: Object, List of frames to consider (frameKey and tabId)

setAudioPlaybackActive(frameProps, audioPlaybackActive)

Dispatches a message to indicate that audio is playing


frameProps: Object, Properties of the frame in question

audioPlaybackActive: boolean, true if audio is playing in the frame

setThemeColor(frameProps, themeColor, computedThemeColor)

Dispatches a message to indicate that the theme color has changed for a page


frameProps: Object, Properties of the frame in question

themeColor: string, Theme color of the frame

computedThemeColor: string, Computed theme color of the frame which is used if no frame color is present

setFavicon(frameProps, favicon)

Dispatches a message to indicate that the favicon has changed


frameProps: Object, Properties of the frame in question

favicon: string, A url to the favicon to use

setLastZoomPercentage(frameProps, percentage)

Dispatches a message to store the last zoom percentage. This is mainly just used to trigger updates throughout React.


frameProps: object, The frame to set blocked info on

percentage: number, The new zoom percentage


Saves the position of the window in the window state


position: Array, [x, y]


Dispatches a message to indicate if the mouse is in the titlebar


mouseInTitlebar: boolean, true if the mouse is in the titlebar


Dispatches a message to indicate the site info, such as # of blocked ads, should be shown


isVisible: boolean, true if the site info should be shown


Dispatches a message to indicate the bravery panel should be shown


braveryPanelDetail: Object, Details about how to show the bravery panel. Set to undefined to hide the panel. See state documentation for more info.


Dispatches a message to indicate if the downloads toolbar is visible


isVisible: boolean, true if the site info should be shown


Dispatches a message to indicate the release notes should be visible


isVisible: boolean, true if the site info should be shown

setLinkHoverPreview(href, showOnRight)

Dispatches a message to indicate the href preview should be shown for a hovered link


href: string, the href of the link

showOnRight: boolean, display in the right corner

setBlockedBy(frameProps, blockType, location)

Dispatches a message to indicate the site info, such as # of blocked ads, should be shown


frameProps: object, The frame to set blocked info on

blockType: string, type of the block

location: string, URL that was blocked

setRedirectedBy(frameProps, ruleset, location)

Similar to setBlockedBy but for httpse redirects


frameProps: Object, The frame to set blocked info on

ruleset: string, Name of the HTTPS Everywhere ruleset XML file

location: string, URL that was redirected


Sets/toggles whether the noscriptinfo dialog is visible.


isVisible: boolean, if undefined, toggle the current state


Adds a history entry


frameProps: Object, The frame properties to change history for.


Sets whether the clear browsing data popup is visible


isVisible: boolean, Sets whether the clear browsing data popup is visible


Sets the import browser data popup detail


importBrowserDataDetail: Array, list of supported browsers


Sets the selected import browser data


selected: Object, selected browser data to import


Widevine popup detail changed


widevinePanelDetail: Object, detail of the widevine panel

setAutofillAddressDetail(property, newValue, wholeObject)

Sets the manage autofill address popup detail


property: string, Property that we want change

newValue: string, New value for this property

wholeObject: Object, Whole object of address detail

setAutofillCreditCardDetail(property, newValue, wholeObject)

Sets the manage autofill credit card popup detail


property: string, Property that we want change

newValue: string, New value for this property

wholeObject: Object, Whole object of credit card detail

setBlockedRunInsecureContent(frameProps, source)

Sets source of blocked active mixed content.


frameProps: Object, The frame to set source of blocked active mixed content on

source: string, Source of blocked active mixed content


(Windows only) Dispatches a message to indicate the custom rendered Menubar should be toggled (shown/hidden)


isVisible: boolean, (optional)


(Windows only) Used to trigger the click() action for a menu Called from the Menubar control, handled in menu.js


label: string, text of the label that was clicked


Used by main.js when click happens on content area (not on a link or react control).

  • closes context menu
  • closes popup menu
  • nulls out menubar item selected (Windows only)
  • hides menubar if auto-hide preference is set (Windows only)


(Windows only) Used to track selected index of a menu bar Needed because arrow keys can be used to navigate the custom menu


index: number, zero based index of the item. Index excludes menu separators and hidden items.


Used to track selected index of a context menu Needed because arrow keys can be used to navigate the context menu


index: number, zero based index of the item. Index excludes menu separators and hidden items.


(Windows only at the moment) Used to track last selected element (typically the URL bar or the frame) Important because focus is lost when using the custom menu and needs to be returned in order for the cut/copy operation to work


selector: string, selector used w/ querySelectorAll to return focus after a menu item is selected (via the custom titlebar / menubar)

gotResponseDetails(tabId, details)

Used to get response details (such as the HTTP response code) from a response See eventStore.js for an example use-case


tabId: number, the tab id to set

details: Object, object containing response details


Fired when the mouse clicks or hovers over a bookmark folder in the bookmarks toolbar


folderId: number, from the siteDetail for the bookmark folder If set to null, no menu is open. If set to -1, mouse is over a bookmark, not a folder

setModalDialogDetail(className, props)

Set Modal Dialog detail


className: string, name of modal dialog

props: Object, properties of the modal dialog