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bpmn-js bundling example

This example showcases how add and bundle bpmn-js along with a node-style web application using Webpack.


This example uses bpmn-js to embed the pizza collaboration diagram into a web application.

example screenshot

Usage Summary

Install bpmn-js via npm

npm install --save bpmn-js

Use it in your application

import BpmnViewer from 'bpmn-js';

var viewer = new BpmnViewer({
  container: '#canvas'

viewer.importXML(pizzaDiagram).then(function(result) {

  const { warnings } = result;

  console.log('success !', warnings);

}).catch(function(err) {

  const { warnings, message } = err;

  console.log('something went wrong:', warnings, message);

Bundle the src/app.js file for the browser with Webpack:

webpack ./src/app.js -o public/app.bundled.js --mode development

To learn about more bundling options, checkout the webpack-cli documentation.

Note: You may use another ES module aware bundler such as Rollup, too. Browserify may also be used but must be properly configured via a global babelify transform.

Bundling to ES5

If your application needs to support old browsers, you need to transpile the code to ES5. This can be achieved via

npm run build:es5

After the operation finishes, run

npm run open

to open the application in the browser.

Inspect webpack.es5.config.js to check how webpack can be configured to transpile your application with babel.

Building the Example

Install the project dependencies via

npm install

To create the sample distribution in the public folder run

npm run all
