This project's main goal is to create various analyses for websites using Node.js. The project will analyze different aspects of websites such as links, images, scripts, style files, texts, page sizes, header, meta, heading information and so on. This project will also check the website's compatibility based on Google's SEO criteria. These analyses will prove detailed reports aiming to increase website performance and SEO compatibility.
Link Analysis
- Gather all links in a page and analyze
- Detect broken links
- Find the amount of outgoing links and their status
Image Analysis
- Gather all images in a page and analyze
- Evaluate alt-text usage
Script Analysis
- Gather all scripts in a page and analyze
- Analyze the effect of scripts on page load time
Style Analysis
- Analyze CSS files in the page
- Find the amount of internal and external style files and their usage
Text Analysis
- Gather all texts in a page and analyze density of keyword usage
- Evaluate length of texts
Page Size
- Calculate total page size and evaluate its effect on page performance
Header Information
- Gather HTTP header information and analyze
- Detect important headers for security and performance
Meta Information
- Gather meta tags and evaluate based on SEO compatibility
- Analyze critical meta information such as title, description and keyword
Heading Information
- Gather heading (h1, h2, h3) information in a page and analyze its structure
Google SEO Evaluation
- Evaluate compatibility of page based on Google SEO criteria
- Analyze SEO factors such as mobile compatibility, speed and content quality
- Software Language: Node.js
- Libraries: Axios, Cheerios, Puppeteer, Express, nodemailer, chart.js
- Gathering Data: Gathering data using Web Scraping methods.
- Analysis and Reporting: Analysis of gathered information and creating user-friendly reports.