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The StatelessComponent
and StatefulComponent
when rendered with shallowRenderer, there outputs differ in the _owner
key, see below.
TAP version 13
# compare StatelessComponent shallowRenderer getRenderOutput
not ok 1 should be equivalent
operator: deepEqual
expected: |-
{ $$typeof: 60103, _owner: null, _store: {}, key: null, props: { children: [ 'Hello ', 'Brian' ] }, ref: null, type: 'div' }
actual: |-
{ $$typeof: 60103, _owner: { _context: {}, _currentElement: { $$typeof: 60103, _owner: null, _store: {}, key: null, props: { name: 'Brian' }, ref: null, type: [Function] }, _instance: { _reactInternalInstance: [Circular], context: {}, props: { name: 'Brian' }, refs: {}, state: null, updater: { enqueueCallback: [Function], enqueueCallbackInternal: [Function], enqueueElementInternal: [Function], enqueueForceUpdate: [Function], enqueueReplaceProps: [Function], enqueueReplacePropsInternal: [Function], enqueueReplaceState: [Function], enqueueSetProps: [Function], enqueueSetPropsInternal: [Function], enqueueSetState: [Function], isMounted: [Function] } }, _mountOrder: 1, _pendingCallbacks: null, _pendingElement: null, _pendingForceUpdate: false, _pendingReplaceState: false, _pendingStateQueue: null, _renderedComponent: { _currentElement: [Circular], _renderedOutput: [Circular] }, _rootNodeID: '.13qyw11le68', _topLevelWrapper: null }, _store: {}, key: null, props: { children: [ 'Hello ', 'Brian' ] }, ref: null, type: 'div' }
at: Test.<anonymous> (/Users/brianmullan/workspace/react-shallow-renderer-bug/index.js:25:5)
# compare StatefulComponent shallowRenderer getRenderOutput
ok 2 should be equivalent
# tests 2
# pass 1
# fail 1