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57 lines (45 loc) · 2.03 KB

File metadata and controls

57 lines (45 loc) · 2.03 KB
description globs alwaysApply
Enforce consistent folder structure for clarity

File Structure Standards

blefnk/rules 1.0.0


  • Applies when adding files or directories.
  • Ensures consistency in Next.js TypeScript projects.


  • Store core pages in src/app/ or src/app/[locale]/ (i18n). API routes go in src/app/api/.
  • Place shared components in src/ui/, separating primitives from custom components.
  • Keep DB schemas in src/db/schema/ and utilities in src/lib/.
  • Store tests in tests/ or near related files for integration tests.


Minimal structure: ```bash src/ ├── app/ # App Router (route-based pages) ├── assets/ # Static assets (images, icons) ├── ui/ │ ├── primitives/ # Shadcn UI installed via `bun ui [component-name]` │ ├── components/ # App-specific components │ └── layouts/ ├── db/ ├── lib/ # server actions, hooks, utils └── tests/ # (test critical logic/components only) ``` Only the core files are shown above. Use the file-browse tool as needed.

Import Conventions

  • Use the ~/ alias for src (e.g., import { Button } from "~/ui/primitives/button").
  • App-specific components: ~/ui/components.
  • Shadcn primitives: ~/ui/primitives.

File Naming & Organization

Type Convention Example
React components kebab-case dropdown-menu.tsx
Utility functions camelCase formatDate.ts
Custom React hooks camelCase + use prefix useAuth.ts
Client Components "use client" at top "use client";
Server Components Default async/await (No directive needed)