100 Points by lucebac (Web)
Since his students never know what date it is and how much time they have until the next homework's deadline, Mr P. H. Porter wrote a little webapp for that.
We get simple web application with two available options:
After quick research there's an obvious LFI (Local File Include)
We can include any file using url:
And here's source code of timer module - it's just printed out, PHP code is not executed here:
if (isset($_GET['time']))
$tmp = explode("-", $_GET['time']);
$tmp = array(1970, 1, 1);
$y = (int)$tmp[0];
$m = (int)$tmp[1];
$d = (int)$tmp[2];
<div id="clock"></div>
<!-- <script src="countdown.js"></script> -->
var clock = document.getElementById("clock");
var now = new Date();
clock.innerHTML = countdown(new Date(<?= $y; ?>, <?= $m; ?>, <?= $d; ?>)).toString();
setInterval(function(){clock.innerHTML = countdown(new Date(<?= $y; ?>, <?= $m; ?>, <?= $d ?>)).toString();}, 1000);
Also, we can display .htaccess, which contains some directory with quite "obvious" name :P
# seems to be not working, though
#<Directory "3cdcf3c63dc02f8e5c230943d9f1f4d75a4d88ae">
# Options -Indexes
# -->
Let's take a look there and here we go:
Last thing is to use LFI and see, what's in flag.php file: