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53 lines (37 loc) · 1.11 KB

File metadata and controls

53 lines (37 loc) · 1.11 KB

Install cli

brew install git
brew install python3
brew install kubernetes-cli
brew install tanka
brew install jsonnet-bundler
brew install esolitos/ipa/sshpass
brew install sops
pip3 install ansible mitogen

Cluster deployment from scratch

Deploy Ubuntu server on all nodes
Update ansible/inventory
Run ansible
./scripts/ -r configure_nodes.yaml
./scripts/ -r install_k8s.yaml -e operation=deploy
Source kube-config

export KUBECONFIG=kube-config.yaml

Deploy k8s workload

jb install
./scripts/tanka apply tanka/environments/prod/

Show ansible variables

./scripts/ -s all

Show ansible facts

./scripts/ -f all

Validate all manifests

python3 -mvenv scripts/validate/venv
source scripts/validate/venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r scripts/validate/requirements.txt
sops exec-file scripts/validate/config.yaml "kubectl get deployment,daemonset,service,cronjob,ingressroute,statefulset,pod -A -o yaml | python3 scripts/validate/ -c {}"