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Steve Julian edited this page Jan 30, 2022 · 41 revisions

Welcome to the Made Order Advisor (MOA) wiki!


Made Order Advisor (MOA) is a static multi-display touchscreen app used in the hospitality industry to advise customers their order is ready to collect.

Latest Version

v 0.500 (Prerelease)

User Interface and Experience (UI/UX)

Made Order Advisor Touchscreen Employee Scanning Barcodes

Made Order Advisor Touchscreen App User Scanning Barcodes

Made Order Advisor Touchscreen App Employee User Interface

Made Order Advisor Touchscreen App Employee Display

Made Order Advisor Customer Display

Made Order Advisor Customer Experience

System Demo Videos

Demo of App Employee User Interface (~98MB 4k30 MP4 Video)

Demo of Customer Experience (~119MB 4k30 MP4 Video)

Getting Started

Hardware and Software Requirements

  1. Ensure a second display is connected to the PC and working properly as the right most screen of an extended desktop. The main display (i.e. with Start menu / taskbar) should be on the left of the extended desktop.

  2. Made Order Advisor (M.O.A) has been developed to run on Mozilla Firefox. Please ensure the latest version is installed, working and set as the default browser.

Code Dependencies (TBC)

  1. jQuery v2.1.4 - MIT Licence

  2. Bootstrap v3.3.4 - MIT Licence

  3. Modernizr v2.8.3 - MIT and BSD Licences

Note: Additional libraries are TBC after testing.

Installation and Configuration

  1. Locate the following file: C:\Users[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles[xxxxxxxx].default\prefs.js

  2. Make a copy of this file and store this in a new folder called "oldprefs" inside the above Profiles folder.

  3. Make a copy of the file located in C:/pathtofile/moa0500/prefs.js (located in the same folder as this readme.txt file) and REPLACE the existing "prefs.js" file in the Profiles folder.

  4. Right-click on .../moa500/index.html ... and open in Mozilla Firefox.

  5. The first time the Made Order Advisor (M.O.A) is run you may need to follow the on-screen prompts... if the browser loads on the left most display you will be asked to move the browser window to the second (right-most) display. You may need to hit the F11 key to maximise the Customer window (window with black header and footer)

  6. Tap or click on the "Menu" button and select "Quit Application"

  7. Set the Firefox Home and Start Page to file:///C:/pathtofile/moa0500/index.html (the same file as launched above)

  8. Create a shortcut for this file and place on the desktop

  9. Create another shortcut for this file and place in the Startup Items folder

  10. Pin this file to the Windows taskbar

  11. Test by scanning the barcode on an appropriate Receipt (also known as "Pick List") with a USB connected barcode reader

  12. Test by clicking / tapping the keypad button (icon with 9 black rectangles) and entering a 3 digit Receipt / Pick List number.

  13. Relaunch the Application (e.g. via shortcut on desktop / taskbar shortcut and rebooting the PC) to check to ensure the 2 browser windows open on the correct displays.

Opportunities for Improvement

Serial Port Monitor

Serial Port Monitor is an Arduino-based device developed for non-invasively intercepting data sent from a PC to an RS-232 connected thermal printer. Some hospitality cash register and workflow systems print a Pick Slip upon completion of an order.

Serial Port Monitor is capable of parsing data sent to a printer and forwarding it to a USB-connected PC while emulating a keyboard. This enables automation of the order number input process thus rendering barcode scanning redundant.

Key benefits include faster service and order collection. By estimates this can speed up customer service by ~6 seconds.

Serial Port Monitor Assembled Device

Serial Port Monitor: Serial Port Monitor (GitHub Repository)