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@mreiferson mreiferson released this 26 Aug 14:51
· 1035 commits to master since this release

Upgrading from 0.2.30: No backwards incompatible changes.

This release includes a few key changes. First, we improved feedback and back-pressure when nsqd writes to disk. Previously this was asynchronous and would result in clients not knowing that their PUB had failed. Interestingly, this refactoring improved performance of PUB by 41%, by removing the topic's goroutine responsible for message routing in favor of N:N Go channel communication. For details see #437.

@paddyforan contributed official Dockerfiles that are now built automatically via Docker Hub. Please begin to use (and improve these) as the various older images we had been maintaining will be deprecated. See the updated docs.

The utility apps deprecated the --reader-opt flag in favor of --consumer-opt and nsq_to_nsq and to_nsq received a --producer-opt flag, for configuring details of the connection publishing to nsqd. Additionally, it is now possible to configure client side TLS certificates via tls_cert and tls_key opts.

As usual, we fixed a few minor bugs, see below for details.

New Features / Enhancements:

  • #422/#437 - nsqd: diskqueue error feedback/backpressure (thanks @boyand)
  • #412 - official Dockerfiles for nsqd, nsqlookupd, nsqadmin (thanks @paddyforan)
  • #442 - utilities: add --consumer-opt alias for --reader-opt and
    add --producer-opt to nsq_to_nsq (also support configuration
    of tls_cert and tls_key)
  • #448 - nsqd: improve IOLoop error messages (thanks @rexposadas)


  • #440 - nsqd: fixed statsd GC stats reporting (thanks @jphines)
  • #434/#435 - refactored/stabilized tests and logging
  • #429 - nsqd: improve handling/documentation of --worker-id (thanks @bschwartz)
  • #428 - nsqd: IDENTIFY should respond with materialized msg_timeout (thanks @visionmedia)