Please download the KITTI dataset from here and the Semantic KITTI dataset from here, and place them in the data_preprocess/kitti/dataset/sequences/00
First, create a directory named pcd
within data_preprocess/kitti/dataset/sequences/00/
to save the point cloud of the removed dynamic objects.
Next, you can use the script bin2pcd_folder.py
located at data_preprocess/scripts/
to remove dynamic objects and convert the point cloud data format from .bin
to .pcd
. You can execute the following command:
python data_preprocess/scripts/bin2pcd_folder.py \
--input_dir data_preprocess/kitti/dataset/sequences/00/velodyne \
--output_dir data_preprocess/kitti/dataset/sequences/00/pcd
The script bin2pcd_folder.py
utilizes the labels from the Semantic KITTI dataset to identify and remove the point clouds associated with labeled dynamic objects.
with open(binFileName, "rb") as f:
byte = f.read(size_float * 4)
while byte:
# refer to semantic-kitti-api/config/semantic-kitti.yaml [https://github.com/PRBonn/semantic-kitti-api]
if(((label[pcd_count]>=252) and (label[pcd_count]<=259)) # remove dynamic objects
or (label[pcd_count]==0) # unlabeled
or (label[pcd_count]==1) # outlier
or (label[pcd_count]==10) # car
or (label[pcd_count]==11) # bicycle
or (label[pcd_count]==13) # bus
or (label[pcd_count]==15) # motorcycle
or (label[pcd_count]==16) # on-rails
or (label[pcd_count]==18) # truck
or (label[pcd_count]==20) # other-vehicle
or (label[pcd_count]==30) # person
or (label[pcd_count]==31) # bicyclist
or (label[pcd_count]==32) # motorcyclist
or (label[pcd_count]==99) # other-object
or (label[pcd_count]==251) # moving lidar-mos mod moving
byte = f.read(size_float * 4)
x, y, z, intensity = struct.unpack("ffff", byte)
list_pcd.append([x, y, z])
byte = f.read(size_float * 4)
For our test scene, we have selected scan order numbers 1151
to 1200
from the pcd
directory located at data_preprocess/kitti/dataset/sequences/00/pcd
. These scans constitute our test scene, which we have named KITTI-sequence00-1151-1200
. This test scene comprises a total of 50
scans and can be found in the pcd_remove_dynamic1151_1200
directory within the same path.
To fuse the scans in the train set of the KITTI-sequence00-1151-1200
scene, you can use the script pointcloud_fusion.py
located at data_preprocess/scripts/
. This script offers various parameters for customization. Some of the parameters within the pointcloud_fusion.py
script include:
data_start=1150 # scan order number from data_start+1
kwargs = {'root_dir': root_dir, 'data_start':data_start, 'data_end':data_end,
'range_delete_x':3, 'range_delete_y':2, 'range_delete_z':1.25,
'interest_x':20,'interest_y':20, # interest area of single scan
'over_height':Lidar_height, 'over_low':-2
You can execute the point cloud fusion script using the following command:
python data_preprocess/scripts/pointcloud_fusion.py
Make sure you are in the appropriate directory when running this command and that any required input data is available.
...... we view the fusing result, the white point is the pose of different scanscd data_preprocess/scripts/tool_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch plane_ground_filter plane_ground_filter.launch
Please note that you should set the pcd_path
parameter in the plane_ground_filter.launch
file located at data_preprocess/scripts/tool_ws/src/plane_fit_ground_filter/
with the absolute path to the directory. During this step we have referred to AbangLZU.
<arg name="pcd_read1" default="true" />
<group if="$(arg pcd_read1)">
<param name="pcd_path" value="/home/meng/subject/data_preprocess/kitti_pre_processed/sequence00/1151_1200_view/source.pcd" />
<node pkg="plane_ground_filter" name="read_pub_pcd" type="read_pub_pcd.py" output="screen">
The ground filtering result is as follows:
You can save the ground point cloud and non-gorund point cloud as:
cd data_preprocess/kitti_pre_processed/sequence00/1151_1200_view
mkdir sub_pointcloud
cd sub_pointcloud
# Save the ground point cloud and rename it as points_ground.pcd:
rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/points_ground .
# Save the non-ground point cloud and rename it as points_no_ground.pcd:
rosrun pcl_ros pointcloud_to_pcd input:=/points_no_ground .
the result:
After running the provided commands to rename the point clouds, you will have two files in the current directory:
To perform non-ground point cloud clustering, you can create some directories to organize your results.
cd data_preprocess/kitti_pre_processed/sequence00/1151_1200_view/sub_pointcloud
mkdir no_ground_clusters
mkdir child_nerf
mkdir child_nerf2
Some details in no_ground_cluster_kitti.py:
pcd_path = "data_preprocess/kitti_pre_processed/sequence00/1151_1200_view/sub_pointcloud/points_no_ground.pcd"
pcd = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(pcd_path)
points = np.asarray(pcd.points)
folder_name = f"data_preprocess/kitti_pre_processed/sequence00/1151_1200_view/sub_pointcloud/no_ground_clusters/"
clusters,aabb_list = region_growing_segmentation(pcd, radius=0.35, min_cluster_size=15,max_cluster_size=points_num, folder_name=folder_name)
You can conduct non-ground point cloud clustering using the no_ground_cluster_kitti.py
script with the following command:
python data_preprocess/scripts/no_ground_cluster_kitti.py
The script has processed the data, and the terminal output indicates that a total of 90 clusters have been generated. These clusters likely represent segmented objects or regions within the non-ground point cloud data.
(pcnerf) meng@meng:~/subject$ python data_preprocess/scripts/no_ground_cluster_kitti.py
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1094303/1094303 [06:41<00:00, 2725.18it/s]
uncluster point number: 396
pcd_unclusters_file_path: data_preprocess/kitti_pre_processed/sequence00/1151_1200_view/sub_pointcloud/no_ground_clusters/unclusters.pcd
len(clusters): 90
len(aabb_list): 90
sucess clusters number: 90
sucess clusters point number: 1093907
pcd_success_clusters_file_path: data_preprocess/kitti_pre_processed/sequence00/1151_1200_view/sub_pointcloud/no_ground_clusters/success_clusters.pcd
We moved the 90 non-ground clusters from data_preprocess/kitti_pre_processed/sequence00/1151_1200_view/sub_pointcloud/no_ground_clusters
and the points_ground.pcd into data_preprocess/kitti_pre_processed/sequence00/1151_1200_view/sub_pointcloud/child_nerf2
, resulting in a total of 91 clusters. These clusters have been sequentially renamed from 1
to 91
You can use the script view_pcd_aabb1.py to visualize the clusters and bounding boxes with the following command:
python data_preprocess/scripts/view_pcd_aabb1.py
This command will execute the script, allowing you to view the clusters and their associated bounding boxes.
You can further partition the clusters using the split_child_nerf_xyz.py script with adjustable intervals, as demonstrated in the code snippet below:
xy_threshold = 1 # Can be adjusted
z_threshold = 1 # Can be adjusted
split_pointcloud2(pcd_np, xy_threshold, z_threshold, output_path_prefix, points_num, i+1)
You can execute the script using the following command:
python data_preprocess/scripts/split_child_nerf_xyz.py
You can use the script view_pcd_aabb2.py to visualize the results. Here's the command to execute the script:
python data_preprocess/scripts/view_pcd_aabb2.py