This project builds .jar and .aar packages for the jvm
and android
platforms that provide
Kotlin language bindings for the bdk
library. The Kotlin language bindings are created by the
project which is included as a git submodule of this repository.
To use the Kotlin language bindings for bdk
in your jvm
or android
project add the
following to your gradle dependencies:
repositories {
dependencies {
// for jvm
implementation 'org.bitcoindevkit:bdk-jvm:<version>'
// OR for android
implementation 'org.bitcoindevkit:bdk-android:<version>'
You may then import and use the org.bitcoindevkit
library in your Kotlin code. For example:
import org.bitcoindevkit.*
// ...
val externalDescriptor = "wpkh([c258d2e4/84h/1h/0h]tpubDDYkZojQFQjht8Tm4jsS3iuEmKjTiEGjG6KnuFNKKJb5A6ZUCUZKdvLdSDWofKi4ToRCwb9poe1XdqfUnP4jaJjCB2Zwv11ZLgSbnZSNecE/0/*)"
val internalDescriptor = "wpkh([c258d2e4/84h/1h/0h]tpubDDYkZojQFQjht8Tm4jsS3iuEmKjTiEGjG6KnuFNKKJb5A6ZUCUZKdvLdSDWofKi4ToRCwb9poe1XdqfUnP4jaJjCB2Zwv11ZLgSbnZSNecE/1/*)"
val databaseConfig = DatabaseConfig.Memory
val blockchainConfig =
ElectrumConfig("ssl://", null, 5u, null, 10u)
val wallet = Wallet(externalDescriptor, internalDescriptor, Network.TESTNET, databaseConfig, blockchainConfig)
val newAddress = wallet.getNewAddress()
Note that Kotlin version 1.6.10
or later is required to build the library.
- Clone this repository and initialize and update its
git clone
git submodule update --init
- Follow the "General" bdk-ffi "Getting Started (Developer)" instructions.
- If building on MacOS install required intel and m1 jvm targets
rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin aarch64-apple-darwin
- Install required targets
rustup target add x86_64-linux-android aarch64-linux-android armv7-linux-androideabi
- Install Android SDK and Build-Tools for API level 30+
- Setup
path variables (which are required by the build tool), for example (NDK major version 21 is required):
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~/Android/Sdk
- Build kotlin bindings
# build JVM library
cd bdk-jvm
./gradlew buildJvmLib
# build Android library
cd bdk-android
./gradlew buildAndroidLib
- Start android emulator (must be x86_64) and run tests
./gradlew connectedAndroidTest
# bdk-jvm
cd bdk-jvm
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal --exclude-task signMavenPublication
# bdk-android
cd bdk-android
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal --exclude-task signMavenPublication
Note that the commands assume you don't need the local libraries to be signed. If you do wish to sign them, simply set your ~/.gradle/
signing key values like so:
and use the publishToMavenLocal
task without excluding the signing task:
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Both libraries and all their corresponding artifacts are signed with a PGP key you can find in the root of this repository. To verify the signatures follow the below steps:
- Import the PGP key in your keyring.
# Navigate to the root of the repository and import the ./PGP-BDK-BINDINGS.asc public key
gpg --import ./PGP-BDK-BINDINGS.asc
# Alternatively, you can import the key directly from a public key server
gpg --keyserver --receive-key 2768C43E8803C6A3
# Verify that the correct key was imported
gpg --list-keys
# You should see the below output
pub ed25519 2022-08-31 [SC]
uid [ unknown] bitcoindevkit-bindings <>
sub cv25519 2022-08-31 [E]
- Download the binary artifacts and corresponding signature files.
- from bdk-jvm
- from bdk-android
- Verify the signatures.
gpg --verify bdk-jvm-<version>.jar.asc
gpg --verify bdk-android-<version>.aar.asc
# you should see a "Good signature" result
gpg: Good signature from "bitcoindevkit-bindings <>" [unknown]
Full key ID: 88AD 93AC 4589 FD09 0FF3 B8D1 2768 C43E 8803 C6A3
Fingerprint: 2768C43E8803C6A3
Name: bitcoindevkit-bindings