The following software packages are required to be installed on your system:
PostgreSQL 9.5+ (be sure that postgresql version is >= 9.5. Migration script will fail with previous versions);
Download the release 2.1
Move into xtens-app directory:
cd xtens-app
Install npm packages:
npm install && npm install sails
Install bower packages:
bower install
Load the bower packages:
grunt bower
Create logs folder
mkdir logs
Login with
user:sudo su postgres
Create a backup of existing XTENS database:
pg_dump xtensdb > /path/xtens_db_backup.sql
Create a new database:
createdb xtensdb-2-1 -O xtensuser
Import the backup into new database:
psql xtensdb-2-1 < /path/xtens_db_backup.sql
Edit the file
db_migration_from 2_0_to_2_1.sql
located inscripts/migration/
to set the id of the default project (last line):SELECT * FROM main_migration(id_project); -- set the id of the default project
Run the script to execute migration:
psql xtensdb-2-1 < /path/xtens/2.1/scripts/migration/db_migration_from 2_0_to_2_1.sql
Copy from old XTENS folder,
file and modify the database configuration with the new database name (e. from xtensdb to xtensdb-2-1):... connections: { 'default': 'postgresql', //your default database connection postgresql: { //your database connection adapter: 'sails-postgresql', host: '', port: '5432', user: 'user', password: 'password', database: 'NEW_xtensdatabase_2_1', //NEW DB NAME schema: true }, }, ...
Finally, set your connection in the
filemodule.exports.models = { migrate: 'safe', connection: 'postgresql' // your db connection name };
Start the application:
NODE_ENV=production forever start app.js