Name | Type | Description | Notes |
created | DateTime | { "description" : "The UTC DateTime when the object was created.", "verbs":[] } | [optional] |
changed_by | String | { "description" : "ID of the user who last updated the entity.", "verbs":[] } | [optional] |
updated | DateTime | { "description" : "The UTC DateTime when the object was last updated.", "verbs":[] } | [optional] |
id | String | { "description" : "ID of the organization.", "verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"] } | [optional] |
customer_code | String | { "description" : "A shortcode for the organization. This is used as a short reference code for use when referring to the organization, by default this is set to the organizations name.", "verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"] } | |
name | String | { "description" : "The name of the organization.", "verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"] } | |
deleted | BOOLEAN | { "description" : "Indicates if an organization has been retired. If an organization has been retired it can still be retrieved using the appropriate flag on API requests.", "verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"] } | [default to false] |
webhooks | Array<MutableBillingEntity> | { "description" : "The WebHooks associated with the organization. These are the end-points where notifications are sent. WebHooks are added, updated and removed from the organization. Thus to add a WebHook, the webhook must be defined on this property of the organization and then the organization updated. To update a WebHook the same procedure must be followed, first retrieving the organization followed by updating the appropriate WebHook, finally the organization is updated.", "verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"] } | |
_alias | Array<ModelAlias> | [optional] | |
clients | Array<Client> | { "description" : "The OAuth2 clients associated with the organization. In most cases an organization would not have any clients associated with their account. In the case of an APP developer, a clients would exist per an application they have developed. To further understand clients please see the client, OAuth2 API and APP development documentation.", "verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"] } | [optional] |
dunning_lines | Array<DunningLine> | { "description" : "The dunning-lines associated with the organization. Dunning lines are used as re-try logic for invoices to attempt to reconcile the payment.", "verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"] } | [optional] |
taxation_strategies | Array<MutableBillingEntity> | { "description" : "The taxation-strategies associated with the organization. Taxation-strategies may be linked to product-rate-plans to specify how their tax should be calculated.", "verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"] } | [optional] |
organization_gateways | Array<MutableBillingEntity> | { "description" : "The card-vault gateways associated with the organization.", "verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"] } | [optional] |
api_configurations | Array<MutableBillingEntity> | { "description" : "Stores the organizations 3rd party API keys which may be used by the system for payment gateway integration etc.", "verbs":["POST","PUT","GET"] } | [optional] |
This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 17, 2023. It is now read-only.