Name | Type | Description | Notes |
created | DateTime | { "description" : "The UTC DateTime when the object was created.", "verbs":[] } | [optional] |
next_subscription_name | String | {"description":"Name to which the subscription will change upon successful migration.","verbs":["POST","GET"]} | [optional] |
next_subscription_description | String | {"description":"Description to which the subscription will change upon successful migration.","verbs":["POST","GET"]} | [optional] |
product | String | {"description":"The product to which the subscription will be migrated.","verbs":["POST","GET"]} | [optional] |
product_rate_plan | String | {"description":"The rate plan (of some product) to which the subscription will be migrated.","verbs":["POST","GET"]} | |
invoicing_type | String | {"default":"<span class=\"label label-default\">Aggregated</span>","description":"The strategy for how to raise invoices for charges caused by this migration.<br><span class=\"label label-default\">Immediate</span> — Generate straight-away an invoice containing these charges.<br><span class=\"label label-default\">Aggregated</span> — Add these charges to the next invoice which is generated naturally — i.e. the invoice raised at the current period's end.","verbs":["POST","GET"]} | |
mappings | Array<PricingComponentMigrationValue> | {"description":"List of pricing components and quantities thereof to be consumed in the new rate plan.","verbs":["POST","GET"]} | [optional] |
pricing_behaviour | String | {"default":"DifferenceProRated","description":"Pricing behaviour defines how migration charges are calculated.<br><span class=\"label label-default\">DifferenceProRated</span> — Calculate the difference between in-advance charges of the existing and new rate-plan, then pro-rate based on time remaining.<br><span class=\"label label-default\">None</span> — Set the migration charge as zero cost.<br><span class=\"label label-default\">Full</span> — Set the costs as the total of the new rate-plan's in-advance charges.<br><span class=\"label label-default\">Difference</span> — The same calculation as in <span class=\"label label-default\">DifferenceProRated</span>, but with no pro-ration applied.<br><span class=\"label label-default\">ProRated</span> — When moving to a rate-plan of the same duration: Pro-rates the in-advance charges of the new rate-plan.<br>When moving to a rate-plan of a different duration: A credit-note will be issued for the price of any remaining time on the existing plan's billing period.","verbs":["POST","GET"]} | |
dry_run | BOOLEAN | {"default":"false","description":"Calculate the effects of migration but do not actually perform a migration.","verbs":["POST","GET"]} | [optional] [default to false] |
This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 17, 2023. It is now read-only.