No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
This issue requires detective work to figure out what's going wrong
Needs reviewer attention (from anyone!) to move forward
Decision or review from an SME is required
Testing must be done before this is safe to merge
This issue needs to be labelled
This PR was made before Bevy added the Apache license. Cannot be merged or used for other work
This PR has been approved by the community. It's ready for a maintainer to consider merging it
This issue is ready for an implementation PR. Go for it!
This issue was caused by a mistake in the user's approach
The author needs to make changes or address concerns before this can be merged
This issue is the result of a deliberate design decision, and will not be fixed
Has a large architectural impact or tradeoffs, but the design has been endorsed by decision makers
There are nontrivial implications that should be thought through
There is active debate or serious implications around merging this PR
This work is generally agreed upon
You can’t perform that action at this time.