Please open a new issue on this repo. You can also get in touch via Twitter, Slack, or send us an e-mail to submit[at] We try to consider all talk proposals as they come in. Sometimes a talk might better fit in a different edition of the meetup. Please understand that — sometimes — we might also decide a specific topic isn't a good fit.
We are looking forward to all your submissions!
Anything JavaScript (JavaScript / JavaScript community related), that gets you excited.
Nope. This meetup is supposed to be fun and casual, so we want everyone to participate. We especially encourage people of underrepresented groups to apply.
Between five and twentyfive minutes. There won’t be any formal Q&A.
Our issue template will help you answer that question. 😉
We'll have a projector (Full HD / HDMI) and a mic for you to use. Adapters are available.