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Since testcontainers-go :material-tag: v0.26.0


The Testcontainers module for K6.

Using k6 extensions

This module takes advantage of k6x to dynamically build a k6 binary with all the k6 extensions required by the test script.

Adding this module to your project dependencies

Please run the following command to add the K6 module to your Go dependencies:

go get

Usage example

Creating a httpbin application inside_block:runHTTPBin Obtain IP for the httpbin application inside_block:getHTTPBinIP k6 script for testing httpbin Creating a K6 container inside_block:runK6Container

Module reference

The K6 module exposes one entrypoint function to run the K6 container, and this function receives two parameters:

func RunContainer(ctx context.Context, opts ...testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer) (*K6Container, error)
  • context.Context, the Go context.
  • testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer, a variadic argument for passing options.

Container Options

When starting the K6 container, you can pass options in a variadic way to configure it.


!!! warning The K6 module uses a k6x image to build a k6 binary with all the required extensions. Therefore, only the szkiba/k6x image should be used with this module.

If you need to set a different K6 Docker image, you can use testcontainers.WithImage with a valid Docker image for k6x. E.g. testcontainers.WithImage("szkiba/k6x:v0.3.1").

{% include "../features/" %}


SetEnvVar sets an environment variable for the test script using the '--env' command-line flag in the k6 command in the container.

k6.RunContainer(ctx, k6.SetEnvVar("URL",""), k6.WithTestScript("/tests/test.js"))


Use WithCache sets a volume to be used as cache for building the k6 binary inside the k6 container. This option improves considerably the execution time of test suites that creates multiple k6 test containers.

By default, a new volume is created and automatically removed when the test session ends.

This is convenient for example for CI/CD environments. In other cases, such as local testing, it can be convenient to reuse the same cache volume across test sessions.In this cases, the TC_K6_BUILD_CACHE environment variables can used to provide the name of a volume to be used and kept across test sessions. If this volume does not exist, it will be created.

k6.RunContainer(ctx, WithCache(), k6.WithTestScript("/tests/test.js"))


Use WithCmdOptions to pass a variadic list of strings as options to the k6 run command

k6.RunContainer(ctx, WithCmdOptions("--vus=10", "--duration=30s"), k6.WithTestScript("/tests/test.js"))


Use the WithTestScript option to specify the test script to run. The path to the script must be an absolute path. This option copies the script file to the container and pass it to k6's run command. At least one WithTestScript or WithRemoteTestScript option must be specified.

k6.RunContainer(ctx, k6.WithTestScript("/tests/test.js"))


Use the WithRemoteTestScript option to specify the remote test script to run. The path to the remote script must be a http or https url. Basic authentication is supported. This option performs a HTTP GET to copy the remote file locally then copies the script file to the container and pass it to k6's run command. The default timeout for the GET is 60 seconds. Only javascript, or more specifically Content-Type:text/javascript is supported. At least one WithTestScript or WithRemoteTestScript option must be specified.


uri, _ := url.Parse(scriptUrl)
desc := k6.DownloadableFile{Uri: *uri , DownloadDir: t.TempDir()}
options := k6.WithRemoteTestScript(desc)

k6.RunContainer(ctx, k6.WithCache(), options)

Container Methods

The K6 container does not expose any method.