🎯 eCommerce Site is a MERN stack web application
Hers is the demo of eCommerce Site. |
- Full featured shopping cart
- Product reviews and ratings
- Top products carousel
- Product pagination
- Product search feature
- User profile with orders
- Admin product management
- Admin user management
- Admin Order details page
- Mark orders as delivered option
- Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
- PayPal / credit card integration
- Database seeder (products & users)
- MongoDB
- Express.js
- Reactjs
- Node.js
- React Bootstrap v4
- Redux
Create a .env file in then root and add the following
NODE_ENV = development
PORT = 5000
MONGO_URI = your mongodb uri
JWT_SECRET = 'abc123'
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID = your paypal client id
npm install
cd client
npm install
- Download or clone the project
- open your terminal
- In the root folder run
npm run dev
to run the project
- On the main page click on the
Register or Login
button to register or login - You can see all the products listed
- Click on product to view and byt the product
- Click on the
button to view your products that you have been added - Add address and pay using PayPal
On the main page click on the
Register or Login
button to register or login -
On the login page, enter the following credentials
: admin@gmail.comPassword
: 123456
After you logged in you will see list of products, now you can edit and delete them
You can create product by clicking "Admin" button on navbar and products
You can view, edit, delete users
You can Mark as delievered orders